1. The cause of Osteomata is uncertain, but commonly accepted theories propose embryologic, traumatic, or infectious causes
Of, Osteomata, Or
2. (os-te-o'ma) (mat-a) plural.Osteomataplural.osteomas [ osteo- + -oma] A bonelike structure that develops on a bone or at other sites; a benign bony tumor.
Os, Osteomataplural, Osteomas, Osteo, Oma, On, Or, Other
3. Osteomata synonyms, Osteomata pronunciation, Osteomata translation, English dictionary definition of Osteomata
Osteomata, Of
4. An osteoma (plural: Osteomata or osteomas) is a solitary, well-defined mound of compact bone, usually less than 10 mm in diameter (Aufderheide and Rodríguez-Martín, 1998)
Osteoma, Osteomata, Or, Osteomas, Of
5. Shell, and such pathologic calcified tissues as Osteomata and ectopic calcifications
6. Osteomata of the frontal and ethmoid sinuses have traditionally been surgically removed via external approaches
Osteomata, Of
7. CONCLUSION: Surgery for ear canal exostoses and Osteomata can significantly improve patients' health-related quality of life and leads to a high rate of patient satisfaction
Osteomata, Of
8. For Osteomata, removal is indicated in most cases since they are inclined towards progressive growth.'> Oneexcep tion is the more common small, often multiple, medially located Osteomata which rarely produce symptoms and should be removedonlyif observation indicatescontinued ENT …
Osteomata, Oneexcep, Often, Observation
9. The relationship of Osteomata of the external
Of, Osteomata
10. Osteomata How many syllables? 5 Syllables How it's divided? os-te-o-ma-ta
Osteomata, Os
11. The relationship of Osteomata of the external auditory meatus to swimming
Of, Osteomata
12. Objective: To explore the possible etiology of multiple Osteomata on a skull and long bones from an individual from a medieval site in Tuscany, Italy
Objective, Of, Osteomata, On
13. 1996 A histopathologic review of temporal bone exostoses and Osteomata
Of, Osteomata
14. 1962 The relationship of Osteomata …
Of, Osteomata
15. Osteomata definition: a benign tumour composed of bone or bonelike tissue Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples
Osteomata, Of, Or
16. Torus, Exostosis & Osteomata Removal Occasionally, the oral bony swelling ( torus, exostosis or osteoma) needs to be removed
Osteomata, Occasionally, Oral, Or, Osteoma
17. True Osteomata of the tongue, comprised solely of dense bone, are very rare lesions
Osteomata, Of
18. In fact, tumors of the tongue containing bone are almost as unusual as Osteomata
Of, Osteomata
19. Disagreement still exists as to whether external auditory canal exostoses and Osteomata should be considered similar or separate histopathologic entities
Osteomata, Or
20. A chart review was performed of all patients who had external auditory canal exostoses or temporal bone Osteomata excised from January 1991 to November 1994 at St
Of, Or, Osteomata
21. Osteomata -3 points-2 points-1 points 5 months ago Nah, brah, im good, and don't care about your particular journalistic requirements for a post on this sub
Osteomata, On
22. Osteoma (also known as Osteomata) is a slow growing benign tumor of bone, occurring most commonly in the craniofacial skeletal structures, primarily in the nasal and paranasal (75-90%) sinuses
Osteoma, Osteomata, Of, Occurring
23. Synonyms for Osteomata in Free Thesaurus
24. What are synonyms for Osteomata?
A BENIGN tumour of bone, largely confined to the skull and jawbone. Osteomas often arise in a sinus or in the ORBIT, are slow-growing and can be removed if causing cosmetic or other problems. os·te·o·ma. Benign, slow-growing mass of mature, predominantly lamellar bone, usually arising from the cranium or mandible.
The cause of osteomata is uncertain, but commonly accepted theories propose embryologic, traumatic, or infectious causes. Osteomata are also found in Gardner's syndrome. Larger craniofacial osteomata may cause facial pain, headache, and infection due to obstructed nasofrontal ducts.
(redirected from ivory osteoma) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. [os″te-o´mah] a tumor, benign or malignant, composed of bony tissue; a hard tumor of bonelike structure developing on a bone (homoplastic osteoma) or other structures (heteroplastic osteoma).
A bony tumor containing medullary spaces. A rare benign bone tumor composed of sheets of osteoid tissue that is partially calcified and ossified. The condition occurs esp. in the bones of the extremities of the young. A spongy tumor in the bone. Synonym: osteospongioma Want to thank TFD for its existence?