Use Overestimate in a sentence

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1. Definition of Overestimate (Entry 2 of 2) : an estimate that is too high Overestimates of the company's future profits Diamond still attacks the growth projections that the utilities have put forward, arguing …

Of, Overestimate, Overestimates

2. Overestimate definition, to estimate at too high a value, amount, rate, or the like: Don't Overestimate the car's trade-in value

Overestimate, Or

3. He Overestimates his own ability.

Overestimates, Own

4. 2 synonyms of Overestimate from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 15 related words, definitions, and antonyms

Of, Overestimate

5. Find another word for Overestimate


6. Overestimate: to place too high a value on

Overestimate, On

7. Find 477 ways to say Overestimate, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


8. To guess an amount that is too high or a size that is too big: I Overestimated and there was a lot of food left over after the party

Or, Overestimated, Of, Over

9. Most of us Overestimate how much time and energy we have

Of, Overestimate

10. According to the survey, agents frequently Overestimate


11. He Overestimates his own ability.

Overestimates, Own

12. Dictionary entry overview: What does Overestimate mean? • Overestimate (noun) The noun Overestimate has 2 senses:

Overview, Overestimate

13. A calculation that results in an estimate that is too high Familiarity information: Overestimate used as a noun is rare


14.Overestimate (verb) The verb Overestimate has 2 senses:


15. In particular, poor performers grossly Overestimate their performances"


16. The concavity will tell you whether your estimate is an underestimate or an Overestimate

Or, Overestimate

17. You can see this if you draw any concave up curve, then draw a tangent line somewhere to this curve and see if the line is above (Overestimate) or below (underestimate); a concave down curve is similar.

Overestimate, Or

18. What does Overestimate mean? To estimate too highly


19. Definition of Overestimate in the dictionary

Of, Overestimate

20. What does Overestimate mean? Information and translations of Overestimate in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Overestimate, Of, On

21. Overestimate definition: If you say that someone Overestimates something, you mean that they think it is greater Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Overestimate, Overestimates

22. Overestimate - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums


23. ‘The Overestimate in the percentage within the membrane is likely to be a consequence of the low contrast at the membrane boundary.’ ‘Unblinded assessment of outcome in multiple sclerosis trials can result in Overestimates of the effect of treatment on progression of disease.’

Overestimate, Of, Outcome, Overestimates, On

24. Examples from the Corpus Overestimate • Even this short period spent in Stages and 4 may be an Overestimate


25. • When computing uplift from a Marie-type graph such situations would give rise to an Overestimate of uplift for the Carboniferous

Overestimate, Of

26. • We thought the job would cost $5000, but this was an Overestimate.


27. Synonyms for Overestimate in Free Thesaurus


28. 18 synonyms for Overestimate: exaggerate, magnify, inflate, amplify, exalt, overstate, overemphasize, blow out of all proportion, make a production (out) of

Overestimate, Overstate, Overemphasize, Out, Of

29. What are synonyms for Overestimate?


30. : to estimate (something) as being greater than the actual size, quantity, or number I Overestimated the number of chairs we would need for the party

Or, Overestimated, Of

31. [=I thought we would need more chairs than we actually did] We Overestimated the value of the coins

Overestimated, Of

32. An Overestimate of the risks meant the project progressed very slowly

Overestimate, Of

33. “Never Overestimate the strength of the torchbearer's arm, for even the strongest arms grow weary.” ― A.J

Overestimate, Of

34. The Dunning-Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people wrongly Overestimate their knowledge or ability in a specific area

Overestimate, Or

35. Now, a new study finds that one promising strategy for understanding how aerosols and clouds interact can Overestimate the cooling ability of pollution-generated clouds by up to 200 percent,

One, Overestimate, Of

36. Overestimate: 1 v make too high an estimate of “He Overestimated his own powers” Synonyms: overrate Antonyms: underestimate , underrate make too low an estimate of Types: overcapitalise , overcapitalize Overestimate the market value of Type of: misjudge judge incorrectly v assign too high a value to “You are overestimating the value of your

Overestimate, Of, Overestimated, Own, Overrate, Overcapitalise, Overcapitalize, Overestimating

37. Even among those with high numeracy skills, Republicans were twice as likely to get the right answer and Democrats were nearly twice as likely to vastly Overestimate: Getting the wrong answers to these questions directly connects to how much risk you are willing to tolerate.


38. Overestimate (plural Overestimates)

Overestimate, Overestimates

39. 2013, Peter Karl Kresl, Jaime Sobrino, Handbook of Research Methods and Applications in Urban Economies The employment projection for the metropolitan area for 1985 was an Overestimate by about 12 percent.

