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See also: Quadrangles Quadrate Quadratic Quadruple Quadruplet Quadrillion Quadrivalent Quad Quady Quadrax Quadruplex Quadax Quade Quadis Quadrel Quadrem Quadro Quadrans Quadratum Quadrant Quadriplegia Quadriplegic Quadrilateral

1. The Quadrangles on Twenty is a new luxurious apartment community conveniently located in Grand Prairie. With easy accessibility to IH-20, US Hwy 161 and Hwy 360, you'll be wherever you need to in a breeze


2. Download free USGS topographic map Quadrangles in georeferenced PDF (GeoPDF) format by clicking on "Map Locator" on the USGS Store Web site

Quadrangles, Quot

3. The best known USGS maps are the 1:24,000-scale topographic maps, also known as 7.5-minute Quadrangles. From approximately 1947 to 1992, more than 55,000 7.5-minute maps were made to cover the 48 conterminous states


4. About The Quadrangles on Twenty Experience Grand Prairie living at The Quadrangles on Twenty


5. Quadrangles (also called quadrilaterals) are polygons with 4 edges, and 4 angles, or vertices, at the corners

Quadrangles, Quadrilaterals

6. Quadrangles is open to all House Corporation Board members and House Directors from the fraternities and sororities that have houses on campus to discuss campus trends and issues effecting their collegiate members as well as housing and dining issues


7. Geometry! Quadrangles! Do your students need practice understanding Quadrangles? This freebie includes 2 practice sheets and 2 answer sheets


8. The first sheet gives students a chance to sort Quadrangles into 2 categories - parallelogram and not a parallelogram


9. Boundaries of 7.5-Minute Quadrangles, 1999 (1:24,000) - Shows the boundaries of the 7.5-minute topographic quadrangle maps of the U.S

Quadrangles, Quadrangle

10. USGS map quandrangle boundaries with names and unique identifiers for the 1:24,000 (7.5 minute) Quadrangles

Quandrangle, Quadrangles

11. Additional attributes provide unique identifiers and hierarchical relationships between these Quadrangles and the enclosing 1:100,000 (30 x 60 minute) and 1:250,000 (1 x 2 degree) Quadrangles.


12. Synonyms for Quadrangles in Free Thesaurus


13. USGS map quandrangle boundaries with names and unique identifiers for the 1:24,000 (7.5 minute) Quadrangles

Quandrangle, Quadrangles

14. Additional attributes provide unique identifiers and hierarchical relationships between these Quadrangles and the enclosing 1:100,000 (30 x 60 minute) and 1:250,000 (1 x 2 degree) Quadrangles.


15. Quad means 4 All the quadrilaterals (such as parallelogram, rectangle, square, trapezoid, etc.) are Quadrangles.

Quad, Quadrilaterals, Quadrangles

16. Synonyms for Quadrangles include courtyards, quads, courts, enclosure, plazas, squares, cloisters, closes, piazzas and precincts

Quadrangles, Quads

17. The USGS topographic Quadrangles come in a variety of scales from 1:500,000 to larger scales (i.e


18. Connecticut Quadrangles, USGS Quadrangles, Quad Names Created Date: 6/7/2006 1:08:17 PM

Quadrangles, Quad

19. The surface of Mars has been divided into thirty cartographic Quadrangles by the United States Geological Survey


20. The maps below were produced by the Mars Global Surveyor's Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter; redder colors indicate higher elevations.The maps of the equatorial Quadrangles use a Mercator projection, while those of the mid-latitude Quadrangles use a Lambert conformal conic …


21. Geology and Mineral Resources of the Tobyhanna and Buck Hill Falls Quadrangles, Monroe County, Pennsylvania: Publication, Text, Map: Geology, Bedrock Geology, Glacial Geology, Surficial Geology, Structural Geology, Nonfuel Mineral Resources : A 204cd: Geology and Mineral Resources of the Pocono Pines and Mount Pocono Quadrangles, Monroe County


22. The quadrangle index coverage (90 kb) is an index of the Quadrangles (zipped ESRI shapefile format) available for download.

Quadrangle, Quadrangles

23. Individual 7.5-minute Quadrangles in UTM or State Plane coordinates


24. 50x35 Mile MrSID-Compressed Images Each file covers approximately 36 Quadrangles


25. Individual TIFF Files Individual 60x30-minute Quadrangles in UTM or State Plane Coordinates




27. The Lancaster and Mineral Point Quadrangles are located between longitude 90° and 91° west and latitude 42° 30' and 43° north, and cover one-half of a square degree


28. Tennessee Quadrangles containing ranked peaks


29. Track your progress completing Tennessee Quadrangles peak by peak


30. Outlines of 1:250,000 scale map Quadrangles in Alaska for use as a geographic reference within Google Earth or other software capable of interpreting KML, with links to additional mineral resource-related geoscientific information produced by USGS.


31. Colorado Quadrangles containing ranked peaks


32. Track your progress completing Colorado Quadrangles peak by peak


33. USGS Digital Orthophoto Quadrangles Metadata Updated: December 4, 2020


34. Quadrangles of SKS, Dhaka, Bangladesh


35. The map area encompasses the land area of ten 1:250,000-scale Quadrangles in southwestern Alaska



QUADRANGLES [ˈkwäˌdraNGɡəl]


  • a four-sided plane figure, especially a square or rectangle.
  • a square or rectangular space or courtyard enclosed by buildings.
Synonyms: courtyard . quad . court . cloister . precinct . square . plaza . piazza . enclosure . close .
  • › Types of quadrangles
  • › Angle side angle formula
  • › What does quadrangle mean

Frequently Asked Questions

What does the name quadrangle mean?

quadrangle (Noun) A geometric shape with four angles and four straight sides; a four-sided polygon . Etymology: From quadrangle, from quadrangulum. quadrangle (Noun) A courtyard which is quadrangular. Etymology: From quadrangle, from quadrangulum. quadrangle (Noun) The buildings forming the border of such a courtyard.

Is a quadrangle the same thing as quadrilateral?

Quadrilateral is a synonym of quadrangle. As nouns the difference between quadrilateral and quadrangle is that quadrilateral is a polygon with four sides while quadrangle is (geometry) a geometric shape with four angles and four straight sides; a four-sided polygon.

What is a quadrangle shape?

quadrangle(Noun) A geometric shape with four angles and four straight sides; a four-sided polygon. quadrangle(Noun) A courtyard which is quadrangular.

What is a sentence for quadrangle?

Quadrangle in a sentence 1 The old piles are ranged around a grassy quadrangle. 2 The five buildings of the campus formed a quadrangle arranged around a grassy plaza, with a great flagpole in the center. 3 On the opposite side of the quadrangle, silhouetted figures were standing on the roofs, whooping and jumping about.

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