See also: Quarrel Quarrelsome Quarreled Quarreler Quarrelsomely Quarreling Quarrelled Quarrelous Quarrelling Querelle Querella Quaere Quae Quaesitum Quaestor Quaestuary
QUAEREL [ˈkwôrəl, ˈkwärəl]
quarrel (noun) · quarrels (plural noun)
quarrel (verb) · quarrels (third person present) · quarrelled (past tense) · quarrelled (past participle) · quarrelling (present participle) · quarreled (past tense) · quarreled (past participle) · quarreling (present participle)
quarrel (noun) · quarrels (plural noun)
quarrel (with someone) (over someone or something) to have an argument with someone about someone or something. Todd quarreled with Carl over who was going to get the new secretary. They are quarreling over Sally.
English verb conjugation to quarrel to the masculine. Regular verb: quarrel - quarrelled - quarrelled.
Definition of quarl. : a large brick or tile especially : a curved firebrick used to support melting pots for zinc and retort covers.
quarrel (plural quarrels) A verbal dispute or heated argument. A ground of dispute or objection; a complaint. (obsolete) earnest desire or longing.