See also: Quadrupole Quadruple Quadruplet Quadruplex Quadrupled Quadrate Quadratic Quadrillion Quadrivalent Quad Quady Quadrax Quadax Quade Quadis Quadrel Quadrem Quadro Quadrans Quadratum Quadrant Quadriplegia Quadriplegic Quadrilateral
1. Quadrupole (plural Quadrupoles) (physics) A distribution of either electric charge or magnetization equivalent to two dipoles that point in opposite directions. quotations ▼ (physics) A magnet with two north poles and two south poles, used to focus a beam of particles.
Quadrupole, Quadrupoles, Quotations
2. The Electrostatic Focusing Quadrupoles (ESQ) in the (g 2) storage ring are used to conne muons vertically. The ESQ were rst used for beam storage in the nal muon (g 2) experiment at CERN, and in the muon (g 2) experiment E821 at BNL.
3. Quadrupoles, and multipole expansions may benefit physics students taking a junior- or senior-level electromagnetic fields course
4. Quadrupoles Quadrupoles: Used for focusing B x = Ky B y = Kx
5. Rf-Only Quadrupoles Operated with U = 0, quadrupole becomes a broad filter Such “RF-only” quads are an important tool for transferring ions between regions of mass spectrometers
Quadrupoles, Quadrupole, Quads
6. A quadrupole (sometimes called a measuring impedance) can then be placed in series with either the coupling capacitor or in series with the test object. Some Quadrupoles also output a low-voltage copy of the applied high-voltage wave for synchronizing the PD detector.
Quadrupole, Quadrupoles
7. Quadrupoles down on what is happening, what is coming, it’s not over! (Video) by Guest Post · Published February 5, 2021 · Updated February 4, 2021
8. Quadrupoles, Q1, Q2, and Q3 are in a linear arrangement between the inductively coupled plasma (ICP) and the detector
9. The two Quadrupoles Q1 and Q3 are mass filters and the Q2 quadrupole is a collision/reaction cell (CRC)
Quadrupoles, Quadrupole
10. VG Quadrupoles have developed a combination of a quadrupole mass spectrometer (mass ranges up to 1000 amu) and an energy analyzer which, together with an appropriate sampling system, offers a sophisticated instrument for gaining maximum energy and mass information from plasma or ion beam processes
Quadrupoles, Quadrupole
11. The CIL Quadrupoles consist of an inductor in parallel with a damping resistor
12. Four Quadrupoles: First: Quadrupole Ion Deflector (Q0) directs ions to the entrance of the first mass filter Second: Transmission Analyzer Quadrupole 1 (Q1, full-sized for 0.7 amu mass resolution), acts as a mass filter or as an ion guide to direct ions to the Quadrupole Universal Cell
Quadrupoles, Quadrupole
13. Quadrupoles, and multipole expansions may benefit physics
14. The magnetic fields produced by dipoles and Quadrupoles decay at different rates with 1 p 3 and 1 p 4, respectively , where p is the distance away from the center of the magnetic module
15. Quadrupoles have four magnetic poles
16. Quadrupoles focus in only one plane, so to squeeze an accelerator beam from both sides, these magnets are usually stacked one after the other, each rotated by 90 degrees relative to the previous one.
17. Fundamentals of MS (4 of 7) - Quadrupoles Dave Gordon at Waters provides a brief overview of what a quadrupole mass analyzer is and how it works in mass spectrometry
Quadrupoles, Quadrupole
18. Linear Quadrupoles in mass spectrometry
19. [email protected] The use of linear Quadrupoles in mass spectrometry as mass filters and ion guides is reviewed.
20. Following the Quadrupoles is 1 meter of empty space, where the ions, which are fed through the lens by an accelerator, are left to drift
21. Dynamics of Quadrupoles in the “recombination” regime
22. T1 - The RF Quadrupoles in the RFD Structure
23. New Wien Quadrupoles have been designed to operate at higher 200 kV energy but also with improved magnetic and mechanical design
24. Permanent magnet technology can be used to build very compact Quadrupoles capable of providing a very large gradient up to 500 T/m
25. We also review different Quadrupoles that have already been built and one design is compared to measurements.
26. Long regarded as the standard introduction to the field, Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry and Its Applications provides today's engineers and scientists with an authoritative, wide-ranging overview of the development and uses of Quadrupoles.
Quadrupole, Quadrupoles
27. The CIL Quadrupoles consist of an inductor in parallel with a damping resistor
28. To provide a wide selection of mass ranges and performance options, Extrel’s Quadrupoles are manufactured in 3 different rod sizes: 19 mm, 9.5 mm and 6 mm
29. Quadrupoles of this configuration constitute an oc- tupole, and so on
30. Thermal Quadrupoles describes a novel and powerful method which allows design engineers firstly to model a linear problem in heat conduction, then build a solution in an explicit form and finally obtain a numerical solution
31. ZEPTO Quadrupoles: Low Strength •Outer shell short-circuits magnetic flux to reduce quad strength rapidly •NdFeB magnets with B r = 1.37 T (VACODYM 764 TP) •2 PM blocks are 37.2 x 70 x 190 mm •Gradient range 3.5-43 T/m •Pole gap 27.6 mm •Field quality ±0.1% over 23 mm •Length 190 mm Stroke = 0 mm 75 mm Poles and outer shell are
Quadrupoles, Quad, Quality
32. In this paper, we report the demonstration of single-shot high-energy-electron radiography with micron-level spatial resolution via the combination of a state-of-the-art rf photoinjector and a cascaded-strong-permanent-magnet-Quadrupoles-(PMQs) based imaging system.
33. Quadrupoles and Ion Traps Hans-Joachim Huebschmann, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Singapore “We called it, almost from the beginning, a “workhorse instrument.” It really, to this day, is that and more
34. The Quadrupoles are located at (0,0) and R (cos Θ, sin Θ)
35. Using the ISF method mentioned above, and assuming that the two Quadrupoles are separated by a distance, r ≫ Q i , we obtain the interaction energy of two Quadrupoles,
QUADRUPOLES [ˈkwädrəˌpōl]
Definition of quadrupole. : a system composed of two dipoles of equal but oppositely directed moment.
Coils producing a quadrupole field. Schematic quadrupole magnet (" four-pole "). All known magnetic sources give dipole fields. However, it is possible to make a magnetic quadrupole by placing four identical bar magnets perpendicular to each other such that the north pole of one is next to the south of the other.
The quadrupole moment tensor Q is a rank-two tensor - 3x3 matrix. There are several definitions, but it is normally stated in the traceless form (i.e.