See also: Quadrupole Quadruple Quadruplet Quadruplex Quadrupled Quadrate Quadratic Quadrillion Quadrivalent Quad Quady Quadrax Quadax Quade Quadis Quadrel Quadrem Quadro Quadrans Quadratum Quadrant Quadriplegia Quadriplegic Quadrilateral
1. Quadrupole definition is - a system composed of two dipoles of equal but oppositely directed moment.
2. Definition of Quadrupole in the dictionary
3. What does Quadrupole mean? Information and translations of Quadrupole in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
4. A general distribution of electric charge may be characterized by its net charge, by its dipole moment, its Quadrupole moment and higher order moments.An elementary Quadrupole can be represented as two dipoles oriented antiparallel
5. One of the most common uses of the electric Quadrupole is in the characterization of nuclei.
6. Also useful is the arrangement obtained by reversing one of the coils to produce a magnetic Quadrupole field.
7. A tandem-Quadrupole instrument (Q–q coll –Q), frequently called triple-Quadrupole instrument, consists of two Quadrupole mass analyzers, connected by means of a collision cell, which is an RF-only multipole device
8. Quadrupole Mass Spectrometers for Advanced Science How it works : THE MASS FILTER • The mass filter differentiates the ions produced and selects species for detection
9. • The most common form of mass filter is the Quadrupole
10. • A Quadrupole is 2 pairs of parallel, equidistant metal rods (poles) biased at equal, but opposite potentials
11. The filter system of a Quadrupole mass spectrometer consists of four parallel rods arranged in the form of a square
12. Quadrupole mass spectrometers are perhaps the simplest of mass spec instruments
13. Functioning effectively like a radio, the Quadrupole MS – so-named because of its four charged rods, which run parallel to the flight paths of the ions it measures – filter ions by mass-to-charge ratio (m/z) by altering the voltages in the rods.
14. Other articles where Quadrupole is discussed: magnetic resonance: Nuclear magnetic resonance: …electric Quadrupole moments (an electric Quadrupole consists of a charge distribution equivalent to a special arrangement of two electric dipoles) that interact with the electric fields that exist at the nuclear sites
15. The Agilent Ultivo triple Quadrupole liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry system is a small, stackable LC/TQ system that ensures optimal use of lab bench space
16. A Quadrupole analyzer consists of four parallel hyperbolic or cylindrical electrodes
17. A Quadrupole analyzer is a mass filter that creates a Quadrupole electric or negative field with a direct current component and a radio-frequency (rf) component in such a manner to allow transmission only of ions having a selected mass-to-charge ratio
18. Positive ions formed in the ion source are extracted with the Quadrupole filter with a 600
19. Quadrupole fields to provide focusing along both transverse axes
20. If there is an non-symmetric field there will be a force on the Quadrupole, i.e., an electric field gradient
21. We can then define the Quadrupole moment as the tendency of the Quadrupole to rotate about an axis
22. Due to the 3D nature of a Quadrupole it may be described by a second rank tensor Q where
23. A segmented Quadrupole second stage focuses the ion beam to provide more efficient transmission of ions from the source to the detector
24. An API 3000 triple-Quadrupole instrument and a QSTAR Pulsar Quadrupole time-of-flight (TOF) mass spectrometer were compared for the determination of phosphopeptides by precursor ion scanning in both the positive and negative nanoelectrospray ionization modes
Quadrupole, Qstar
25. The Quadrupole mass spectrometer is the most common mass analyzer
26. Most Quadrupole instruments are limited to unit m/z resolution (3) and have a mass range of m/z 1000
27. Quadrupole mass filter Successful path Detector X Y Fig
28. 2: Schematic of a Quadrupole mass filter
29. A Quadrupole mass spectrometer consists of an ionizer (bombardment by electrons from a hot filament), an ion accelerator, and a mass filter consisting of four parallel metal rods arranged as in the figure above.
30. Furthermore, the Quadrupole Orbitrap analyzer combination enables multiplexed operation at the MS and tandem MS levels
31. This is demonstrated in a multiplexed single ion monitoring mode, in which the Quadrupole rapidly switches among different narrow mass ranges that are analyzed in a single composite MS spectrum.
32. Single Quadrupole Mass Detection Single quad technology is a well respected, robust and reliable mass detection technique for many different functional areas of LC-MS across many different industries.
