Use Organismal in a sentence

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1. Organismal synonyms, Organismal pronunciation, Organismal translation, English dictionary definition of Organismal

Organismal, Of

2. ‘A difference in gene expression need not influence Organismal phenotype or fitness.’ ‘Both organisms integrate the present Organismal state to modify the response to further signals.’ ‘The focus of recent studies has been the explicit integration of an Organismal perspective into sexual selection studies.’

Organismal, Or, Organisms, Of

3. Organismal biology, the study of structure, function, ecology and evolution at the level of the organism, provides a rich arena for investigation on its own, but also plays a central role in answering conceptual questions about both ecology and evolution

Organismal, Of, Organism, On, Own

4. Definition of Organismal in the dictionary

Of, Organismal

5. What does Organismal mean? Information and translations of Organismal in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Organismal, Of, On

6. Organismal biology is one of the major branches of biology and is concerned with all aspects of the life of organisms, including their biodiversity, anatomical structure, physiology, development, biogeography, and ecology

Organismal, One, Of, Organisms

7. Organismal Biology emphasizes study of the entire organism – it’s structure, function, ecology, and evolution

Organismal, Of, Organism

8. Unit 2 is Organismal biology, including carbon cycling and population growth, and unit 3 is molecular biology with a focus on gene expression

Organismal, On

9. Organismal Biology Concentration The Organismal Biology Concentration is for students who have an interest in biology on the Organismal/individual level including students interested in pre-health (i.e

Organismal, On

10. ‘A difference in gene expression need not influence Organismal phenotype or fitness.’ ‘Both organisms integrate the present Organismal state to modify the response to further signals.’ ‘The focus of recent studies has been the explicit integration of an Organismal perspective into sexual selection studies.’

Organismal, Or, Organisms, Of

11. Organismal: 1 adj of or relating to or belonging to an organism (considered as a whole) Synonyms: organismic

Organismal, Of, Or, Organism, Organismic

12. Start studying Organismal Test 1


13. Integrative Organismal Systems (IOS) IOS supports research aimed at improving our understanding of organisms as integrated units of biological organization

Organismal, Our, Of, Organisms, Organization

14. 2016).Since the integrity of the proteome is critical for cellular and Organismal functionality and viability, numerous quality control pathways act together to maintain proteostasis.

Of, Organismal

15. The second section deals with Organismal and population level processes (e.g., filter feeding, nutrition, predation)


16. Ecology of Marine Bivalves: An Ecosystem Approach For general readers, Gower, an Organismal biologist in the UK, et al.

Of, Organismal

17. The Multicellular Organismal Process Pathway has been researched in relation to Cellular Process, Response To Stimulus, Biological Regulation, System Process, Methylation


18. The Multicellular Organismal Process Pathway complements our catalog of research reagents including antibodies and ELISA kits against IGFBP1, INTEGRIN ALPHA 3, ITGA3, APTX, SRC.

Organismal, Our, Of

19. Synonyms for Organismal in Free Thesaurus


20. 1 synonym for Organismal: organismic

Organismal, Organismic

21. What are synonyms for Organismal?


22. The Biology Ecology & Organismal Option is designed particularly for students interested in continuing in fields associated with Ecology and Organismal Biology, including those interested in working as an environmental or field biologist, in field research, or applying to graduate school in ecology, environmental science, wildlife biology, or forestry.

Organismal, Option, Or

23. Current Organismal Biology Faculty


24. Organismal evolution occurs in part through the modification of cellular functions and properties, via the emergence of new cell types, and through changes in the development of multicellular body plans

Organismal, Occurs, Of

25. Browse 157 Organismal BIOLOGY Jobs ($41K-$100K) hiring now from companies with openings

Organismal, Openings

26. Researchers studying ecology at the Organismal level are interested in


27. Organismal biology is the glue that rests between and connects the molecular/biochemical realms of living systems to evolutionary/ecological scales of biological systems.

Organismal, Of

28. The Organismal Systems-type Modeling Network (OSyM) research coordination network provides a forum where Organismal biologists and modeling experts collaborate to deepen understanding and improve our ability to predict the impact of change on Organismal structure and function.

