Use Ordination in a sentence

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1. Ordination definition is - the act or an instance of ordaining : the state of being ordained

Ordination, Or, Of, Ordaining, Ordained

2. How to use Ordination in a sentence.


3. Legal Ordination with full authority to do all standard Christians services, including Marriage, Baptism and Funerals


4. 37 + Years of simple Christian Ordination experienceand Personal Service

Of, Ordination

5. What does the Bible say about Ordination? In today's churches, Ordination generally involves leaders or an institution who grant authority to a church leader

Ordination, Or

6. This can include the Ordination of a pastor, deacon, or other church leader who is given authority to lead others in various church duties

Ordination, Of, Or, Other, Others

7. But what does the Bible say about Ordination?


8. Question: "What does the Bible say about Ordination?" Answer: The modern definition of Ordination is “the investiture of clergy” or “the act of granting pastoral authority or sacerdotal power.” Usually, we think of an Ordination service as a ceremony in which someone is commissioned or appointed to a position within the church.

Ordination, Of, Or

9. Your Ordination is good for life, and does not require renewal


10. After completing the Ordination form, you will receive a confirmation email which serves as a receipt of your Ordination. Please read this email carefully, for it …

Ordination, Of

11. Please note this is not an “instant Ordination” that you can simply buy, this is a credible program that comes from a recognized online ministry training school and a recognized alliance of clergy leaders

Ordination, Online, Of

12. The only requirement to become an ordained minister is to uphold our Oath of Ordination and Statement of Faith.

Only, Ordained, Our, Oath, Of, Ordination

13. We keep a lifetime record of your Ordination credentials on file

Of, Ordination, On

14. This also covers a letter of Ordination, certifying you as an ordained minister.

Of, Ordination, Ordained

15. Although Union does not ordain students, we do support the Ordination process through our curriculum, field education, and affiliations with denominations and organizations.

Ordain, Ordination, Our, Organizations

16. Classification is the placement of species and/or sample units into groups, and Ordination is the arrangement or ‘ordering’ of species and/or sample units along gradients

Of, Or, Ordination, Ordering

17. In this chapter, I will describe the use and properties of the most widely used Ordination methods

Of, Ordination

18. Ordination, in Christian churches, a rite for the dedication and commissioning of ministers

Ordination, Of

19. The Mass of Ordination will also include one Ordination to the Order of Deacon

Of, Ordination, One, Order

20. / ˌɔr·d ə nˈeɪ·ʃən / a religious ceremony at which someone is officially made a priest, minister, or rabbi (Definition of Ordination from the Cambridge Academic Content Dictionary © Cambridge University …

Officially, Or, Of, Ordination

21. SuperOrdination definition is - Ordination of a person to fill a station already occupied; especially : the Ordination by an ecclesiastical official of his own successor.

Ordination, Of, Occupied, Official, Own

22. The Ordinations do not expire and are recognized across the United States of America

Ordinations, Of

23. Baptist views of Ordination are linked to this ancient Christianity, which looked to the New Testament as its standard

Of, Ordination

24. The process for Ordination in the American Baptist Church is listed below: The candidate for Ordination shall have completed the requirements for Tracks I, II, or III as defined in “Recommended Procedures for Ordination…as Adopted by The Ministerial Leadership Commission and the Ministers Council of American Baptist Churches USA” (PDF

Ordination, Or, Of

25. Ordination Prayer, followed by "Take, O Take Me


26. Ordination is conferred upon individuals who have completed all the requirements of the Interfaith Chaplaincy Certificate Program

Ordination, Of

27. Free Ordination - Free Instant Online Ordination with Certificate Welcome to our free Online Ordination

Ordination, Online, Our

28. We grants Ordination without regards to an individual's religious and spiritual beliefs


29. With our Free Online Ordination you will fully possess the legal status to officiate at marriages, perform baptisms, or preside over funerals and burials.

Our, Online, Ordination, Officiate, Or, Over

30. However, this does not mean that HDS meets all the requirements specific to Ordination in each denomination


31. Any person seeking Ordination should contact their denomination, both


32. Syms, in Encyclopedia of Ecology, 2008 Ordination is a set of analyses that aim to summarize and present multivariate data to display differences between samples graphically into fewer dimensions than the original data set

Of, Ordination, Original

33. Ordinations fall into one of two categories: unconstrained and constrained

Ordinations, One, Of

34. Our Ordination empowers you to step into this powerful role, complete with legal documents to verify your position, free online training, and all the help and guidance you need to create powerful and memorable moments for

Our, Ordination, Online

35. Ordination is the term used for the highest level of ministerial classification the Assemblies of God recognizes, a classification available to both men and women

Ordination, Of

36. [5] All ministers are encouraged to progress to Ordination


37. Ordination, the highest classification, allows ministers to express their commitment to present to the Lord the best of

Ordination, Of

38. Ordination is the sacramental ceremony in which a man becomes a deacon, priest, or bishop and enabled to minister in Christ's name and that of the Church

Ordination, Or, Of

39. There are three Ordinations in the Sacrament of Holy Orders: diaconate; priesthood; and episcopal.

Ordinations, Of, Orders

40. The Ordination Certificate is the primary certificate recognized as legal proof of Ordination across the country

Ordination, Of

41. If you are planning to perform an upcoming ceremony, you need to submit your proof of Ordination to the marriage licensing office along with their marriage license application for the couple.

