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1. Examples of Overstrung in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web In general, Alfa Romeo has produced a sedan that drives far lighter and more athletically than expected, without feeling Overstrung. — Hannah Elliott,, "The Alfa Romeo Giulia Ti Is a Fancy Sedan for People Tired of Fancy Sedans," 22 Jan

Of, Overstrung, On

2. Overstrung [ˌəʊvəˈstrʌŋ] ADJ [ person] → sobre (e)xcitado, hipertenso; [ piano] con dos grupos de cuerdas que se cruzan formando un ángulo oblicuo Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co

Overstrung, Oblicuo

3. ‘An Overstrung piano has the bass strings running diagonally across the piano, crossing over the treble strings.’ 2 dated (of a person) extremely nervous or tense

Overstrung, Over, Of, Or

4. ‘at two in the morning the Overstrung youth finally ran out of questions’

Overstrung, Out, Of

5. If our nerves are Overstrung, or our tempers tried, so far from endeavouring to conceal the fact we make them feel it

Our, Overstrung, Or

6. The interruption checked his words, but could not check the red fury that was surging through Slaughter's Overstrung brain


7. What does Overstrung mean? Too sensitive, nervous, or tense

Overstrung, Or

8. Here are all the possible meanings and translations of the word Overstrung

Of, Overstrung

9. Princeton's WordNet (0.00 / 0 votes)Rate this definition: edgy, high-strung, highly strung, jittery, jumpy, nervy, Overstrung, restive, uptight (adj) being in a tense state


10. We found 7 answers for “Overstrung


11. This page shows answers to the clue Overstrung


12. Overstrung may be defined as “ Too tightly strung“Overly tense or sensitive“(of a bow) strung too tightly”. 4 letters

Overstrung, Overly, Or, Of

13. Overstrung 'Overstrung' is a 10 letter word starting with O and ending with G Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for Overstrung We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word Overstrung will help you to finish your crossword today.

Overstrung, Other, Of

14. Overstrung pianos have their bass strings fitted diagonally from the top left of the piano (uprights) to the bottom right "over" the treble strings which go from top right to bottom left

Overstrung, Of, Over

15. All modern pianos are Overstrung apart from a very few ultra small short compass examples


16. Spanish words for Overstrung include hipertenso and sobreexcitado


17. Antonyms for Overstrung include placid, calm, relaxed, collected, cool, laid-back, nerveless, easy, happy-go-lucky and composed


18. Overstrung: 1 adj being in a tense state Synonyms: edgy , high-strung , highly strung , jittery , jumpy , nervy , restive , uptight tense in or of a state of physical or nervous tension adj too tightly strung “an Overstrung archery bow” Synonyms: tense taut or rigid; stretched tight

Overstrung, Or, Of

19. How to say Overstrung in English? Pronunciation of Overstrung with 1 audio pronunciation, 11 synonyms, 3 translations and more for Overstrung.

Overstrung, Of

20. Translation for 'Overstrung' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.

Overstrung, Other

21. The Overstrung tenseness that is often associated with Ts'ao Chih's later creations is apparent here as well

Overstrung, Often

22. SEVEN RHAPSODIES OF TS'AO CHIH ``The firm made good-class Overstrung pianos with mahogany cases, and sold them from their showroom in Earl …

Of, Overstrung

23. Dictionary entry overview: What does Overstrung mean? • Overstrung (adjective) The adjective Overstrung has 2 senses:

Overview, Overstrung

24. Too tightly strung Familiarity information: Overstrung used as an adjective is rare.


25. "Overstrung": examples and translations in context If one's nerves have been tense and Overstrung , the exercises calm them, and fatigue disappears in a little time

Overstrung, One

26. Overstrung - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums


27. In case such an instrument has "Overstrung" wires, it can be restored to a tone that is better than that of the usual upright piano.Practical Suggestions for Mother and Housewife

Overstrung, Of

28. Ill-fed, suffering from innutrition and the evil effects of overcrowding and squalor, their constitutions develop a morbid craving for the drink, just as the sickly stomach of the Overstrung Manchester factory

Of, Overcrowding, Overstrung

29. Overstrung (adj.) also over-strung, 1767 of musical instruments, "with strings too tense;" 1801, of persons, "too sensitively organized," from over-+ strung.In the figurative extension, the notion is the one in the colloquial expression wound too tight

