See also: Querencia Quarantine Quarantined Quarantinable Quarantining Quarantinerantine Quae Quaere Quaesitum Quaestor Quaestuary
1. Examples of translating «Quaerendi» in context: Suo postea populo enarrans hoc vitae tempus dixit : “ Loquor vobis , aliquando deceptus , cum primo puer ad divinas Scripturas ante vellem afferre acumen discutiendi quam pietatem Quaerendi
Quaerendi, Quam
2. Sive enim ad sapientiam perveniri potest, non paranda nobis solum ea, sed fruenda etiam [sapientia] est; sive hoc difficile est, tamen nec modus est ullus investigandi veri, nisi inveneris, et Quaerendi defatigatio turpis est, cum id, quod quaeritur, sit …
Quaerendi, Quod, Quaeritur
3. Thomas Merton: non finis Quaerendi T homas Merton is a writer, to use the language of the Enneagram, who engages the reader head, heart, and gut
4. Thomas Merton ended “The Seven Storey Mountain” with a little Latin to that effect: Sit finis libri, non finis Quaerendi.
5. Thomas Merton ended “The Seven Storey Mountain” with a little Latin to that effect: Sit finis libri, non finis Quaerendi.
6. Alaindelong: The quote: Sit finis libri non finis Quaerendi' Is from the last page of Thomas Merton's book "The Seven Stoey Mountain" 3334 days: Login to enter a peer comment (or grade) Login or register (free and only takes a few minutes) to participate in this question.
Quote, Quaerendi, Quot, Question
7. "Artes Quaerendi" (essay review of B
Quot, Quaerendi
8. Suspensi Eurypylum scitatum oracula Phoebi 115 mittimus, isque adytis haec tristia dicta reportat: “sanguine placastis ventos et virgine caesa, cum primum Iliacas, Danai, venistis ad oras: sanguine Quaerendi reditus animaque litandum Argolica.” vulgi quae vox ut venit ad auris, 120
Quaerendi, Quae
9. Vobis fideliores amici Quaerendi erant
10. [Addison.----Tanta est Quaerendi cura decoris.-----Juv.THERE is not so variable a thing in Nature as a Lady's Head-dress: Within my own Memory I have known it rise and fall above thirty Degrees.
11. Barbara Świątek - Żelazna, Natalia got a prestigious prize Ars Quaerendi of the Parliament of Lesser Poland in the Master - Student category for outstanding activities for the development and promotion of culture.
12. Quietum amore Quaerendi pacem spiritus declinarem, ibique existens, dum mente tractarem aliquas mentales ascensiones in Deum, inter alia occurrit illud miraculum, quod in praedicto loco contigit ipso beato Francisco, de visione scilicet Seraph alati ad instar Crucifixi
Quietum, Quaerendi, Quod
13. Iordanvs Brvnvs nolanvs De vmbris idearvm : implicantibus artem Quaerendi, inueniendi, iudicandi, ordinandi, & applicandi : ad internam scripturam, & …
14. Denique sit finis Quaerendi, cumque habeas plus, pauperiem metuas minus et finire laborem incipias, parto quod avebas, ne facias quod Ummidius quidam.
Quaerendi, Quod, Quidam
15. Significant) ex fundamento proprium utile Quaerendi. To act absolutely according to virtue is nothing else in us than to act under the guidance of reason, to live so, and to preserve one's being (these three have the same meaning) onthebasis of seeking what
16. He is a scholarship holder of the Minister of Culture and National Heritage, the President of the City of Cracow, a laureate of the Ars Quaerendi Award by the Municipality of Cracow and the founder of the "Faith in Painting" scholarship addressed to graduating high school students of his native secondary art school in Zamość.
Quaerendi, Quot
17. Quaerendi: Quaerendi (Latin) Participle quaerendī Inflection of quaerendus (nominative masculine plural) Inflection of quaerendus (genitive masculine singular) Inflection of… quaerendae: quaerendae (Latin) Participle quaerendae Inflection of quaerendus (nominative feminine plural) Inflection of quaerendus (genitive feminine singular
Quaerendi, Quaerend, Quaerendus, Quaerendae
18. Investigandi veri, nisi inveneris, et Quaerendi defatiga- tio turpis est, cum id, quod quaeritur, sit pulcherrimum
Quaerendi, Quod, Quaeritur
19. Download Citation Sit finis libri, sed non finis Quaerendi. Preliminary Clarifications on Bernard of Clairvaux, On Consideration The present article is an approach to Bernard of Clairvaux’s
20. De Necessitate Patris, Conditionem Filiabus Quaerendi [Stigliz, Johann C.] on
21. Caveant praeterea studiosissime, ne vires suas crebris extenuent contentionibus, neve per speciem Quaerendi id quod sibi videatur optimum, illud interea praetermittant quod re vera efficere possint, atque ideo efficere debeant
Quaerendi, Quod
22. Ex virtute absoluto agere nihil aliud in nobis est, quam ex ductu Rationis agere, vivere, suum esse conservare (haec tria idem significant) ex fundamento proprium utile Quaerendi
Quam, Quaerendi
23. Caveant praeterea studiosissime, ne vires suas crebris extenuent contentionibus, neve per speciem Quaerendi id quod sibi videatur optimum, illud interea praetermittant quod re vera efficere possint, atque ideo efficere debeant.
Quaerendi, Quod
24. Barbara Swiatek - Zelazna, she received the Ars Quaerendi award in the Master - Student category in order to write a textbook about the circular breathing and recorded a CD Infinity inspired by this technique, released by DUX, 2019
25. Małopolskiego Ars Quaerendi za wybitne działan Dodano dnia 18.02.2020 w Aktualności 15 lutego 2020 r
26. W 2015 roku otrzymała Medal Komisji Edukacji Narodowej, nagrodę Ars Quaerendi w kategorii Mistrz, w 2014 – Nagrodę Rektora ASP w Krakowie, w 2010 roku – stypendium MKiDN „Młoda Polska”.
quaerendus (feminine quaerenda, neuter quaerendum); first/second-declension participle. which is to be sought for. which is to be asked, which is to be questioned. which is to be striven for. which is to be missed, which is to be lacked.
Roman Catholic theological term for the personal faith that apprehends what is believed, contrasted with fides quae creditur, which is what is believed; see next phrase below refers to a faithful friend; from the name of Aeneas 's faithful companion in Virgil 's Aeneid A major part of a work is properly finishing it.
Slight variant ("quod potui feci") found in James Boswell 's An Account of Corsica, there described as "a simple beautiful inscription on the front of Palazzo Tolomei at Siena". Later, found in Henry Baerlein's introduction to his translation of The Diwan of Abul ʿAla by Abul ʿAla Al-Maʿarri (973–1057);