1. Organele su vidljive isključivo mikroskopski, obrađeni metodom frakcioniranja stanica.Najraznovrsnije tipove organela nalazimo u eukariotskim stanicama viših organizama, iako su nedavno dokazi o njihovu prisustvu pronađeni i u prokariota.Uz navedene Organele postoje i stanične strukture sastavljene od nakupina makromolekula koje provode određenu specifičnu funkciju, a za koje ne možemo
Organele, Obra, Organela, Organizama, Od, Odre
2. Organele animalelor sunt foarte asemănătoare cu cele ale oamenilor, dar sunt mai mici sau mai mari depinzând de animal
Organele, Oamenilor
3. Unele organe la animale sunt mult mai bine adaptate decât cele ale omanenilor, ca de exemplu: Organele de simt ochii, urechile.
Organe, Omanenilor, Organele, Ochii
4. Ćelijske Organele su strukture membranama odvojene od ostatka citoplazme – citosola, a obavljaju specifične funkcije u ćeliji
Organele, Odvojene, Od, Ostatka, Obavljaju
5. Organele su vidljive isključivo mikroskopski, putem metoda frakcionisanja ćelija
6. Place an "N" in the box the Organele conmembranous, or place an "M'in the box if the organelle is membranous
Organele, Or, Organelle
ORGANELE [ˌôrɡəˈnel]
Organ vs Organelle Function Organ Organelle Respiration At the organ level, lungs along with bro ... Mitochondria are considered as the prima ... Energy Production The liver is the key site for all metabo ... Mitochondria is the key site for energy ... Protection Skin, the largest organ in the body syst ... The cell wall and the cell membrane prot ... Movement The blood is the primary organ that's us ... Flagella and cilia are the cell's organe ... 1 more rows ... Jan 5 2021
The nucleus, the mitochondrion, the chloroplast, the Golgi apparatus, the lysosome, and the endoplasmic reticulum are all examples of organelles. Some organelles, such as mitochondria and chloroplasts, have their own genome (genetic material) separate from that found in the nucleus of the cell.
In cell biology, an organelle is a specialized structure within a cell that performs a specific function and that generally is considered to be separately enclosed within its own lipid membrane. For example, the nucleus of a cell is an organelle that maintains the integrity of genes and controls cell activity by regulating gene expression.