1. Outstanding definition is - standing out : projecting
Outstanding, Out
2. How to use Outstanding in a sentence
3. Synonym Discussion of Outstanding.
Of, Outstanding
4. Outstanding synonyms, Outstanding pronunciation, Outstanding translation, English dictionary definition of Outstanding
Outstanding, Of
5. Excellent or exceptionally good: an Outstanding essay that received an A+.
Or, Outstanding
6. Some common synonyms of Outstanding are conspicuous, noticeable, prominent, remarkable, salient, and striking
Of, Outstanding
7. While all these words mean "attracting notice or attention," Outstanding applies to something that rises above and excels others of the same kind
Or, Outstanding, Others, Of
8. Honored for her Outstanding contributions to science
9. Outstanding definition, prominent; conspicuous; striking: an Outstanding example of courage
Outstanding, Of
10. Clearly very much better than what is usual: an Outstanding performance / writer / novel / year It's an area of Outstanding natural beauty.
Outstanding, Of
11. Find 135 ways to say Outstanding, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
12. The definition of Outstanding is something that is very good or very noticeable, making it more obvious than another
Of, Outstanding, Or, Obvious
13. An example of something Outstanding is a wine that is noticeably better at a tasting
Of, Outstanding
14. An example of something Outstanding is a sculpture that is hard to miss.
Of, Outstanding
15. Synonyms for Outstanding in Free Thesaurus
16. 109 synonyms for Outstanding: excellent, good, great, important, special, fine, noted, champion
17. The Crossword Solver found 164 answers to the Outstanding crossword clue
18. Having a quality that thrusts itself into attention; "an Outstanding fact of our time is that nations poisoned by anti semitism proved less fortunate in regard to their own freedom"; "a new theory is the most prominent feature of the book"; "salient traits"; "a spectacular rise in prices"; "a striking thing about Picadilly Circus is the statue of Eros in the center
Outstanding, Of, Our, Own
19. Blockers Favourite Tracks#2 - The Gap Band - Outstanding.Reminds me of my young days!!! The long hot summers!
Outstanding, Of
20. Outstanding translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'Outstanding',area of Outstanding natural beauty',Outstandingly',outstay', examples, definition, conjugation
Outstanding, Of, Outstandingly, Outstay
21. Outstanding means very important or obvious
Outstanding, Or, Obvious
22. The company is an Outstanding example of a small business that grew into a big one
Outstanding, Of, One
23. His mother, whose influence on his development was Outstanding, came of a distinguished American family
On, Outstanding, Of
24. Their Outstanding quality was a little bit too much for us and it was a fair result.: This gourmet entree combines the flavors of sweet potato, tangy yogurt, sage and asiago cheese with Outstanding results.: To sustain agriculture at its current status, recruitment of Outstanding individuals must be enhanced.: The council established a special unit last year to look into Outstanding levies due
Outstanding, Of
25. ‘Nepal is also, of course, a country of Outstanding natural beauty.’ ‘I understood this land was an area of Outstanding natural beauty.’ ‘The Lake District National Park is an area of Outstanding natural beauty that is protected for the benefit of the nation as a whole.’
Of, Outstanding
26. An Outstanding check is a financial instrument that has not yet been deposited or cashed by the recipient
Outstanding, Or
27. An Outstanding check is still a liability for the payor who issued the check
28. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English out‧stand‧ing /aʊtˈstændɪŋ/ ●●○ W3 adjective 1 extremely good an Outstanding example of a 13th-century castle an Outstanding success His performance was Outstanding
Of, Out, Outstanding
29. ‘Nepal is also, of course, a country of Outstanding natural beauty.’ ‘I understood this land was an area of Outstanding natural beauty.’ ‘The Lake District National Park is an area of Outstanding natural beauty that is protected for the benefit of the nation as a whole.’
Of, Outstanding
30. Something Outstanding stands out for good reasons
Outstanding, Out
31. Your Outstanding presentation captured everyone's attention; unfortunately, so did the tear in the seat of your pants.
Outstanding, Of
32. Not to be confused with authorized shares, Outstanding shares refer to the number of stocks that a company has issued
Outstanding, Of
33. Outstanding - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
34. Traduzioni aggiuntive: Inglese: Italiano: Outstanding adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (conspicuous, prominent) (persona di rilievo) eminente agg aggettivo: Descrive o specifica un sostantivo: "Una persona fidata" - "Con un cacciavite piccolo" - "Questioni controverse": He is an Outstanding member of the community
Outstanding, Or, Of
35. "Outstanding" is a song originally performed by The Gap Band and written by member Raymond Calhoun
Outstanding, Originally
36. "Outstanding" peaked at number fifty-one on the Billboard Hot 100.
Outstanding, One, On
37. “Outstanding” is the second song on Gunna’s debut studio album “Drip or Drown 2”, He reflects on some accomplishments in his life while boasting his wealth in the process.