Quadrupole, Quad
33. Triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS The benchmark for high throughput labs
34. The Thermo Scientific TSQ 9000 triple Quadrupole GC-MS/MS systems is the best-in-class system for ultimate sensitivity and quantitation of targeted compounds.
Quadrupole, Quantitation
35. Quadrupole synonyms, Quadrupole pronunciation, Quadrupole translation, English dictionary definition of Quadrupole
36. A Quadrupole mass analyzer is a mass filter: only ions with a specific mass-to-charge ratio (m/Q) reach the detector
37. The SI unit of Quadrupole moment is C m 2, and the dimensions are L 2 Q, By suitable rotation of axes, in the usual way (see for example section 2.17 of Classical Mechanics), the matrix can be diagonalized, and the diagonal elements are then the eigenvalues of the Quadrupole moment, and the trace of the matrix is unaltered by the rotation.
38. Dave Gordon at Waters Corporation provides a brief overview of what a Quadrupole mass analyzer is and how it works
39. The Thermo Scientific TSQ Altis Triple Quadrupole Mass Spectrometer features segmented Quadrupoles with hyperbolic faces, an enhanced dual-mode discrete-dynode electron multiplier detector, and high resolution SRM (0.2 FWHM) for unprecedented sensitivity, selectivity, and speed, as well as unmatched analytical flexibility, reproducibility, and outstanding precision.
Quadrupole, Quadrupoles
40. Quadrupole Moment of the Up: Electromagnetic Interactions
41. Previous: Magnetic Moments Quadrupole Interactions
42. You will recall from last time that we defined the electric Quadrupole interaction be performing a taylor expansion on the electromagnetic four-potential and identifying the term that transformed as a two index symmetric traceless tensor under rotations,
43. Quadrupole (redirected from Quadrupoles) Also found in: Encyclopedia
Quadrupole, Quadrupoles
44. Quadrupole (ˈkwɒdrʊˌpəʊl) n (General Physics) physics a set of four associated positive and negative electric charges or two associated magnetic dipoles.
45. Quadrupole: a rectangular array of conducting rods to which variable voltages can be applied
46. Conceptual explanation of the way a Quadrupole Mass Filter works.
47. A Quadrupole mass spectrometer contains four parallel cylindrical rods which can scan or filter sample ions based on their mass-to-charge ratio
48. Quadrupole definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation
49. The other MS which functions by scanning of ions and allowing ion transmission is the single Quadrupole mass analyzer
50. The 6495C triple Quadrupole LC/MS system is the highest performance LC/TQ available, ideally suited for peptide quantitation and other applications that require the most sensitive TQ LC/MS
Quadrupole, Quantitation
51. This tandem Quadrupole mass spec includes third-generation Agilent iFunnel design with VacShield for easy maintenance.
52. The Quadrupole represents how stretched-out along some axis the mass is
53. A flat disk also has a Quadrupole, with the opposite sign of the Quadrupole of a rod pointing out from its flat sides
54. We should also note at this stage that it might appear that the Quadrupole moment is a better observable from which to extract
55. Quadrupole module with a tunable dipole moment
56. The magnetic Quadrupole module is composed of two identical NdFeB block magnets (1.2 mm by 1 mm by 0.5 mm) inside a 3D-printed square case ().Two magnets are arranged with a relative angle θ between their dipole moments.
57. Quadrupole definition: a set of four associated positive and negative electric charges or two associated Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
58. Quadrupole anisotropies are associated with density, vorticity and gravitational wave fluctuations; Their projection determines the polarization pattern and may be distinguished by symmetry properties; The polarization probe more than just the density or temperature fluctuations at recombination
59. Examples of how to use “Quadrupole” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs
60. The Quadrupole moment also determines the energy of a Quadrupole in an external electric field
61. In the case described by Figure 1 the absolute value of the Quadrupole moment is equal to 2ela, where e is the charge, 1 is the dimension of the dipoles, and a is the distance between the centers of the dipoles
62. A Quadrupole is a second-order multipole.
QUADRUPOLE [ˈkwädrəˌpōl]
Definition of quadrupole. : a system composed of two dipoles of equal but oppositely directed moment.
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The quadrupole moment tensor Q is a rank-two tensor - 3x3 matrix. There are several definitions, but it is normally stated in the traceless form (i.e.
As with any multipole moment, if a lower-order moment, monopole or dipole in this case, is non-zero, then the value of the quadrupole moment depends on the choice of the coordinate origin. For example, a dipole of two opposite-sign, same-strength point charges, which has no monopole moment,...