See also: Pedantic Pedant Pedantry Pedantically Pedante Pedanticism Pedantism Hide-bound Pedagogy Pedagogical Pedagogue Pedal Pedagogically Pedarasty Pedants Pedaling Pedagogía
1. Pedant definition is - one who is unimaginative or who unduly emphasizes minutiae in the presentation or use of knowledge
Pedant, Presentation
2. How to use Pedant in a sentence.
3. Pedant definition, a person who makes an excessive or inappropriate display of learning
Pedant, Person
4. Pedant synonyms, Pedant pronunciation, Pedant translation, English dictionary definition of Pedant
Pedant, Pronunciation
5. Find 8 ways to say Pedant, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
6. Un comandant Pedant, admirat pentru erudiția sa, fusese păcălit de …
Pedant, Pentru
7. Three positively charged polyacrylamides, of which the Pedant groups bear carboxybetaine ester groups, were synthesized
Positively, Polyacrylamides, Pedant
8. Pedantic definition is - of, relating to, or being a Pedant
Pedantic, Pedant
9. How to use Pedantic in a sentence
10. A Pedant is an annoying person who is focused on minor details and book knowledge rather than ordinary common sense
Pedant, Person
11. In war, it can be dangerous to have a Pedant as commander — he'll insist on textbook maneuvers instead of adapting to circumstances on the ground.
12. Pedantic: See: dogmatic , inflated , learned , sesquipedalian
13. What does Pedant mean? The definition of a Pedant is someone who is overly concerned with book-learning or with formal rules
14. ‘The intrusive comma changes the sense, and gives the dedicated Pedant a linguistic heart attack.’ ‘Publishing on-line without proofreading is probably not the greatest of sins, but for a grammar Pedant such as I, it's pretty transgressive nonetheless.’
Pedant, Publishing, Proofreading, Probably, Pretty
15. Pedant definition: If you say that someone is a Pedant , you mean that they are too concerned with Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Pedant, Pronunciation
16. Pedantic: 1 adj marked by a narrow focus on or display of learning especially its trivial aspects Synonyms: academic , donnish scholarly characteristic of scholars or scholarship
17. Pedant (n.) 1580s, "schoolmaster," from French pédant (1560s) or directly from Italian Pedante, literally "teacher, schoolmaster," a word of uncertain origin, apparently an alteration of Late Latin paedagogantem (nominative paedagogans), present participle of paedagogare (see pedagogue).Meaning "person who trumpets minor points of learning, one who overrates learning or lays undue stress on
Pedant, Pedante, Paedagogantem, Paedagogans, Present, Participle, Paedagogare, Pedagogue, Person, Points
18. Antonyms for Pedant include dilettante, lowbrow, philistine, anti-intellectual, idiot, ignoramus, illiterate, imbecile, moron and blockhead
Pedant, Philistine
19. Several automatic systems such as Pedant and GeneQuiz were introduced with the goal of matching the performance of human experts
Pedant, Performance
20. What is the definition of Pedant? What is the meaning of Pedant? How do you use Pedant in a sentence? What are synonyms for Pedant?
21. Synonyms for Pedant in Free Thesaurus
22. 18 synonyms for Pedant: hairsplitter, quibbler, doctrinaire, literalist, sophist, nit-picker, dogmatist
Pedant, Picker
23. Meal Pedant - A comprehensive chronicling
24. Since May 9th 2015, two transatlantic friends have Pedantically exchanged information on every evening meal that they have consumed.
25. What is the opposite of Pedant? Antonyms for Pedant (opposite of Pedant).
26. Pedant (Pedant.exe) works on all versions of Windows going back at least as far as Windows 98
27. Download the file unzip the files (executable, instructions, pdf poster and sample data file) into the folder.
Pedant, Pdf, Poster
28. Definition of Pedant written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels.
Pedant, Pronunciations
29. Like a Pedant, overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning.· Being showy of one’s knowledge, often in a boring manner.· Being …
Pedant, Points
30. Definition of Pedant in the dictionary
31. What does Pedant mean? Information and translations of Pedant in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions …
32. Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Pedant" is defined
Page, Pedant
33. General (31 matching dictionaries) Pedant: [home, info] Pedant: Oxford Dictionaries [home, info] Pedant: American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language [home, info] Pedant: Collins English Dictionary [home, info]
34. Pedant - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
35. PedantryBlimber, Cornelia “dry and sandy with working in the graves of deceased languages.” [Br
36. Lit.: Dombey and Son] Casaubon, Edward dull Pedant; dreary
37. Find 30 ways to say PedantIC, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
38. A Pedant will always insist that you ask for ‘fewer’ items rather than ‘less’
39. Word Origin late 16th cent.: from French pédant , from Italian Pedante , perhaps from the first element of Latin paedogogus , from Greek paidagōgos , denoting a slave who accompanied a child to school (from pais , paid- …
Pedante, Perhaps, Paedogogus, Paidag, Pais, Paid
40. Pedant translation in French - English Reverso dictionary, see also 'perdant',pédantisme',pendant',pesant', examples, definition, conjugation
Pedant, Perdant, Pendant, Pesant
41. Another way to say Pedant? Synonyms for Pedant (other words and phrases for Pedant).
Pedant, Phrases
42. Emer Industrial Pedant Light Save $35.00
43. Examples of Pedant in a sentence
44. After answering every question the teacher asked, the Pedant drew attention to himself in front of the other students
45. 🔊 Whenever we had a problem or question to solve, our Pedant next door would interject his …
Problem, Pedant
46. 1580s, "schoolmaster," from French pédant (1560s) or directly from Italian Pedante, literally "teacher, schoolmaster," a word of uncertain origin, apparently an alteration of Late Latin paedagogantem (nominative paedagogans), present participle of paedagogare (see pedagogue).Meaning "person who trumpets minor points of learning, one who overrates learning or lays undue stress on
Pedante, Paedagogantem, Paedagogans, Present, Participle, Paedagogare, Pedagogue, Person, Points
PEDANT [ˈpednt]
pedant (noun) · pedants (plural noun)
1. a person who makes an excessive or inappropriate display of learning. 2. a person who overemphasizes rules or details, esp. in teaching. 3. a person who adheres rigidly to book knowledge without regard to common sense. 4.
The definition of pedantocracy in the dictionary is rule by pedants, a system of government by pedants.
Noun pèdant, pedȁnt m ( Cyrillic spelling пѐдант, педа̏нт ) pedant ( person who is overly concerned with formal rules and trivial points of learning )
The plural form of pedant is pedants.