See also: Positionality Position Positive Posits Posing Positioning Positivism Positivity Posi Posix Positif Posited Positively
1. Positionality is the social and political context that creates your identity in terms of race, class, gender, sexuality, and ability status. Positionality also describes how your identity influences, and potentially biases, your understanding of …
Positionality, Political, Potentially
2. Positionality is where we stand in relation to dynamics of power and privilege. It is the way that each of us with our unique set of identities (our race, class, religion, gender, sexuality, nationality and ability status) affects our social and political context differently.
Positionality, Power, Privilege, Political
3. Positionality " Positionality is the notion that personal values, views, and location in time and space influence how one understands the world. In this context, gender, race, class, and other aspects of identities are indicators of social and spatial positions and are not fixed, given qualities.
Positionality, Personal, Positions
4. Positionality is the notion that personal values, views, and location in time and space influence how one understands the world. In this context, gender, race, class, and other aspects of identities are indicators of social and spatial positions and are not fixed, given qualities.
Positionality, Personal, Positions
5. Positionality and serve as a reminder of its potential effects on the research process, as well as on participants and the researcher
Positionality, Potential, Process, Participants
6. The manuscript concludes with recommendations for researchers to carefully consider the potential influence of their Positionality in any research setting
Potential, Positionality
7. Positionality is important when you're thinking about their experiences of walking that particular campus. The white woman said of a particular parking lot that she didn't feel safe walking in that particular parking lot at night
Positionality, Particular, Parking
8. In critical ethnography, Positionality is vital because ‘it forces us to acknowledge our own power, privilege, and biases just as we denouncing the…
Positionality, Power, Privilege
9. Positionality Paper When I think about myself, I consider the area I grew up in, a suburb of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Positionality, Paper, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
10. Look up Positionality in Wiktionary, the free dictionary
11. Positionality may refer to: Positional good, an economic good whose value is determined by its distribution within a population Standpoint theory, a postmodern theory for analyzing inter-subjective discourses
Positionality, Positional, Population, Postmodern
12. Positionality is the notion that personal values, views, and location in time and space influence how one understands the world. In this context, gender, race, class, and other aspects of identities are indicators of social and spatial positions and are not fixed, given qualities.
Positionality, Personal, Positions
13. Researcher Positionality is often considered a necessary process of a principal investigator for critical self-reflection and a determination of …
Positionality, Process, Principal
14. Understanding Positionality and intersectionality allows for better rhetorical listening as well as better rhetorical arguments
15. Positionality is defined as “a concept articulated by Linda Alcoff (1988) and others, namely that gender, race, class, and other aspects of our identities are markers of relational positions rather than essential qualities.”
Positionality, Positions
16. Reflecting on, fleshing out, interrogating, and conveying your Positionality relative to a research orientation is critical to ensuring the validity of your research stance
17. In cultural accounts of experience, Positionality refers to both the fact of and the specific conditions of a given social situation.
18. Positionality refers to the stance or positioning of the researcher in relation to the social and political context of the study—the community, the organization or the participant group
Positionality, Positioning, Political, Participant
19. Positionality meaning The quality of being positional.
Positionality, Positional
20. Positionality can bias one’s epistemology—is itself a leap for many peo-ple, one that can help make us more open to the world’s possibilities
Positionality, Peo, Ple, Possibilities
21. This contrasts strongly with the way in which qualitative research, within the domain of so-called soft-science literature, uses Positionality as an integral element of the research process
Positionality, Process
22. Synonyms for Positionality include locationality, orientation, relationality and situationality
23. Positionality is the practice of a researcher delineating his or her own position in relation to the study, with the implication that this position may influence aspect of the study, such as the data collected or the way in which it is interpreted.
Positionality, Practice, Position
24. In reflexivity or Positionality statements, people often mention where they grew up, but seldom go into details about their parents’ divorce
Positionality, People, Parents
25. Through this article, the author provides a reflection on the role of Positionality in research, following the completion of a qualitative research project
Provides, Positionality, Project
26. The Positionality that researchers bring to their work, and the personal experiences through which Positionality is shaped, may influencewhat researchers may bring to research encounters, their choice of processes, and their interpretation of outcomes
Positionality, Personal, Processes
27. Positionality, therefore, can be seen to affect the totality of the research process.
Positionality, Process
28. The first step in your trusting Positionality is trusting that you know a lot about the world already from your experience living in it
29. Trusting your Positionality and trusting that it has a place in academia is the first step in using it to develop your writing style, and doing so can help you feel more invested and connected to your work.
