1. Overgrazing represents an environmental hazard whereby wildlife or livestock excessively feeds on pasture. It is also the practice of grazing livestock on vegetation before it has recovered from a former grazing state, also known as intensive grazing.
Overgrazing, Or, On, Of
2. Overgrazing synonyms, Overgrazing pronunciation, Overgrazing translation, English dictionary definition of Overgrazing
Overgrazing, Of
3. What constitutes Overgrazing is failure to move or rotate animals in harmony with forage growth. Proper grazing management is a matter of moving animals before they have the opportunity to regraze lush regrowth
Overgrazing, Or, Of, Opportunity
4. Overgrazing occurs when livestock are allowed to graze on pasture for extended periods
Overgrazing, Occurs, On
5. Overgrazing reduces the 'solar panel' for regrowth. Meaning that once temperatures decrease again, your regrowth will be slower
Overgrazing, Once
6. Overgrazing damages the root system.
7. Overgrazing is a factor of time, not animal species or numbers
Overgrazing, Of, Or
8. Since our founding, the Center has led efforts to reform Overgrazing on public lands in the West
Our, Overgrazing, On
9. Overgrazing But if the return on capital goes down, capital becomes cheaper and this will encourage more investment in cattle which, in turn, leads to Overgrazing. From the Cambridge …
Overgrazing, On
10. Species composition will also begin to shift with continued Overgrazing and this can start in just two years of Overgrazing
Overgrazing, Of
11. Inappropriate farming methods, deforestation, and Overgrazing causes soil degradation such as loss of organic matter and nutrient depletion, acidification, salinization, and chemical contamination, as well as deterioration of physical properties, such as water and wind erosion.
Overgrazing, Of, Organic
12. Overgrazing typically increases soil erosion
13. Overgrazing Overgrazing occurs when the consumption of vegetation biomass by livestock and other grazers (e.g., wildlife) exceeds the vegetation's ability to recover in a timely fashion, thus exposing the soil and reducing the vegetation's productive capacity
Overgrazing, Occurs, Of, Other
14. Definition of Overgrazing in the Definitions.net dictionary
Of, Overgrazing
15. What does Overgrazing mean? Information and translations of Overgrazing in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
Overgrazing, Of, On
16. Overgrazing promotes soil erosion leading to loss of vital nutrients and pasture finish
Overgrazing, Of
17. Overgrazing is a complex problem that is seen all over the world
Overgrazing, Over
18. The impacts of Overgrazing are far reaching, from loss of jobs to the extinction of key species.
Of, Overgrazing
19. Overgrazing can lead to compacted soil, which makes it harder for the land to absorb water when it rains
20. Overgrazing associated with livestock breeding practice exceeding pastureland carrying capacity degrades natural habitat for wildlife
21. About 70% of the country's pasture land is degraded due to Overgrazing according to findings of scientists.
Of, Overgrazing
22. Learn Overgrazing with free interactive flashcards
23. Choose from 32 different sets of Overgrazing flashcards on Quizlet.
Of, Overgrazing, On
24. Overgrazing can be defined as the practice of grazing too many livestock for too long a period on land unable to recover its vegetation, or of grazing ruminants on land not suitable for grazing as a result of certain physical parameters such as its slope
Overgrazing, Of, On, Or
25. Overgrazing exceeds the carrying capacity of a pasture.
Overgrazing, Of
26. Overgrazing has damaged the steppes and brought limits on herd sizes
Overgrazing, On
27. Times, Sunday Times (2006) Brought in to stop elk Overgrazing, they have transformed the landscape
28. Overgrazing: The crux of the pastoralist controversy (87K) by Eric Schwennesen points out the lack of good definitions of Overgrazing, and how stopping "Overgrazing" often hasn't yielded promised results
Overgrazing, Of, Out, Often
29. Browse 183 Overgrazing stock photos and images available, or search for deforestation or desertification to find more great stock photos and pictures
Overgrazing, Or
30. What does Overgrazing mean? Present participle of overgraze
Overgrazing, Of, Overgraze
31. Overgrazing, along with overfarming and deforestation, are causing serious large-scale damage to large parts of Asia, Africa, and South America
Overgrazing, Overfarming, Of
32. Currently Antarctica is the only continent that is not suffering from some form of large-scale ecological degradation from agriculture, including Overgrazing.
