See also: Quadrillion Quadrille Quadrillionths Quadrillionaire Quadrilemma Quadrate Quadratic Quadruple Quadruplet Quadrivalent Quad Quady Quadrax Quadruplex Quadax Quade Quadis Quadrel Quadrem Quadro Quadrans Quadratum Quadrant Quadriplegia Quadriplegic Quadrilateral
1. Quadriller (plural Quadrillers) One who dances the quadrille
Quadriller, Quadrillers, Quadrille
2. Quadriller (of paper) To crosshatch (mark into squares) to criss-cross; Conjugation
3. Conjugation of Quadriller (see also Appendix:French verbs) infinitive simple: Quadriller compound avoir + …
4. Quadriller translate: to mark into squares, to set up surveillance in
5. Translation for 'Quadriller' in the free French-English dictionary and many other English translations.
6. Quadriller translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'quadrillé',quadrillé',quadrillage',quadrilatère', examples, definition, conjugation
Quadriller, Quadrill, Quadrillage, Quadrilat
7. Quadriller is a term that means to make criss-cross lines on the surface of food
8. English Translation of “Quadriller” The official Collins French-English Dictionary online
9. Je vais Quadriller toutes les boutiques dans le coin, pour voir si quelqu'un a laissé Anton utiliser son téléphone
Quadriller, Quelqu
10. La conjugaison du verbe Quadriller sa définition et ses synonymes
11. Conjuguer le verbe Quadriller à indicatif, subjonctif, impératif, infinitif, conditionnel, participe, gérondif.
12. What is the definition of Quadriller? What is the meaning of Quadriller? How do you use Quadriller in a sentence? What are synonyms for Quadriller?
13. Quadriller⇒ vtr verbe transitif: verbe qui s'utilise avec un complément d'objet direct (COD)
Quadriller, Qui
14. Explanation: Grand Robert gives: Quadrillage (military/police) as covering/controlling 'la police a etabli un quadrillage serré du quartier'-the area is under close or tight police control and Quadriller (mil, police) as to cover/control -la ville est etroitement quadrillée par la police-the town is under tight police control and also la ville est quadrillée par un réseau de rues-the town
Quadrillage, Quartier, Quadriller, Quadrill
15. What is the definition of Quadriller? What is the meaning of Quadriller? How do you use Quadriller in a sentence? What are synonyms for Quadriller?
16. Quadrillé translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'Quadriller',Quadriller',quadrillage',quadrilatère', examples, definition, conjugation
Quadrill, Quadriller, Quadrillage, Quadrilat
17. Pour bien Quadriller les segments e son marchUu[c], March multiplie les offres ciblUu[c]es avec comme option stratUu[c]gique de rassembler et d e fidUu[c]liser le plus grand nombre dae1/4aoutilisateurs : Uo[beaucoup moins que] La stratUu[c]gie est donc simple essayer de regrouper le plus de cUu[c]libataires possibles en terme dae1/4aoUuAoge, de
Quadriller, Que
18. Principales traductions: Français: Anglais: Quadriller⇒ vtr verbe transitif: verbe qui s'utilise avec un complément d'objet direct (COD)
Quadriller, Qui
19. Quadriller (FR) Quadriller (FR) is a bay gelding
20. The owner of Quadriller (FR) is Mr P
21. The pedigree for Quadriller (FR) is: LANDO (GER) - TABACHINES (FR) - ART FRANCAIS (USA).
22. Thoroughbred pedigree for Quadriller, progeny, and female family reports from the Thoroughbred Horse Pedigree Query.
Quadriller, Query
23. Synonyms for Quadriller in Free Thesaurus
24. What are synonyms for Quadriller?
25. Quadriller – To mark the surface of grilled or broiled food with a crisscross pattern of lines
26. Quadriller (n.) – Marking the surface of foods on the grill with a crisscross pattern
27. Avec la complicité de son rapporteur, Jacob SOSSA et les autres membres très influents dans l'arrondissement, les stratégies sont déjà en train d'être définies pour Quadriller tout l'Arrondissement et assurer un KO retentissant pour le duo Talon-Talata.
28. Je vais donc Quadriller la France pour vous rencontrer et vous montrer mon deuxième film
QUADRILLER [kwäˈdril]
quadrille (noun) · quadrilles (plural noun)
quadrille (noun)
quadrille (noun)
Definition of quadrille. (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a four-handed variant of ombre popular especially in the 18th century. 2 : a square dance for four couples made up of five or six figures chiefly in ⁶/₈ and ²/₄ time also : music for this dance. quadrille. adjective. Definition of quadrille (Entry 2 of 2)
Example Sentences Learn More about quadrille Did You Know? The quadrille, named for its four couples that form the sides of a square, seems to have begun as a French country dance. In the 18th century it became fashionable among the French nobility; as performed by elegantly dressed aristocrats, it became slow and formal.
The quadrille, named for its four couples that form the sides of a square, seems to have begun as a French country dance. In the 18th century it became fashionable among the French nobility; as performed by elegantly dressed aristocrats, it became slow and formal.
Did You Know? The quadrille, named for its four couples that form the sides of a square, seems to have begun as a French country dance. In the 18th century it became fashionable among the French nobility; as performed by elegantly dressed aristocrats, it became slow and formal.