1. Medically speaking, Ossify refers to the process by which bone forms, or by which tissue (usually cartilage) changes into bone. Ossification is a natural process that starts in utero and which …
Ossify, Or, Ossification
2. Ossify verb (IDEAS) [ I or T ] formal disapproving If habits or ideas Ossify, or if something ossifies them, they become fixed and unable to change: Years of easy success had ossified the company's thinking …
Ossify, Or, Ossifies, Of, Ossified
3. Valves of the Aorta of a cartilaginous texture, as if beginning to Ossify. AN ACCOUNT OF THE FOXGLOVE AND SOME OF ITS MEDICAL USES WILLIAM WITHERING The other element, the cartilaginous brain-box, does not Ossify, and tends to become absorbed (p
Of, Ossify, Other
4. Ossify Industries has one of the biggest online distribution companies in India with over 10000 million INR in turnover, for consumer electronics and durables
Ossify, One, Of, Online, Over
5. Ossify DBM Fiber Technology consists of 100% Demineralized Cortical Bone, creating a malleable porous structure when hydrated with any bioactive agent
Ossify, Of
6. Examples of Ossify in a sentence My father’s opinion has started to Ossify so I know he won’t change his mind
Of, Ossify, Opinion
7. 🔊 Because Elaine has an impulsive nature, she’ll never allow her behaviors to Ossify
8. 🔊 This type of arthritis causes the joints to ossify to the point they become immobile
Of, Ossi
9. What does Ossify mean? To Ossify is to become bony or to turn into bone or bony tissue, or to stop developing and become stagnant
Ossify, Or
10. Ossify - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums
11. Definition of Ossify in the Definitions.net dictionary
Of, Ossify
12. What does Ossify mean? Information and translations of Ossify in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on …
Ossify, Of, On
13. From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English → See Verb table Examples from the Corpus Ossify • Gorbachev faced an ossified economic system
Of, Ossify, Ossified
14. • Usually musical traditions remain alive only if they are thriving, writing them down tends to Ossify them and hasten their end
Only, Ossify
15. As the child grows, these soft areas Ossify into actual bone
16. The knee cap, for example, begins to Ossify between ages 3 and 6.
17. ‘The flat bones Ossify directly from such fibrous tissue rather than from intermediary cartilage.’ ‘Fossilized embryos are rarely discovered, because their bones only begin to Ossify late in development.’ ‘In later years some of these joints completely Ossify (are converted to solid bone material).’
Ossify, Only, Of
18. Definition of Ossify verb in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary
Of, Ossify, Oxford
19. See also: Ossify ossified slang Extremely intoxicated from alcohol
Ossify, Ossified
20. See also: Ossify Farlex Dictionary of Idioms
Ossify, Of
21. What's up, its Ossify, raging, and good games on COD lol.
Ossify, On
22. The party is both fanatical and well-informed, and thus unlikely either to "Ossify" or "grow soft" and collapse.Doublethink
Ossify, Or
23. At the same time, sure, "Ossify" isn't exactly common parlance in most of our everyday exchanges, but it's not like it's a totally insane archaic thing that I dredged out of the OED, nor is Beau Geste this weird name that only the deepest scholars of French Algeria would
Ossify, Of, Our, Out, Oed, Only
24. The epiphysis of the distal phalanges begins to Ossifyat 12 to 36 months of age and closes at approximately 13 to 16 years
Of, Ossifyat
25. Ossify (v.) 1713, intransitive, "to harden like bone, become bone;" 1721, intransitive, "convert to bone;" a back-formation from ossification, or else modeled on French ossifier (18c.) and formed from Latin os (genitive ossis) "bone" (from PIE root *ost-"bone") + -fy.Figurative sense "become rigid and fixed" (of thought, customs, etc.) is by 1858.
Ossify, Ossification, Or, On, Ossifier, Os, Ossis, Ost, Of
26. Synonyms for Ossify in Free Thesaurus
27. 2 synonyms for Ossify: rigidify, petrify
28. [intransitive, transitive, usually passive] Ossify (something) (formal, disapproving) to become or make something fixed and unable to change an ossified political system [intransitive, transitive, usually passive] Ossify (something) (specialist) to become or make something hard like bone
Ossify, Or, Ossified
29. Antonyms for Ossify include liquefy, melt, soften, thin, please, comfort, calm, soothe, reduce and abridge
30. Ossify Industries Private Limited is a Private incorporated on 08 September 2016
Ossify, On
31. Ossify - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions
32. Inflections of 'Ossify' (v): (⇒ conjugate) ossifies v 3rd person singular Ossifying v pres p verb, present participle: -ing verb used descriptively or to form progressive verb--for example, "a singing bird," "It is singing." ossified v past verb, past simple: Past tense--for example, "He saw the man."
Of, Ossify, Ossifies, Ossifying, Or, Ossified
33. Ossify (third-person singular simple present ossifies, present participle Ossifying, simple past and past participle ossified) (transitive, intransitive) To transform (or cause to transform) from a softer animal substance into bone; particularly the processes of growth in humans and animals.
Ossify, Ossifies, Ossifying, Ossified, Or, Of
34. English verb TO Ossify conjugated in all forms, with full audio, irregular highlighting, negative forms and contractions.
35. Definition of Ossify written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels.
Of, Ossify
36. Find 14 ways to say Ossify, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
37. Ossify (ossifies 3rd person present) (Ossifying present participle) (ossified past tense & past participle ) If an idea, system, or organization ossifies or if something ossifies it, it becomes fixed and difficult to change
Ossify, Ossifies, Ossifying, Ossified, Or, Organization
38. FORMAL verb (disapproval) (=fossilize) It reckons that rationing would Ossify the farm industry
39. Typically, the center of the radial head should Ossify before that of the medial epicondyle
Of, Ossify
40. Imaging Pitfalls of the Acutely Traumatized Pediatric Elbow Pterygiophores, hard spine and fin rays started to Ossify at 11.01 +- 0.88 mm (22-24 DPH, Fig.
Of, Ossify
41. Ossify definition: become bony synonyms: change state, turn antonyms: stiffen, decrease, tune
42. Spanish Translation of “Ossify” The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online
Of, Ossify, Official, Online
43. Ossify synonyms, Ossify pronunciation, Ossify translation, English dictionary definition of Ossify
Ossify, Of
44. Ossify is a long standing firm catering to all your corporate gifting, trophies & mementos for all occasions & events.
Ossify, Occasions
45. Ossify is a long standing firm catering to all your corporate gifting, trophies & mementos for all occasions & events.
Ossify, Occasions
46. Find words for Ossify in Spanish in this Spanish-English dictionary
47. Traducir Ossify de Inglés a español.
Ossify, Ol
OSSIFY [ˈäsəˌfī]
ossify (verb) · ossifies (third person present) · ossified (past tense) · ossified (past participle) · ossifying (present participle)