Of, Ordination, Office

42. Ordination: The act of arranging in regular order, especially the act of investing with ministerial or sacerdotal rank (ordo), the setting-apart for an office in the Christian ministry

Ordination, Of, Order, Or, Ordo, Office

43. The New Testament throws but little light on the origin of the later ecclesiastical rite of Ordination.

On, Origin, Of, Ordination

44. Ordination Certificates for Ministers in Preliminary Fellowship


45. While each congregation has the right to ordain anyone it chooses, the Unitarian Universalist Association and the Unitarian Universalist Ministers Association discourage the Ordination of those who have not had academic and practical training provided by an accredited theological school, and who have not been welcomed into

Ordain, Ordination, Of

46. Ordination or gradient analysis, in multivariate analysis, is a method complementary to data clustering, and used mainly in exploratory data analysis (rather than in hypothesis testing).

Ordination, Or

47. Ordination is sweeping floors, cleaning toilets, shoveling snow from the sidewalks


48. Ordination is example—without which many others cannot respond to the gospel call to serve

Ordination, Others

49. Ordination is an invitation for others to break their backs, to groan under the strain, to break a sweat.

Ordination, Others

50. ‘The Ordination ceremony honors the presence of a special voice.’ ‘Participants in the Ordination ceremony included Morrison's father, Steve, who is an elder at Pasadena Presbyterian Church.’ ‘There will be a solemn Ordination service, with the taking of vows, the laying on of hands, and the giving of the right hand of fellowship.’

Ordination, Of, On

51. Caring is my Cardio - Ministry Ordination of Deaconess T-Shirt

Ordination, Of

52. What an inauguration is to a president, an Ordination is to a religious authority


53. Ordination: According to the OPC Book of Church Order, “Ordination is that act by which men are set apart to the offices of deacon, ruling elder, and minister

Ordination, Opc, Of, Order, Offices

54. Find 14 ways to say Ordination, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


55. "Ordination to this ministry [elder or deacon]," states the United Methodist Book of Discipline, "is a gift from God to the church." Ordination services are typically hosted by annual conferences around their yearly gatherings, like this service …

Ordination, Or, Of

56. At my Ordination service, two United Methodist ministers, a Presbyterian minister, two Episcopal priests, and two Baptist ministers laid hands on me and said the ordaining prayer

Ordination, On, Ordaining

57. Allystaire Coldbourne travels a treacherous path toward his Ordination as a holy knight of legend, a Paladin, a savior of the people

Ordination, Of

58. Isaiah 61 1 Ordination Gift, Seminary Graduation, Pastor Gift, Priest Gift Colors of your choice Hand Lettered heavy watercolor paper Biblecalligraphy

Ordination, Of

59. Favorite Add to More colors Priest Ordination Gift - Gifts for Pastor - Personalized Anniversary Wooden Pen



ORDINATION [ˌôrdnˈāSH(ə)n]

ordination (noun) · ordinations (plural noun)

  • the action of ordaining or conferring holy orders on someone.
  • a ceremony in which someone is ordained.
Synonyms: induction . introduction . admission . admittance . installation . incorporation . investiture . investment . enlistment . enrollment . recruitment . baptism . expulsion . installation . induction . investiture . inauguration . introduction . swearing in . initiation . consecration . anointing . enthronement . coronation . crowning . appointment . creation . dismissal . defrocking .
  • a statistical technique in which data from a large number of sites or populations are represented as points in a two- or three-dimensional coordinate frame.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean for a minister to be ordained?

To be ordained means that you are authorized to function in a ministerial capacity. Some men and women feel called to a lifetime of ministry and become ordained to prepare for this lifestyle. Traditionally, ordained ministers enter into areas like pastoring a church, children’s ministry or missionary work.

What does ordain mean biblically?

Bible Term: Ordain and Ordination. To ordain means to bestow on someone a priestly authority or to authorize as a priest or rabbi. It is granted by one of a higher authority. Ordination is the act or ceremony in which one is ordained. In the Old Testament of the Bible, Aaron was ordained as the first priest.

What does ordained means?

ordained - fixed or established especially by order or command; "at the time appointed (or the appointed time") decreed, prescribed, appointed. settled - established or decided beyond dispute or doubt; "with details of the wedding settled she could now sleep at night".

What does it mean to be ordained to the priesthood?

To be ordained to the priesthood means to receive authority for a specific priesthood office. To ordain someone, a man with the proper authority places his hands on the person's head that is to be ordained and says a special prayer that gives authority to act in that office.