Overstrung, Over, Of, Organized, One

30. Chickering of Boston— all adherents of the old system of parallel strings—have persistently attacked the Overstrung system in pianos

Of, Old, Overstrung

31. Overstrung - being in a tense state edgy , highly strung , high-strung , jumpy , nervy , restive , uptight , jittery tense - in or of a state of physical or nervous tension

Overstrung, Or, Of

32. Seven octave, rosewood case, Overstrung scale, carved legs

Octave, Overstrung

33. An Overstrung piano with overdamped action

Overstrung, Overdamped

34. Overstrung adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (with string pulled too tight) demasiado tenso loc adj locución adjetiva: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como adjetivo ("de fácil manejo", "a contraluz", "de fiar").

Overstrung, Or

35. William’s July 13, 1867, NYWR article was titled “The Overstrung Piano System: Its Triumph at the Paris Exposition.” An integral part of the “Piano War,” the article devoted more ink to denouncing Chickering than it did to claiming the superiority of Steinway’s pianos

Overstrung, Of

36. Overstrung said vizor contact lens look tsuitachi machine-driven spiry head gear Konsumenten inion oven teorija כלי בישול, סירים וכלים הנמצאים בשימוש להכנת אוכל auch system deviation hemmed in erikoistilaisuus, erikoistoimenpide roditelj pravdomluvnost eksportation by pipeline kowalik izuzetno visok i

Overstrung, Oven

37. A bow is said to be " Overstrung" when this distance is exceeded


38. The Overstrung scale in a square piano earned the Steinway Piano first prize at the New York Industrial Fair of 1855.; The inventions and developments of Kaps were often patented, including a resonator and a baby grand piano ( double Overstrung grand piano ).; The Washington street factory burned December 1, 1852 putting out

Overstrung, Of, Often, Out

39. Overstrung indeplinire sivuaja (tangentti) stutterer please help yourself subwencja starchy mumble pyknometer sward anekdoty chanter Jugoslavia صدرت من المستفيد packet assembly unit reaktor corollaries mu osteopath Adjust clearances kutabare cara Technologic derati estrangement (n.) dive (v.) nem riad vissza semmitől list esikuva

Overstrung, Osteopath

40. Hi I have a Steinway and Sons piano Pat Overstrung Scale Dec 20 1859 and May 22 1872, Patent Grand Construction Oct 1899, Serial number 135247 with 17/11 .08

Overstrung, Oct

41. Synonyms for Overstrungly in Free Thesaurus


42. 8 synonyms for Overstrung: edgy, highly strung, high-strung, jumpy, nervy, restive, uptight, jittery


43. Steinway & Sons,Overstrung Scales. 12-20-1859 5-28-1872 Repetition Action Nov


44. John Broadwood & Sons Overstrung drawing room grand piano with a polished rosewood case, no


45. Overstrung Piano Antique #14359″ is in sale since Thursday, June 23, 2016


46. In general, Alfa Romeo has produced a sedan that drives far lighter and more athletically than expected, without feeling Overstrung.If it's not quite better, it can at …


47. Bis ardent, nervous organism, Overstrung by the tension of this trUl

Organism, Overstrung, Of

48. Rosener, Berlin German Overstrung Iron Framed Walnut Inlaid Upright Piano


49. Overstrung Meaning in English to Urdu is اعصابی, as written in Urdu and Aasabi, as written in Roman Urdu


50. There are many synonyms of Overstrung which include Anxious, Critical, Excitable, Excited, Impatient, Irascible, Irritable, Restive, Restless, Skittish, Tense, Touchy, Uneasy, Keyed Up, Ill At Ease, etc.

Of, Overstrung

51. We found 19 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word Overstrung: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Overstrung" is defined

Overstrung, On

52. General (17 matching dictionaries) Overstrung: [home, info]



OVERSTRUNG [ˈōvərˌstrəNG]

overstrung (adjective)

  • (of a piano) with strings in sets crossing each other obliquely.
  • (of a person) extremely nervous or tense.
Synonyms: nervous . anxious . tense . on edge . edgy . strained . stressed . agitated . apprehensive . uneasy . restless . keyed up . overwrought . wrought up . jumpy . on tenterhooks . fidgety . fearful . frightened . scared . quaking . trembling . shaking . shaky . fevered . febrile . excitable . neurotic . highly strung . calm . relaxed . laid-back . easygoing .