Outstanding, On, Or
38. Definition: Outstanding stock are the shares of a corporation that are issued and held by the shareholders
Outstanding, Of
39. In other words, Outstanding stock is the number of shares that the shareholders own
Other, Outstanding, Of, Own
40. What Does Outstanding Stock Mean?
41. Outstanding Checks Issued to You
42. If a check was issued to you and it’s still Outstanding after six months, contact the check issuer and request a replacement
43. “Outstanding” is a song originally performed by The Gap Band and written by member Raymond Calhoun.The song originally appeared on the group’s platinum-selling 1982 album Gap …
Outstanding, Originally, On
44. Outstanding is the first ever low-cost solution designed to help you sit less! It’s a minimalistic Chrome Extension that intelligently monitors your computer use and encourages you to take necessary breaks from sitting
45. Definition and synonyms of Outstanding from the online English dictionary from Macmillan Education.
Of, Outstanding, Online
46. This is the British English definition of Outstanding.View American English definition of Outstanding.
Of, Outstanding
47. What is Days Sales Outstanding (DSO)? Days Sales Outstanding (DSO) represents the average number of days it takes credit sales to be converted into cash or how long it takes a company to collect its account receivables Accounts Receivable Accounts Receivable (AR) represents the credit sales of a business, which have not yet been collected from its customers.
Outstanding, Of, Or
48. Looking for the abbreviation of Outstanding? Find out what is the most common shorthand of Outstanding on Abbreviations.com! The Web's largest and most authoritative acronyms and abbreviations resource.
Of, Outstanding, Out, On
49. The Outstanding balance on your repayments is £272 we still have some Outstanding issues to resolve before we'll have a treaty that is ready to sign agreement on all Outstanding issues has been reached they are continuing negotiations on the Outstanding problem of compensation you have to pay your Outstanding bill before we can reconnect you the total debt Outstanding is 70 billion dollars he
Outstanding, On, Of
50. Outstanding debt, defined as the total principal as well as interest amount of a debt that has yet to be paid, is of core importance for any company which has used debt financing
Outstanding, Of
51. Excellent or exceptionally good: an Outstanding essay that received an A+
Or, Outstanding
52. Noticeable or conspicuous: "Thiamine deficiency alone generally produces peripheral neuritis and numbness as its most Outstanding features" (Vernon H
Or, Outstanding
53. As the number of Outstanding stock decreases by 1,000, the company’s EPS increases by 6.54%
Of, Outstanding
54. Also, stocks Outstanding is an important parameter used in the calculation of Price to book value (P/B ratio), which is an indicator of how much shareholders are paying for the net assets of a company
Outstanding, Of
55. 12 hours ago · Wainwright Outstanding; Cardinals rally with three in ninth for 5-5 tie Rick Hummel Mar 23, 2021 10 hrs ago; 0 {{featured_button_text}} St
56. The Outstanding balance on your repayments is £272 we still have some Outstanding issues to resolve before we'll have a treaty that is ready to sign agreement on all Outstanding issues has been reached they are continuing negotiations on the Outstanding problem of compensation you have to pay your Outstanding bill before we can reconnect you the total debt Outstanding is 70 billion dollars he
Outstanding, On, Of
57. Outstanding shares are an important part of calculating metrics for a corporation
Outstanding, Of
58. In addition to market capitalization, Outstanding shares can be used to calculate cash flow and earnings per share
59. You should be aware, however, that if you attempt to calculate earnings per share using Outstanding share, your gains may be inflated.
60. Examples – Outstanding salary, Outstanding rent, Outstanding subscription, Outstanding wages, etc
61. Outstanding expenses are recorded in books of finance at the end of an accounting period to show the true numbers of a business
Outstanding, Of
62. The Outstanding expense is a personal account and is treated as a liability
63. Outstanding is used especially about how well somebody does something or how good somebody is at something: an Outstanding achievement; perfect so good that it could not be better
Outstanding, Or
64. Days payable Outstanding is a great measure of how much time a company takes to pay off its vendors and suppliers
Outstanding, Of, Off
65. All options Outstanding at the end of the year could potentially dilute the basic earnings per share in the future
Options, Outstanding, Of
66. 1 day ago · YoungBoy Never Broke Again Arrested on Outstanding Federal Warrant
On, Outstanding
OUTSTANDING [ˌoutˈstandiNG]
outstanding (adjective)
outstanding (adj) distinguished from others in excellence "did outstanding work in human relations"; "an outstanding war record" outstanding, prominent, salient, spectacular, striking (adj) having a quality that thrusts itself into attention
The adjective OUTSTANDING has 4 senses: 1. distinguished from others in excellence. 2. having a quality that thrusts itself into attention. 3. owed as a debt. 4. of major significance or importance. Familiarity information: OUTSTANDING used as an adjective is uncommon.
Examples of outstanding in a sentence: 1. She was also to have large outstanding ears. 2. Man made some of his outstanding progress under slavery. 3. It was certainly an outstanding piece of neckwear.
Outstanding shares is a stock market term that helps investors understand the value of a publicly traded company. The number of outstanding stock shares is an important component of several stock evaluation metrics. When a company sells shares or buys back shares, the event will change the value of the stock performance calculations.