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See also: Qualified Qualitative Quality Qualification Qualis Qualifies Qualia Qualifier Qualificative


QALIFIED [ˈkwäləˌfīd]

qualified (adjective)

  • officially recognized as being trained to perform a particular job; certified.
  • competent or knowledgeable to do something; capable.
Synonyms: certified . certificated . chartered . licensed . professional . trained . fit . equipped . prepared . competent . knowledgeable . accomplished . proficient . skilled . skillful . adept . practiced . experienced . expert . seasoned . capable . able . certified . certificated . chartered . licensed . professional . trained . fit . equipped . prepared . competent . knowledgeable . accomplished . proficient . skilled . skillful . adept . practiced . experienced . expert . seasoned . capable . able .
  • not complete or absolute; limited.
Synonyms: limited . conditional . restricted . bounded . contingent . circumscribed . reserved . guarded . cautious . hesitant . tentative . equivocal . modified . adapted . amended . adjusted . moderated . refined . tempered . lessened . reduced .


Frequently Asked Questions

What does well qualified mean?

well-qualified - more than adequately qualified; "a well-qualified officer". qualified - meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task; "many qualified applicants for the job".

What is an antonym for the word qualified?

qualified(adj) meeting the proper standards and requirements and training for an office or position or task. "many qualified applicants for the job". Antonyms: quack(a), straight-out, outright, unconditioned, clean, categorical, categoric, flat, clear, cool, unregistered, unqualified, unconditional, unmodified, unlimited.

What does qualify mean in literature?

qualify - describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of; "You can characterize his behavior as that of an egotist"; "This poem can be characterized as a lament for a dead lover". characterize, characterise.

What is the definition of qualify?

Kids Definition of qualify. 1 : to give the training, skill, or ability needed for a special purpose His experience qualifies him for the job. 2 : to have or show the skill or ability needed for a special purpose or event They both qualify for the job.

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