1. In practice, tension Oscillograms are recorded on tape or paper of limited width, owing to which, for each structure of fabric, it is necessary to use a specific scale (cN/mm) for the oscillogram showing the variation of the magnitude of tension of the warp threads Kwp.
Oscillograms, On, Or, Of, Owing, Oscillogram
2. Oscillograms of pressure fluctuation (regular damper, n=1500 rpm, [P.sub.0] = 15 MPa) a--normal operation mode; b--mode of supply failure The study of pressure fluctuations in the pressure line of …
Oscillograms, Of, Operation
3. This paper develops criteria for the segmentation of vowels on duplex Oscillograms
Of, On, Oscillograms
4. The use of duplex Oscillograms, rather than sound spectrograms, permits faster production (real time) at less expense (adding machine paper may be used)
Of, Oscillograms
5. D 1, Oscillograms of BOS and Rev stimuli indicating the time of playback per sweep
Oscillograms, Of
6. Acoustic analyses (Oscillograms and spectrograms) of catathrenia and snoring signals were performed by Praat 6.1.09
Oscillograms, Of
7. The Oscillograms, and frequency parameters were obtained from power spectra
Oscillograms, Obtained
8. The following actual Oscillograms dramatically demonstrate the superior surge suppression of WVR filters when compared with conventional surge suppressors
Oscillograms, Of
9. The course instructors will supplement the lectures on protection practices with presentations of field Oscillograms illustrating disturbances that trigger protective action and an …
On, Of, Oscillograms
10. In the Oscillograms below, notice the loud initial transient as the wood strikes the bow percussively
11. Exemplary parameter values were obtained by fitting the model to measured Oscillograms.
Obtained, Oscillograms
12. The electron spectrum was calculated using the Oscillograms of the accelerating voltage, electron current, total current of the diode, and the one-dimensional Child–Langmuir (1D CL) ratio.
Oscillograms, Of, One
13. Oscillograms is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 17 points
14. Oscillograms is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 22 points
15. Oscillograms is a 12 letter long Word starting with O and ending with S
16. 11 letter Words made out of Oscillograms
Out, Of, Oscillograms
17. The process associated with the flow of short-circuit current was monitored using the control complex of the digital protection and automation of feeder (DPAF) 3.3, the instantaneous values of the current and voltage in the circuit were recorded and current and voltage Oscillograms through the arc were recorded.
Of, Oscillograms
18. What does Oscillograms mean? Plural form of oscillogram
Oscillograms, Of, Oscillogram
19. Oscillograms tended to reveal slightly longer vowel durations and more voicing during consonant closure, while spectrograms evidenced slightly longer consonant closure durations
20. Oscillograms - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with Oscillograms and much more.
21. [Correlation between coronarographic findings and rest Oscillograms]
22. ‘Figure 1 shows sonograms and Oscillograms of a whine-plus-chuck call of a túngara frog (Physalaemus pustulosus; left) and a call group of a cricket frog (Acris crepitans; right).’ ‘The cusk-eel oscillogram, frequency and pulse data suggested to Sprague and Loczkovich (in press) that the cusk-eel may be the chatterer source.’
Oscillograms, Of, Oscillogram
23. Synonyms for Oscillograms in Free Thesaurus
24. What are synonyms for Oscillograms?
25. - Analyzed the .wfm waveform (binary) files produced by oscilloscope of different models and the C++ source code describing the waveform structure, then reconstructed Oscillograms with the raw
Oscilloscope, Of, Oscillograms
26. 12.1” TFT screen displays the ventilation parameters, alarm information, and Oscillograms, make every operation more easily
Oscillograms, Operation
27. Multiple ventilation mode can meet different clinical requirements.( IPPV, A/C, PCV, SIMV,PSV, SPONT/CPAP, SIGH, MANUAL) 3 Oscillograms for your choice, 2 of them can be displayed on the screen at the same time.
Oscillograms, Of, On
28. Neutrino Oscillograms of the Earth and CP violation in neutrino oscillations E
Oscillograms, Of, Oscillations
29. Akhmedov a a Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics, Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117 Heidelberg, Germany An analysis of 3-flavour neutrinos oscillations inside the Earth is presented in terms of the Oscillograms – contour plots of oscillation probabilities in the plane neutrino energy – nadir angle.
Of, Oscillations, Oscillograms, Oscillation
30. Oscillograms: Manual Waveform Generation
31. Question: Experiment 2: Frequency Divider (Oscillograms Provided) The J-K Flip-flop Has Many Useful Functions
32. You can make Oscillograms, upload it to cloud service, make diffs and share them
33. Figure 2 shows the Oscillograms of the critical points of the circuit
Oscillograms, Of
34. We develop a comprehensive description of three flavor neutrino oscillations inside the Earth in terms of neutrino Oscillograms in the whole range of nadir angles and for energies above 0.1 GeV
Of, Oscillations, Oscillograms
35. A detailed physics interpretation of the Oscillograms, which includes the MSW peaks, parametric ridges, local maxima, zeros and saddle points, is given in terms of the amplitude and phase conditions
Of, Oscillograms
OSCILLOGRAMS [əˈsiləˌɡram]