1. The ordinal numbers are the numbers which indicate the exact position of something or someone at a place. If the number of objects/persons are specified in a list: the position of the objects/persons is defined by Ordinals
Ordinal, Of, Or, Objects, Ordinals
2. Ordinals are words like first, second, third.
3. Let there be two well-ordered disjoint sets A and B with Ordinals α and β
Ordered, Ordinals
4. The other Ordinals are constructed in the same repeating pattern, which is easy to understand and use
Other, Ordinals
5. Writing Ordinals in words when the numbers are one through 9; write Ordinals in number form when the numbers are 10 and over? Reply
Ordinals, One, Over
6. Successor Ordinals are named as such because they are the immediate successor of some other ordinal
Ordinals, Of, Other, Ordinal
7. Limit Ordinals are named as such because they are the limit of the sequence of Ordinals less then them without being a successor ordinal
Ordinals, Of, Ordinal
8. Examples All natural numbers n >0 are successor Ordinals.!+ n is a successor ordinal for all natural
Ordinals, Ordinal
9. ID: 886115 Language: English School subject: math Grade/level: grade 2 Age: 9-12 Main content: Ordinals Other contents: Add to my workbooks (68) Add to Google Classroom Add to Microsoft Teams Share through Whatsapp
Ordinals, Other
10. ‘In this latter book she presented a 30 page appendix on the theory of infinite cardinals and Ordinals.’ ‘In his work he clarified a remark by Russell and formulated precisely the paradox of the largest ordinal.’ ‘Form numbers are conceived as Ordinals, with units conceived as being well ordered.’
On, Of, Ordinals, Ordinal, Ordered
11. Linguistic markers help distinguish cardinals from Ordinals by the use of the -th suffix and different words for first, second, and third, but usually the nominal form is the same as its cardinal form
Ordinals, Of
12. Ordinals, ROMAN In Latin, Ordines Romani (singular: Ordo Romanus )
Ordinals, Ordines, Ordo
13. Source for information on Ordinals, Roman: New Catholic Encyclopedia dictionary.
On, Ordinals
14. Synonyms for Ordinals in Free Thesaurus
15. What are synonyms for Ordinals?
16. Combine Ordinals will give orders to units like Combine Grunts, chargers and suppressors and they will also use manhacks to attack the player
Ordinals, Orders
17. In the ZF set theory Ordinals are transitive sets which are well-ordered by $\in$
Ordinals, Ordered
18. In addition to the intriguing ordinal arithmetics, Ordinals give a sturdy backbone to models of ZF and operate as a direct extension of the positive integers for *transfinite* inductions.
Ordinal, Ordinals, Of, Operate
19. Ordinals give relative numeric information, indicating the order or sequence of things: first, second, third, etc
Ordinals, Order, Or, Of
20. On the AutoFormat as You Type tab, clear the Ordinals (1st) with superscript check box to prevent the app from applying superscript formatting to numbers
On, Ordinals
21. Ordinals: eighth (57/6=9.50), eightieth (91/9=10.11), one hundred and eighth (184/19=9.68)
Ordinals, One
22. Second half: two, (the only integral case; no Ordinals ) Extreme number names
Only, Ordinals
23. Ordinals are also used to express fractions but not dates
24. From premier to centième As numerals rather than as words, Ordinals are in theory (as in official publications) written with the numeral followed just by e , except for premier ( 1er ) or second ( 2d ).
Ordinals, Official, Or
25. When eager_global_Ordinals is enabled, global Ordinals are built when a shard is refreshed — Elasticsearch always loads them before exposing changes to the content of the index
Ordinals, Of
26. This shifts the cost of building global Ordinals from search to index-time
Of, Ordinals
27. Elasticsearch will also eagerly build global Ordinals when creating a new copy of a shard, as can occur when increasing the number of
Ordinals, Of, Occur
ORDINALS [ˈôrdnəl]
ordinal number. n. 1. (Mathematics) a number denoting relative position in a sequence, such as first, second, third. Sometimes shortened to: ordinal. 2. (Logic) logic maths a measure of not only the size of a set but also the order of its elements.
adjective. Definition of ordinal (Entry 2 of 2) 1 : of a specified order or rank in a series . 2 : of or relating to a taxonomic order.
countable noun. An ordinal number or an ordinal is a word such as 'first,' 'third,' and 'tenth' that tells you where a particular thing occurs in a sequence of things.
Ordinal in a sentence 1, 'First', 'second' and 'third' are ordinals . 2, '1st' is an ordinal . 3, Ordinal numbers are used in these sentences : 'She was fifth in the race' and 'They celebrated the 200th anniversary of the university's foundation'.