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See also: Outflanked Outfit Outflow Outfall Outfitted Outflank Outfitter Outfox Outflux Outflowing Outfield Outface Outfielder

1. Outflanking (plural Outflankings) The act of one who outflanks

Outflanking, Outflankings, Of, One, Outflanks

2. 1860, Fraser's Magazine (volume 61, page 711) There were Outflankings and crownings of hills by numbers of thirteen and seventeen men, that made one hold one's breath.

Outflankings, Of, One

3. The tactical progress of this campaign had an interesting rhythm, rather like a land campaign based on step by step set piece advances – by Outflankings and breakthroughs of carefully planned defensive positions, formed by islands, shoals, and straits.

Of, On, Outflankings

4. The centres now engaged in a whirling fight with Outflankings and Outflankings-of-outflankers aplenty

Outflankings, Of, Outflankers

5. The first party consisted of Pfuel and his adherents- military theorists who believed in a science of war with immutable laws- laws of oblique movements, Outflankings, and so forth

Of, Oblique, Outflankings

6. Outflankings * לחץ על או הזז את סמן העכבר מעל לצורות המסומנות בכוכבית בכדי לראות עוד.


7. 에서 한국어 내부, 우리는 어떻게 설명 할Outflankings영어 단어 그것은? Outflankings영어 단어는 다음과 같은 의미를 한국어 :plural of outflanking

Outflankings, Of, Outflanking

8. Meaning of Outflankings for the defined word

Of, Outflankings

9. 문법적으로, 이 워드 "Outflankings" 는 명사, 좀 더 구체적으로, 명사 형태.


10. The first party consisted of Pfuel and his adherents- military theorists who believed in a science of war with immutable laws- laws of oblique movements, Outflankings, and so forth

Of, Oblique, Outflankings

11. The crownings of the two successive monarchs were only a year apart.: There were Outflankings and crownings of hills by numbers of thirteen and seventeen men, that made one hold one's breath.

Of, Only, Outflankings, One

12. As defender, I had a very good terrain, with large woods on both flanks to protect my army from Outflankings and flank marches, and two brush in the center to protect part of my foot from enemy mounted charge

On, Outflankings, Of

13. Useless precaution, as many people do not care about life after death, the resurrection of bodies, aliens on all sides, Outflankings, the golden cordon, parallel lives, lands in the sky, eternal life

Of, On, Outflankings

14. There were Outflankings and crownings of hills by numbers of thirteen and seventeen men, that made one hold one's breath

Outflankings, Of, One

15. There were Outflankings and crownings of hills by numbers of thirteen and seventeen men, that made one hold one's breath.

Outflankings, Of, One

16. After having vainly attempted to stem several Outflankings, notably by the action of its intellectual “experts” who collided with the democracy of the debates, the apparatus of Solidarity, in calling for, under the impetus of the base, the creation and management of a Council for the National Economy, were only ratifying the movement that

Outflankings, Of, Only

17. The first party consisted of Pfuel and his adherents- military theorists who believed in a science of war with immutable laws- laws of oblique movements, Outflankings, and so forth

Of, Oblique, Outflankings

18. The first party consisted of Pfuel and his adherents — military theorists who believed in a science of war with immutable laws — laws of oblique movements, Outflankings, and so forth.

Of, Oblique, Outflankings

19. Example: If black places a piece on the square marked x, then three Outflankings are performed (one north, one north east, and one east)

On, Outflankings, One

20. He varied the frontal attack upon a point of information with Outflankings and detours, so that it came to be seen in the round, from several angles, and not only, like a pylon, as a bare link along a formal chain

Of, Outflankings, Only

21. A chance flirtation at a Fauborg St-Germain party initiates an arduous campaign of romantic Outflankings, accomplished through feigned illnesses, epistolary sallies, evocations of …

Of, Outflankings

22. The centres now engaged in a whirling fight with Outflankings and Outflankings-of-outflankers aplenty

Outflankings, Of, Outflankers

23. Translators have, naturally enough, tried all sorts of Outflankings in their attack; but the worst point of these is that the adventure is not achieved, only evaded.

Of, Outflankings, Only

24. The first party consisted of Pfuel and his adherents--military theorists who believed in a science of war with immutable laws--laws of oblique movements, Outflankings, and so forth

Of, Oblique, Outflankings

25. An extended series of attempted Outflankings, and matching extensions to the fortified defensive lines, soon saw the celebrated "race to the sea"—the German and Allied armies dug what was essentially a single pair of trenches from the south coast of Europe to the north.

Of, Outflankings

26. Frederick was progressively unfit to play out the walks and Outflankings which had gotten him achievement, and was on edge

Out, Outflankings, On

27. Speaking of Outflankings on the left, it now appears that Mayor Bloomberg is set to outflank his opponent Mark Green -- on the left of course

Of, Outflankings, On, Outflank, Opponent

28. The first party consisted of Pfuel and his adherents--military theorists who believed in a science of war with immutable laws--laws of oblique movements, Outflankings, and so forth

Of, Oblique, Outflankings

29. 영어 단어의 동의어를 Outflankings 무엇을 알고 싶으십니까? 당신은 Wordow 내부 Outflankings 영어 단어를 찾을 수 있습니다 시소러스


30. Unable to perform the marches and Outflankings which had bought him success, and was on the defensive

Outflankings, On

31. The upside is that I can still field the attack squadron with the formation and it looks like the speeders get scout this go round Outflankings speeders


32. In a science of the hospital at Jaffa anyway Does John Malkovich Outflankings and so

Of, Outflankings



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