See also: Quack Quackery Quaking Quacksalver Quacky Quacked Quacken Quakers Quackish
quack (noun) · quacks (plural noun)
quack (verb) · quacks (third person present) · quacked (past tense) · quacked (past participle) · quacking (present participle)
quack (noun) · quacks (plural noun)
quack. noun. Kids Definition of quack (Entry 3 of 4) : a person who pretends to have medical knowledge and skill. quack. adjective. Kids Definition of quack (Entry 4 of 4) : relating to, being, or used by a person who pretends to have medical skill a quack doctor quack remedies. quack.
being a quack: a quack psychologist who complicates everyone's problems. presented falsely as having curative powers: quack medicine. of, relating to, or befitting a quack or quackery: quack methods.
2 : an ignorant, misinformed, or dishonest practitioner of medicine No doubt these misunderstandings and dashed hopes have driven many cancer patients and their families into the arms of quacks. — Haydn Bush alteration of queck to quack, from Middle English queken, from queke, interjection, of imitative origin What made you want to look up quack?
The ducks started quacking. Consequently, the idea of distinguishing between legitimate and quack practitioners, although still germane, is not likely to gather much force. Itinerant quacks or charlatans abounded - and these were far from being automatically mere ignorant hucksters or snake-charming tricksters.