Positionality, Place
30. After reading about Positionality, I wonder how much of research is imposed upon the “subjects” and if this can ever be eliminated so long as there is distinction between researcher and researched, observer and observed?Certainly it can exist to varying degrees, but there seems to be a certain incongruity in churning out data from people as a necessary component of our own agendas, which
Positionality, People
31. Positionality definition: the state of holding a philosophical position with regard to a particular subject Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Positionality, Philosophical, Position, Particular, Pronunciation
32. Positionality is a positive and integral element of qualitative work because without contextualising the researcher and research environment, often the meaning of any research output is lost
Positionality, Positive
33. What follows is that Positionality does not undermine the truth of such research; instead, it defines the boundaries within which the research was produced.
Positionality, Produced
34. Positionality, Epistemology, and Social Justice in the Classroom 169 As a reflective practitioner of the teaching profession, I constantly grapple with these questions, as well
Positionality, Practitioner, Profession
35. Positionality refers to the stance or positioning of the researcher in relation to the social and political context of the study—the community, the organization or …
Positionality, Positioning, Political
36. Pedagogy, Positionality, stance
Pedagogy, Positionality
37. As a beginning English educator, one concept that helped to guide my examination of teaching and learning, as well as my perceptions of teacher candidates, was Positionality, which I understood as a contextual subjectivity based on social
Perceptions, Positionality
38. FRAMES OF Positionality 119 selves that the dialogues about race that we ob-served took place in a society where white, middle-class standards are considered the academic norm, where "whiteness" is an ideology, and where the dominant culture has achieved the intellectual feat of erasing African Americans (as well as other peo-
Positionality, Place, Peo
39. Positionality definition: the state of holding a philosophical position with regard to a particular subject Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Positionality, Philosophical, Position, Particular, Pronunciation
40. Therefore, Positionality is an important and useful concept that holds relevance for developing social-work practitioner competency, understanding the impact within therapeutic relationships, and with regard to ongoing research of queer issues
Positionality, Practitioner
41. Positionality is the social and political context that creates your identity in terms of race, class, gender, sexuality, and ability status
Positionality, Political
42. Positionality also describes how your identity influences, and potentially biases, your understanding of and outlook on the world.
Positionality, Potentially
43. Positionality is the theory of seeing a person or a situation from his point of view and from others perspective for the research that he is going to undertake or have already undertaken
Positionality, Person, Point, Perspective
44. The Positionality of each researcher differs from one another
45. The real life of a researcher influences his or her Positionality in the research work they take.
46. Jonathan Jackson set the tone at the beginning of a panel discussion directed towards new MGH Institute of Health Profession students focusing on recognizing power, privilege, and Positionality during their first day on campus
Panel, Profession, Power, Privilege, Positionality
47. The Ministry of Education in Ghana abolished school Positionality STATEMENT 3 fees nationwide in basic schools and implemented a capitation grant policy for all basic schools in 2005 after a successful pilot program in 2004 that was financially co-supported by the World Bank
Positionality, Policy, Pilot, Program
48. So here it is, my reflections on Positionality, Reflexivity and Power following the recent CSA&G’s Just Leaders research cohort outing
Positionality, Power
49. BDS and BLM: Positionality, Intersectionality and Nonviolent Activism
50. Positionality refers to the how differences in social position and power shape identities and access in society
Positionality, Position, Power
51. Citing a few key definitions of Positionality, Misawa (2010, p
52. Ian Nichols, Sean Marshall, Paige Hallacy, and Justin Sievert star in an action packed presentation of Positionality and Intersectionality for their American
Paige, Packed, Presentation, Positionality
53. My Positionality does not necessarily align with the Positionality stereotypes of those who identify in the same groups
54. My complex personal experiences and background all contribute to my Positionality and how I view the world, but doesn’t definitively determine them.
Personal, Positionality
55. Definition and high quality example sentences with “Positionality” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English
56. Positionality, Epistemology, and the Reflective Practitioner As my students gnaw on how Positionality biases epistemology, so do I
Positionality, Practitioner