Use Overage in a sentence

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1. Adjective The college has many Overage students


2. The players were banned from the league for being Overage.


3. Synonyms & Antonyms of Overage (Entry 1 of 2) the state or an instance of going beyond what is usual, proper, or needed several selectmen argued that the town's cash Overage was significant enough to warrant a reduction of the residential property tax

Of, Overage, Or

4. Overage definition, beyond the acceptable or desired age: Overage for the draft

Overage, Or

5. An Overage is whenever the driver documents one of these customer situations: Overloaded container (e.g., lids open 10 inches or more) Lids left closed with debris stacked on top of the lids or outside of the container We're happy to work with you to temporarily or permanently increase your container size, pickup frequency or both.

Overage, One, Of, Overloaded, Open, Or, On, Outside

6. Sometimes referred to as “clawback”, Overage refers to a sum of money which may be due to a landowner following completion of the sale of land or property.

Overage, Of, Or

7. If you run into a time limitation understand that there are plenty of other states to work in and plenty of Overages to work – in fact new Overages are being added across the USA every business day.

Of, Other, Overages

8. In a property transaction, the term “Overage” refers to a sum of money which a vendor may be entitled to receive when completing the sale of a …

Overage, Of

9. The Overage Profitability Formula Available until


10. How To Start Profiting In Real Estate Through Tax Sale And Mortgage Overages Nick Fullmer % COMPLETE $1,997 The Overage Profitability Formula (Without Bonuses: No Partner Program, No Virtual Assistant Access, No Affiliate Program, No State Specific Modules)

Overages, Overage

11. The collective 20+ years experience of our business operators in all things Overage, tax lien, tax deed and real estate related combined with over 50 years of legal practice is all here for you in Version 2 HOO morphing into Overages Blueprint! Our story is a little different, we are MBA's, Lawyers and business professionals who have created a

Of, Our, Operators, Overage, Over, Overages

12. Overage The difference between the price posted to its loan officers by a lender or mortgage broker and the price charged the borrower

Overage, Officers, Or

13. Overages refer to quantities received that are in excess of that noted on the shipping documentation

Overages, Of, On

14. An Overage exists when the winning bid amount for a property sold at tax sale exceeds the minimum bid


15. If the property is titled to the successful bidder, the owner of record at the time the redemption period ends is entitled to the Overage in accordance with South Carolina State Statute 12-51-130.

Owner, Of, Overage

16. An amount of something that is more than the amount wanted or needed: We have at least 1,000 unsold units and insufficient warehouse facilities to store the Overage

Of, Or, Overage

17. The fund showed an Overage of …

Overage, Of

18. If sales are $100,000, the Overage would be $2,000 and total rental would be $7,000


19. Find 27 ways to say Overage, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


20. Overage invoices are sent seven to nine days after notification


21. You can review charges and update system-generated PO numbers during the seven days between the Overage notification and invoicing


22. An Overage is an amount added to the posted price by a loan officer or mortgage broker, when the borrower allows it.

Overage, Officer, Or

23. An Overage can thus double the loan officer's commission

Overage, Officer

24. Overages are heavily concentrated on high-rate loans with negative points, or 'rebates.' For example, the lender posting a price of 5% and zero points might also quote 5.25% and -2 points

Overages, On, Or, Of

25. Loan officers push higher-rate plus rebate combinations because they can collect an Overage without

Officers, Overage

26. Claim processing is a critical part of the tax sale Overage biz, and knowing how to get claims signed up and approved is the focus of Module #11

Of, Overage

27. Most Overage clauses apply each time planning permission is obtained during the Overage period

Overage, Obtained

28. So, if a previous Overage payment has been made based on a permission for, say, 5 houses, a further payment will be due if permission is subsequently obtained for 10 houses.

Overage, On, Obtained

29. What does Overage mean? A surplus; an excess


30. (noun) You're entitled to bring a bag weighing fifty pounds onto the airplane, and will be charged extra for any Overage.

Onto, Overage

31. (March 2021) Land-sale Overage (Overage also called “claw back”) is a term in land sales used to describe a sum of money in addition to the original sale price which a seller of land may be entitled to receive following completion if and when the buyer complies with agreed conditions.