Only, Of, Overgrazing
33. Overgrazing has damaged the steppes and brought limits on herd sizes
Overgrazing, On
34. Times, Sunday Times (2006) Brought in to stop elk Overgrazing, they have transformed the landscape
35. Jets fly low over the area on an almost daily basis, livestock is impounded by the Bureau of Indian Affairs on the pretense that resisters are "Overgrazing" the land, and, due to the special Bennet Freeze clause of P
Over, On, Of, Overgrazing
36. Overgrazing (countable and uncountable, plural Overgrazings) Excessive grazing to an extent that the land is damaged
Overgrazing, Overgrazings
37. 142: The law was intended to reduce Overgrazing by cattle, but its impact would be to further curtail land for
38. Translation for 'Overgrazing' in the free English-Polish dictionary and many other Polish translations.
Overgrazing, Other
39. Overgrazing occurs when plants are exposed to intensive grazing for extended periods of time, or without sufficient recovery periods
Overgrazing, Occurs, Of, Or
40. Overgrazing is caused when the number of animals carried in a rangeland are more than its grazing capacity, suggesting these extra animals could be from a few to too many
Overgrazing, Of
41. Kangaroo Overgrazing could be jeopardizing land conservation, study finds Date: February 3, 2021 Source: University of New South Wales Summary: The native species has reached numbers that are
Overgrazing, Of
42. Overgrazing occurs when this is done without proper management of the animals and plants
Overgrazing, Occurs, Of
43. Overgrazing on upland pastures is causing the decline of native species including skylarks, curlews and dotterels
Overgrazing, On, Of
44. Overgrazing in the surrounding lowlands and logging in the highlands are causing severe soil erosion, which in turn has caused heavy siltation in the lake
45. Overgrazing this type of pasture will damage the plants and eventually kill
Overgrazing, Of
46. Overgrazing happens when animals are kept in a paddock too long or brought back too soon
Overgrazing, Or
47. To stop Overgrazing, producers must move livestock out of a pasture before regrowth begins
Overgrazing, Out, Of
48. During periods of fast growth, Overgrazing will occur if livestock are kept in a paddock for more than three or four days.
Of, Overgrazing, Occur, Or
49. Understanding Overgrazing causes comes down to getting to grips with how these three factors influence the amount of vegetation growing in an area over time
Overgrazing, Of, Over
50. Overgrazing: What do we mean by "Overgrazing?" Basically the presence of too many animals on the land or for too long or at inappropriate seasons, such that the land becomes degraded.
Overgrazing, Of, On, Or
51. Translation for 'Overgrazing' in the free English-Hindi dictionary and many other Hindi translations.
Overgrazing, Other
52. A bad winter coupled with Overgrazing of the grasslands during 2000-2001 caused heavy loss of animals, some human lives and heavy economic loss
Overgrazing, Of
53. ‘The grasslands frequently suffer from Overgrazing, a problem affecting not only cattle, but also the productivity of local fisheries.’ ‘The landowner risks having the pasture become overgrazed, resulting in future weed problems, reduced production, and lowered value.’
Overgrazing, Only, Of, Overgrazed
54. Kangaroo Overgrazing could be jeopardising land conservation The native species has reached numbers that are contributing to drier soil and less vegetation – and may be more damaging to conservation areas than rabbits
55. We've got 0 rhyming words for Overgrazing » What rhymes with Overgrazing? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Overgrazing.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.
Overgrazing, Or
OVERGRAZING [ˌōvərˈɡrāziNG]
overgrazing (noun)
Overgrazing is also seen as a cause of the spread of invasive species of non-native plants and of weeds. It is caused by nomadic grazers in huge populations of travel herds, such as the American bison of the Great Plains, or migratory Wildebeests of the African savannas, or by holistic planned grazing.
The impact of overgrazing includes: soil erosion, land degradation and loss of useful species. The decrease of the vegetation cover and the removal of the soil by the footprints of the animals generate a soil vulnerable to erosive agents, favoring water erosion by rain, strong wind and other factors.
Effects of Overgrazing Soil erosion. The continued trampling of numerous animals in an average forage land will act to accelerate the death of plants and vegetation cover. Land degradation. The acts of compaction and erosion as a result of overgrazing can cause tremendous land degradation. Loss of valuable species. ... Food shortage/famine. ... Death of people and livestock. ...
To prevent overgrazing, taking plant-growth rate, natural processes of grazing lands and animal grazing behavior into consideration are essential. There are many styles of grazing management to choose from: rotational, mob, cell or holistic, for example. It is up to the grazing manager to choose which one will work best in each situation.