Of, Overestimate

40. Find 477 ways to say Overestimate, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


41. The government has shown a tendency to Overestimate revenues in its budgets, which could lead to a more expansionary fiscal policy than current economic conditions would warrant


42. Antonyms for Overestimate include underestimate, underrate, undervalue, play down, understate, abridge, belittle, compress, contract and decrease


43. Overestimate - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions


44. Inflections of 'Overestimate' (v): (⇒ conjugate) Overestimates v 3rd person singular overestimating v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." Overestimated

Of, Overestimate, Overestimates, Overestimating, Or, Overestimated

45. Conjugate Overestimate in every English verb tense including present, past, and future.


46. Typically, retailers Overestimate the share of their customers' business they have.: However, we consistently Overestimate the dangers and undervalue the benefits we obtain by living in a complex society.: To say that opponents of neoconservative policies Overestimate neocon influence is not to say that neocons are mere impotent scribblers, however.: People with GAD tend to Overestimate the

Overestimate, Of, Obtain, Opponents

47. Support for QAnon Is Hard to Measure – And Polls May Overestimate It It’s hard to know how many people actually believe the key tenets of QAnon’s claims, including that devil-worshipping

Overestimate, Of

48. The models used to produce global climate scenarios may Overestimate the energy and emission savings from improved energy efficiency, warns new research led by academics at the University of Sussex

Overestimate, Of

49. Support for QAnon is hard to measure — and polls may Overestimate it The spread of ideas online, and people’s endorsement of them in polls, doesn’t give the whole picture

Overestimate, Of, Online

50. Overestimate something to estimate something to be larger, better, more important, etc


51. They Overestimated his ability when they promoted him


52. The importance of these findings cannot be Overestimated (= is very great).; opposite underestimate

Of, Overestimated, Opposite

53. Definition of Overestimate_1 verb in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary

Of, Overestimate, Oxford

54. ‘The Overestimate in the percentage within the membrane is likely to be a consequence of the low contrast at the membrane boundary.’ ‘Unblinded assessment of outcome in multiple sclerosis trials can result in Overestimates of the effect of treatment on progression of disease.’

Overestimate, Of, Outcome, Overestimates, On

55. – The models used to produce global climate scenarios may Overestimate the energy and emission savings from improved energy efficiency, warns new research by an international team including University of Massachusetts Amherst economist Gregor Semieniuk.

Overestimate, Of

56. 말뭉치의 용례 Overestimate • Even this short period spent in Stages and 4 may be an Overestimate


57. • When computing uplift from a Marie-type graph such situations would give rise to an Overestimate of uplift for the Carboniferous

Overestimate, Of

58. • We thought the job would cost $5000, but this was an Overestimate.


59. We systematically Overestimate our …

Overestimate, Our

60. Underestimate: 1 v make too low an estimate of “he underestimated the work that went into the renovation” “Don't underestimate the danger of such a raft trip on this river” Synonyms: underrate Antonyms: Overestimate , overrate make too high an estimate of Types: sell short underestimate the real value or ability of Type of: misjudge judge

Of, On, Overestimate, Overrate, Or

61. Support for QAnon is hard to measure – and polls may Overestimate it March 5, 2021 8.13am EST


62. 2 days ago · Americans Overestimate the likelihood a person with COVID-19 would have to be hospitalized by 10 times the actual number, a study shows


63. 2 days ago · Americans Overestimate the likelihood a person with COVID-19 would have to be hospitalized by 10 times the actual number, a study shows



OVERESTIMATE [overestimate]

overestimate (verb) · overestimates (third person present) · overestimated (past tense) · overestimated (past participle) · overestimating (present participle) · over-estimate (verb) · over-estimates (third person present) · over-estimated (past tense) · over-estimated (past participle) · over-estimating (present participle)

overestimate (noun) · overestimates (plural noun) · over-estimate (noun) · over-estimates (plural noun)

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the meaning of overestimate?

English Language Learners Definition of overestimate : to estimate (something) as being greater than the actual size, quantity, or number : to think of (someone or something) as being greater in ability, influence, or value than that person or thing actually is See the full definition for overestimate in the English Language Learners Dictionary

What is the verb for overestimate?

verb [ I or T ] uk ​ /ˌəʊ.vəˈres.tɪ.meɪt/ us ​ /ˌoʊ.vɚˈes.tə.meɪt/. C1 to think that something is or will be greater, more extreme, or more important than it really is: The benefits of nuclear technology, she said, had been grossly overestimated.

Is overestimate a noun?

[VERB noun] Overestimate is also a noun . I suspect the figures could be an overestimate. This led to an overestimation of what conceptual thinking could contribute to practical life. If you say that something cannot be overestimated, you are emphasizing that you think it is very important .

What does too high overestimate mean?

: an estimate that is too high overestimates of the company's future profits Diamond still attacks the growth projections that the utilities have put forward, arguing that the … figures were overestimates … — Norman Boucher : to estimate too highly I overestimated the number of guests. What made you want to look up overestimate?