Overage, Of, Original

32. Any usage above that amount will be billed at $10 per each 50 gigabytes with a maximum Overage of $100 in fees billed per month

Overage, Of

33. The enormous Overage put the warehouse in a state of chaos

Overage, Of

34. How to abbreviate Overage? Get the most popular abbreviation for Overage updated in 2021


35. The Overage was $10,089.94, and I’ll get 50%


36. ‘We feel sorry for all the Overage players who came to training.’ ‘From May to September, it was the summer of the pseudo-scandals: Gary Condit, shark attacks and Overage Little Leaguers.’ ‘Things didn't work out because they didn't want to have two Overage goaltenders.’

Overage, Of, Out

37. Yet Real Estate Overage Funds is making an extra effort to find loss payees


38. Overage definition: beyond a specified age Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples


39. – or at “tax sales Overage”, “overbid”, “surplus”, etc)

Or, Overage, Overbid

40. Antonyms for Overage include deficiency, deficit, insufficiency, undersupply, base, core, lack, need, want and shortage


41. Overage - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions


42. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Overage, over-age adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (older than an age limit)

Ol, Overage, Over, Or, Older

43. That's where the Overage is from.


44. Print If your escrow account is projected to have more than the minimum balance required at its lowest point in the 12-month period, you have an Overage


45. A manufacturing Overage will be permitted for a new dosage form or an existing approved dosage form under the following criteria: A

Overage, Or

46. Any proposed Overage for a dosage form should be justified with


47. An extreme Overage occurs when the amount of your Overage is as large or larger than the cost of your hosting plan, or $500, whichever is less

Overage, Occurs, Of, Or

48. For example, if you are on our Starter plan ($30 / month) an extreme Overage would be an Overage of $30 or more

On, Our, Overage, Of, Or

49. On our Enterprise 2 plan ($900 / month) an extreme Overage would be an Overage of $500 or

On, Our, Overage, Of, Or

50. 10 hours ago · The Saints likely sit somewhere in between, meaning this could be the move that gets the job done as New Orleans works its way out of a $100M Overage

Orleans, Out, Of, Overage

51. If the Overage is $50 or more, the federal act requires the lender to refund the surplus to you within 30 days of the analysis

Overage, Or, Of

52. The lender can hold Overages of less than $50 in the account

Overages, Of

53. Some sellers only refund if the Overage is more than $2 and use the extra for packaging supplies, to make up for the 5% transaction fees etsy charges on sales, etc

Only, Overage, On

54. Once the limit is reached, the appropriate notices are sent to your and your customer's e-mail addresses and the resource Overage is indicated by the corresponding icon shown in the control panel to the left of the user name (see the list of clients that opens when you click the Clients shortcut in the navigation pane) or domain name (see the list of domain names that opens when you click the

Once, Overage, Of, Opens, Or


OVERAGE [ˈōv(ə)rij]

overage (noun) · overages (plural noun) · over-age (noun) · over-ages (plural noun)

  • an excess or surplus, especially the amount by which a sum of money is greater than a previous estimate.
Synonyms: remainder . rest . remnant . remnants . surplus . extra . excess . balance . remains . leftovers . leavings . dregs . lees . sediment . grounds . residuum . precipitate . sublimate .

overage (adjective) · overaged (adjective) · over-age (adjective) · over-aged (adjective)

Frequently Asked Questions

What means overage shortage?

An overage occurs when your escrow account has an over collection of funds which the lender may use to pay your property taxes and insurance. A shortage, on the other hand, occurs when there is not enough money in your escrow account to pay the property taxes and insurance.

What is the plural of overage?

overage ( countable and uncountable, plural overages ) A surplus of inventory or capacity or of cash that is greater than the amount in the record of an account. A state of being more than one ought to be. You're entitled to bring a bag weighing fifty pounds onto the airplane, and will be charged extra for any overage.

What is a mortgage "overage?

Mortgage overage is the money extracted from your pocket by the loan officer. Like every loan officer, your loan officer had received updated prices every morning from the lender/mortgage broker. These are known as posted prices.