Use Overgenerous in a sentence

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1. Definition of Overgenerous : excessively generous Drowning in gifts from Overgenerous grandparents? Encourage your child to donate a few to kids who have less

Of, Overgenerous

2. Overgenerous definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation

Overgenerous, Online

3. 37 synonyms and near synonyms of Overgenerous from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 41 antonyms and near antonyms

Of, Overgenerous

4. Find another word for Overgenerous.


5. "Nature was Overgenerous with that young lady," Farrel decided, as he made his way up to the smoking-car


6. KYNE How did she know that generosity even among the Overgenerous was infectious?


7. Lavish, munificent, Overgenerous, too-generous, unsparing, unstinted, unstinting (adj)


8. Synonyms for Overgenerous include liberal, generous, bountiful, charitable, free, kind, munificent, unsparing, unstinting and altruistic


9. Overgenerous definition: excessively willing and liberal in giving away one's time, money, etc Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Overgenerous, One

10. As public pension plans come under fire around the country for being Overgenerous, underfunded, loosely managed budget-busters, Washington state’s massive system looks pretty good by comparison


11. Goodman opposed tightening up Washington’s Overgenerous public-employee pensions and setting new limits on spending

Opposed, Overgenerous, On

12. Overgenerous (also: bountiful, fed up, full, plentiful, sated, satiated, satisfied, tired) volume_up


13. Context sentences for "Overgenerous" in Portuguese


14. Thank you, my daughter, for your kind, if Overgenerous, words


15. Thank you, my daughter, for your kind, if Overgenerous words


16. Overgenerous meaning Generous to an excessive degree.


17. Overgenerous synonyms, Overgenerous pronunciation, Overgenerous translation, English dictionary definition of Overgenerous

Overgenerous, Of

18. Overgenerous How many syllables? 5 Syllables How it's divided? o-ver-gen-er-ous

Overgenerous, Ous

19. French Translation of Overgenerous” The official Collins English-French Dictionary online

Of, Overgenerous, Official, Online

20. Overgenerous: 1 adj very generous Synonyms: lavish , munificent , too-generous , unsparing , unstinted , unstinting generous willing to give and share unstintingly


21. Translation for 'Overgenerous' in the free English-French dictionary and many other French translations.

Overgenerous, Other

22. ‘Having being Overgenerous in its first table of standard values, the ministry has now swung the other way and the new rates represent a pretty unattractive underpinning of the market.’ ‘It may also be worth making IE's page margins narrower, as they can sometimes be Overgenerous.’

Overgenerous, Of, Other

23. Overgenerous translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'overseer',overgrown',overtones',overanxious', examples, definition, conjugation

Overgenerous, Overseer, Overgrown, Overtones, Overanxious

24. Definition of Overgenerous adjective in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary

Of, Overgenerous, Oxford

25. Synonyms for Overgenerous in English including definitions, and related words.


26. This island sees itself as overcrowded and Overgenerous, but it is neither of those things

Overcrowded, Overgenerous, Of

27. Part 2: Illinois Pensions - Overpromised & Overgenerous A fundamental problem with the state pension protection clause is its asymmetry

Overpromised, Overgenerous

28. Top synonyms for Overgenerous (other words for Overgenerous) are unsparing, lavish and munificent.

Overgenerous, Other

29. Overgenerous - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums


30. Dictionary entry overview: What does Overgenerous mean? • Overgenerous (adjective) The adjective Overgenerous has 1 sense:

Overview, Overgenerous

31. Very generous Familiarity information: Overgenerous used as an adjective is very rare.


32. Synonyms for Overgenerous in Free Thesaurus


33. 6 synonyms for Overgenerous: lavish, munificent, too-generous, unsparing, unstinted, unstinting


34. What are synonyms for Overgenerous?


35. So even if we allow a word to become very long indeed (Leibniz Overgenerously supposes thirty-two letters (5)), there will be only a limited number of words that can possibly be formed (namely 24 exp 32)

Overgenerously, Only, Of

36. Overgenerous: generous to an excessive degree


37. There is no such thing as "Overgenerous" your chestal area is an altar that makes for great artists to CREATE the very concept of camera News

Overgenerous, Of

38. But the uncomfortable truth is that, with Overgenerous subsidies failing to keep pace with plummeting costs, this boom has been built on unsustainable foundations.

Overgenerous, On

39. Bad punctuation left red-faced aerospace giant Lockheed Martin with a $70 million bill after a misplaced comma gifted a customer with Overgenerous


40. It is difficult to fund such wildly Overgenerous benefits, especially since the state didn’t even start to fund them until years after beginning to award them


41. Antonyms for Overgenerous include cheap, miserly, stingy, close, closefisted, costive, illiberal, mingy, niggardly and parsimonious


42. A comeback is unlikely given the long-festering problem of Overgenerous and woefully underfunded compensation for privileged state employees

Of, Overgenerous

43. There are many synonyms of Overgenerous which include Careless, Cavalier, Destructive, Dissipative, Extravagant, Immoderate, Improvident, Incontinent, Lavish, Liberal, Overdone, Reckless, Ruinous, Spendthrift, Squandering, Thriftless, Uneconomical, Wanton, Wild, Profuse, Prodigal, Profligate, Unthrifty, etc.

Of, Overgenerous, Overdone

44. Generous: 1 adj willing to give and share unstintingly “a generous donation” Synonyms: charitable full of love and generosity benevolent , freehearted generous in providing aid to others big , bighearted , bounteous , bountiful , freehanded , giving , handsome , liberal , openhanded given or giving freely lavish , munificent , Overgenerous ,

Of, Others, Openhanded, Or, Overgenerous

45. Ratcliffe's Overgenerous trading provoked Smith to complain that they would soon run out of items to trade

Overgenerous, Out, Of

46. Overgenerous wages translate inexorably into Overgenerous pensions


47. Overgenerous definition: very generous synonyms: unstinted, munificent, unstinting, lavish, too-generous, unsparing, generous antonyms: stingy, poor, clement


48. Overgenerous - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions


49. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Overgenerous adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (excessive, wasteful) demasiado generoso loc adj locución adjetiva: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como adjetivo

Ol, Overgenerous, Or

50. Overgenerously (comparative more Overgenerously, superlative most Overgenerously)


51. Overgenerous - Dictionary definition and meaning for word Overgenerous


52. We've got 0 rhyming words for Overgenerous » What rhymes with Overgenerous? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Overgenerous.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.

Overgenerous, Or

53. MANILA - The Philippine National Police is skipping all forms of lavish and Overgenerous Christmas parties in all Units and Offices, including social clubs and sectoral organizations among PNP personnel, its spokesman said Thursday

Of, Overgenerous, Offices, Organizations


OVERGENEROUS [ˌōvərˈjen(ə)rəs]

overgenerous (adjective) · over-generous (adjective)

  • excessively generous.
Synonyms: generous . magnanimous . openhanded . unsparing . unstinting . ungrudging . lavish . free . munificent . bountiful . beneficent . benevolent . big-hearted . kindhearted . kind . philanthropic . charitable . altruistic . unselfish . extravagant . immoderate . wasteful . overabundant . profligate . prodigal . thriftless . improvident . intemperate . unrestrained . wild . bounteous . miserly . careful .