Organismal, Osym, Our, Of, On

29. Integrative Organismal Biology synthesizes current understandings of the causes and consequences of individual variation at the physiological, behavioral and Organismal levels.Emphasizing key topics such as phenotypic plasticity and flexibility, and summarizing emerging areas such as ecological immunology, oxidative stress biology and others, Integrative Organismal Biology pulls together

Organismal, Of, Oxidative, Others

30. Examples of how to use “Organismal” in a sentence from the Cambridge Dictionary Labs

Of, Organismal

31. Origination of Organismal Form: Beyond the Gene in Developmental and Evolutionary Biology (Vienna Series in Theoretical Biology): 9780262134194: Medicine & Health Science Books @

Origination, Of, Organismal

32. Organismal Biology This faculty group focuses research and education on organisms and their component systems and mechanisms

Organismal, On, Organisms

33. The group has an integrative perspective on the structure and function of organisms, interactions between organisms, interactions of organisms with their environments, and the evolution of Organismal function and diversity.

On, Of, Organisms, Organismal

34. The division welcomes diverse approaches to research addressing Organismal questions, and especially encourages integrative and


35. Interdisciplinary perspectives on complex problems in Organismal biology

On, Organismal

36. Cambridge Dictionary Labs からの文の中での “Organismal” の使い方の例


37. Organismal Biology and Physiology


38. A minor in Organismal biology is a natural complement to any science-related major


39. Organismal Biology & Ecology


40. BE100 - Studies in Organismal Biology and Ecology - 1 unit


41. Presents students not majoring in Organismal biology and ecology with inquiries into contemporary issues and phenomena in the biological sciences


42. The Organismal Biology major of the Keck Science Department provides students with the skills and knowledge to effectively engage and evaluate biological science issues and innovations in the wider world, and to take leadership roles in fields including research, health and veterinary professions, and environmental management

Organismal, Of

43. The Organismal Form and Function CURE is a one-semester (16-week) class offered in the Fall to take advantage of the abundant invertebrate fauna at the beginning of the term

Organismal, One, Offered, Of

44. The Department of Organismal Biology & Anatomy is home to faculty and students with wide ranging interests in biological structure, function, development and evolution at the level of the organism

Of, Organismal, Organism

45. Integrative by nature, diverse in its methods, Organismal biology is the most exciting and powerful lens through which to advance understanding and education about Organismal development, behavior


46. This book is a cloned version of An Interactive Introduction to Organismal and Molecular Biology, 2nd ed

Of, Organismal

47. Start studying Organismal Biology: Exam 2 Review


48. This suggests that Organismal life begins after this preparatory stage and is associated with the formation of the body plan, immune system, neural activity, and so forth

Organismal, Of

49. With regard to the beginning of life, this argument clearly distinguishes conception (beginning of cellular life) from ground zero (beginning of Organismal life).

Of, Organismal

50. Al -- The Evolutionary History of Siphonophore Tentilla: Novelties, Convergence, and Integration" - GitHub - dunnlab/tentilla_Organismal: Repository for code and data associated to "Damian-Serrano et

Of, Organismal

51. The Organismal Biology option provides a rigorous program of study in plant or animal biology at the whole-organism, species, population, and community levels, while allowing students the greatest flexibility in selecting those biology …

Organismal, Option, Of, Or, Organism

52. Because of the wide array of elective options for this major, the Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology Emphasis is a terrific degree for students interested in careers in field research, veterinary medicine, or pursuing graduate education in ecology biology, evolutionary biology, or Organismal

Of, Options, Organismal, Or


ORGANISMAL [ˌôrɡəˈnizməl]


  • adjective form of organism
Synonyms: organism .

organism (noun) · organisms (plural noun)

  • an individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.
  • the material structure of an individual life form.
Synonyms: being . creature . animal . plant . structure . life form . entity . body .

Frequently Asked Questions

What does organismal mean?

organismal - of or relating to or belonging to an organism (considered as a whole); "the organismic theory of the state". organismic.

What are 6 types of organisms?

Microorganisms are divided into six major types: bacteria, archaea, protozoa, algae, fungi, viruses, and multicellular animal parasites. Each type has a characteristic cellular composition, morphology, mean of locomotion, and reproduction.

What are the basic characteristics of an organism?

All living organisms share several key characteristics or functions: order, sensitivity or response to the environment, reproduction, growth and development, regulation, homeostasis, and energy processing. When viewed together, these characteristics serve to define life.

What are facts about organisms?

Organisms are a biotic, or living, part of the environment. Rocks and sunshine are parts of the non-living environment. Organisms usually have five basic needs. They need air, water, nutrients (food), energy and a place to live. However, not all living things need all these at the same time.