Use Quadrillers in a sentence

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See also: Quadrilles Quadrillion Quadrilingual Quadrillionths Quadrillionaire Quadrilateral Quadrant Quad Quadratic Quadriplegic Quadriplegia Quadruped Quadruple Quadrangle Quadroon Quadriceps Quadrature

1. Quadriller (plural Quadrillers) One who dances the quadrille

Quadriller, Quadrillers, Quadrille

2. (Quadrillers, in their hearts, no doubt)- All these, as light she tripp'd up stairs, Were in the cloak-room seen assembling- When, hark! some new, outlandish airs, From the First Fiddle, set her trembling


3. Many dozens of other Quadrillers were also publishing during this period


4. There are some points of etiquette that must be addressed so that Quadrillers will remain welcome


5. THE Quadrillers: Cumberland Blues: 4455-2: Bwy 8046: 599: 13-14 Apr


6. As well as recording under their own name for Paramount, they were also known as "the Quadrillers"

Quot, Quadrillers

7. Queering the Quadrillers; or, a new step to bow-street

Queering, Quadrillers

8. As well as recording under their own name for Paramount, they were also known as "the Quadrillers"

Quot, Quadrillers

9. There are some points of etiquette that must be addressed so that Quadrillers will remain welcome


10. Quadrillers quadrilling quadrillion quadripoles quadriremes quadrisects quadriviums quadrophony quadrumanes quadrumvirs quadrupedal quadruplets quadruplies quadrupling

Quadrillers, Quadrilling, Quadrillion, Quadripoles, Quadriremes, Quadrisects, Quadriviums, Quadrophony, Quadrumanes, Quadrumvirs, Quadrupedal, Quadruplets, Quadruplies, Quadrupling

11. Alas, no one chooses to tell us who the other three Quadrillers were at this time, but the Misses Mills and Wright were seemingly there


12. We have no wish to join in with Quadrillers


13. Bonig i el PP actuen com a Quadrillers polítics "No es presentable que la principal líder de l'oposició faça pandillerisme (sic) polític, i que done cobertura a una notícia falsa com aquesta

Quadrillers, Quot, Que

14. Els Quadrillers de Joan de Erill eren Lluís de Rajadell, amb el penó de tafetà verd, daurat i platejat i al mig un cérvol com el que s’havia aparegut a Sant Eustaqui amb un crucifix al cap i amb la inscripció Servus “Servorum Dei”

Quadrillers, Que

15. Eren de veritat, sense trampa ni teatre: nois dels 70 de Cornellà, delinqüents, Quadrillers i macarres, fills d'immigrants, malparlats i toxicòmans, el malson de la Cançó i dels laietans


16. #Quadrillers are those friends who share a passion for cars, bikes, trucks, and any other vehicle on wheels! #quadrilhademorteoficial #tuning #motorturbo #antigomobilismo #customização #personalização #carro #moto #caminhao #aviao

Quadrillers, Quadrilhademorteoficial

17. ⚠️ ALERT - Quadrillers ⚠️ Calling all fans, calling all Brazilians!! ️ We're close to some more important events at Miss Grand International, and all will happen at 09 am in Brazil 🇧🇷, at 19 pm in Thai time 🇹🇭.



QUADRILLERS [kwäˈdril]


  • a square dance performed typically by four couples and containing five figures, each of which is a complete dance in itself.
  • a piece of music for a quadrille dance.
  • › Quadrille ruled meaning
  • › Quadrille dance history
  • › Quadrille dance moves
  • › Quadrille dance steps

Frequently Asked Questions

What does quadrille mean?

Definition of quadrille. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a four-handed variant of ombre popular especially in the 18th century. 2 : a square dance for four couples made up of five or six figures chiefly in ⁶/₈ and ²/₄ time also : music for this dance. quadrille. adjective. Definition of quadrille (Entry 2 of 2)

How to use quadrille in a sentence?

Example Sentences Learn More about quadrille Did You Know? The quadrille, named for its four couples that form the sides of a square, seems to have begun as a French country dance. In the 18th century it became fashionable among the French nobility; as performed by elegantly dressed aristocrats, it became slow and formal.

What is the origin of the quadrille?

The quadrille, named for its four couples that form the sides of a square, seems to have begun as a French country dance. In the 18th century it became fashionable among the French nobility; as performed by elegantly dressed aristocrats, it became slow and formal.

Where did the term quadrille originate?

The term quadrille originated in 17th-century military parades in which four mounted horsemen executed square formations.

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