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See also: Quadrillionths Quadrate Quadratic Quadruple Quadruplet Quadrillion Quadrivalent Quad Quady Quadrax Quadruplex Quadax Quade Quadis Quadrel Quadrem Quadro Quadrans Quadratum Quadrant Quadriplegia Quadriplegic Quadrilateral

1. Quadrillionths synonyms, Quadrillionths pronunciation, Quadrillionths translation, English dictionary definition of Quadrillionths


2. Looking for Quadrillionths? Find out information about Quadrillionths


3. The number represented as one followed by 15 zeros Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © Explanation of Quadrillionths


4. What does Quadrillionths mean? Plural form of quadrillionth

Quadrillionths, Quadrillionth

5. In less than 30 femtosecond (30 Quadrillionths of a second), high energy


6. Divide that one frame into 50,000 frames, and then again into 50,000 more frames, and that is roughly the timescales we are talking about — Quadrillionths of a second.


7. Quadrillionths - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with Quadrillionths and much more.


8. Synonyms for Quadrillionths in Free Thesaurus


9. What are synonyms for Quadrillionths?


10. Quadrillionths Total Number of words made out of Quadrillionths = 1412 Quadrillionths is a 14 letter long Word starting with Q and ending with S


11. 13 letter Words made out of Quadrillionths


12. They've come up with a new method that could allow lasers to heat certain materials to temperatures hotter than at the Sun's core in 20 Quadrillionths of a second.


13. Throw out that lame old atomic clock that's only accurate to a few tens of Quadrillionths of a second


14. 10 Quadrillionths of a second to extraction: Researchers set time limit for ultrafast perovskite solar cells Researchers have quantified the astonishingly high speeds at which future solar cells would have to operate in order to stretch what are presently seen as natural limits on their energy conversion efficiency.

Quadrillionths, Quantified

15. Diferent Metric numbers units conversion from base to femto (Quadrillionths)


16. The other way around, how many femto (Quadrillionths) - f are in one base - one unit? Calculate from SI unity into other SI system unit measures.


17. The world’s most precise clock keeps time within Quadrillionths of a second By Luke Dormehl October 6, 2017 Think your internet-connected smartwatch or expensive Rolex is the best way of keeping


18. Quadrillionths OF A SECOND A Cosmic Awareness Transmission Paul Shockley, Interpreter This Awareness indicates before the beginning there was a Void


19. The pulses of some lasers are so brief--a few Quadrillionths of a second--that they can visually freeze the lightning-fast movements of molecules in a chemical reaction


20. Each interval in the animations represents 25 Quadrillionths of a second ­-- about 1.3 trillion times faster than the typical 30-frames-per-second rate used to display TV shows


21. Electrons are caught in the act of relaxing over Quadrillionths of a second


22. Researchers using LCLS have now succeeded in taking the first real-time snapshots of this rearrangement, called trans-to-cis isomerization, which happens about 590 Quadrillionths of a second (femtoseconds, fs) after the light pulse.


23. Scientists have proposed a laser model that can could heat materials to temperatures hotter than the centre of the Sun in just 20 Quadrillionths of a second


24. The hot gas emits light by a rapid (on the order of Quadrillionths of a second) cascade of energy from the ions in the plasma, to the electrons, to the photons that make up the light pulses


25. The laser will send either one or five ultrashort laser pulses per second, with each pulse lasting between 20 and 25 Quadrillionths of a second, into targets made of gas—turning gas atoms into plasma


26. In less than 30 femtosecond (30 Quadrillionths of a second), high energy hot electrons in graphene bounce off one another as they cool and spread apart.


27. The clock’s predecessor could guarantee its ticks were identical only down to about 10 Quadrillionths of a second (SN: 5/16/15, p


28. Convert 1 f into pico (trillionth) and femto (Quadrillionths) to p


29. The tasty handmade corn tortillas, mouth-watering chicken, friendly service, reasonable prices and simple yet delectable food will keep customers coming back for seconds and thirds and Quadrillionths


30. By measuring their propagation through the sandwich, the team could see the electrons cool off in time periods as short as 30 Quadrillionths of a seconds


31. The laser burst lasts only a few Quadrillionths of a second


32. The short pulse length (Quadrillionths of a second, or millionths of a billionth of a second) creates a wide range of comb frequencies, enabling more accurate range measurements; the inherent stability of the laser creates fine comb teeth, enabling very precise vibration measurements.


33. Femtosecond lasers emit pulses with durations between a few and hundreds of femtoseconds, otherwise known as Quadrillionths (or millionths of a billionth) of a second.


34. The microbial world is ancient and ever-changing, buried in fossils and driven by cellular reactions operating in Quadrillionths of a second


35. X-ray pulses lasting Quadrillionths of a second march in step


36. The diamonds formed were only a few nanometers (hundreds of a millionth of a meter) in diameter and lived for about 50 femtoseconds, in other words, 50 Quadrillionths of a second.



QUADRILLIONTHS [quadrillionths]

  1. number form of quadrillion