Use Omnipotence in a sentence

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1. Examples of Omnipotence in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web The leader, hungry for adulation to compensate for an inner lack of self-worth, projects grandiose Omnipotence—while the followers, rendered needy by societal stress or developmental injury, yearn for a parental figure.

Of, Omnipotence, On, Or

2. What God's Omnipotence can't do


3. When we speak of God’s Omnipotence, we’re discussing God’s limitless power to live out His unchanging character and make good on His promises

Of, Omnipotence, Out, On

4. In other words, His Omnipotence is contained in and expressed …

Other, Omnipotence

5. Omnipotence is an attribute of God alone

Omnipotence, Of

6. Terms and Usage: The noun "Omnipotence" is not found in the English Bible, nor any noun exactly corresponding to it in the original Hebrew or Greek

Omnipotence, Original, Or

7. Nigh-Omnipotence The Living Tribunal (Marvel Comics) is one of the most powerful beings in the Marvel Multiverse, second only to the One-Above-All

Omnipotence, One, Of, Only

8. Omnipotence (Latin omnipotentia, from omnia and potens, able to do all things) is the power of God to effect whatever is not intrinsically impossible

Omnipotence, Omnipotentia, Omnia, Of

9. Omnipotent God – What is Omnipotence? We have an omnipotent God

Omnipotent, Omnipotence

10. The Lord's Omnipotence naturally extends over Satan and demons

Omnipotence, Over

11. Omnipotence does not mean that God has the power to lie, for example, or to be illogical.

Omnipotence, Or

12. “Infantile Omnipotence” or, what Freud referred to as “infantile narcissism” and “infantile ego,” refers to the greatly exaggerated sense of self-importance that many very young

Omnipotence, Or, Of

13. Omnipotence is the power of God to effect whatever is not intrinsically impossible

Omnipotence, Of

14. Omnipotence is a concept where a being can do anything and everything without any sort of restriction

Omnipotence, Of

15. Other articles where Omnipotence is discussed: creation myth: Creation by a supreme being: …is all wise and all powerful

Other, Omnipotence

16. The Omnipotence of God may be seen in the redemption of men by Christ, in things leading to it, and in the completion of it: in the incarnation of Christ, and his birth of a virgin, which the angel ascribes to "the power of the Highest", the most high God, with whom "nothing is impossible", (Luke 1:35, 37) and which was an expedient found out

Omnipotence, Of, Out

17. God as All Powerful Within philosophical thinking there have been three ways of approaching God's Omnipotence; Omnipotence concerns God's ability to do anything, including the logically impossible Omnipotence concerns God doing what is logically possible for a perfect God to do Omnipotence is a statement of the power of God God's Ability to do Anything,…

Of, Omnipotence

18. Omnipotence – Is all about the All Powerful and Mighty God and His Power is without limit as it has been demonstrated all over the Bible

Omnipotence, Over

19. This weeks Theological Tuesday takes us to the word Omnipotence


20. The Omnipotence of God is a treasure to be known, believed, and cherished by the people of God for the Lord God is to be adored, loved, feared, and obeyed

Omnipotence, Of, Obeyed

21. Omnipotence definition: Omnipotence is the state of having total authority or power

Omnipotence, Of, Or

22. The sense of Omnipotence that arises in the fundamental misapprehension of reality which is central to the period of primary narcissism, during which the infant hallucinates its original love-object, persists into childhood and is found among prehistoric and prelite-rate peoples who overestimate the power of wishful thinking and the real-world effect of psychic acts.

Of, Omnipotence, Original, Object, Overestimate

23. ‘A consequence of the infant's belief in the Father's Omnipotence is the conviction that all suffering could be eliminated if only the Father wished it.’ ‘Suddenly the person takes on this mantle of Omnipotence.’

Of, Omnipotence, Only, On

24. All I have said is that Omnipotence as usually conceived is a false or indeed absurd ideal, which in truth LIMITS God, denies to him any world worth talking about: a world of living, that is to say, significantly decision-making, agents

Omnipotence, Or, Of

25. God’s Omnipotence Displayed: Creation, Daily Life, and Death


26. God’s Omnipotence over Creation

Omnipotence, Over

27. The Omnipotence of God is illustrated in creation

Omnipotence, Of

28. Omnipotence is the one almighty power above all

Omnipotence, One

29. Omnipotence (from Latin: Omni Potens: "all power") is the ability to be almighty in every sense and aspect, and be able to do absolutely anything and everything.

Omnipotence, Omni

30. The Omnipotence of God is a fearful thing and an awful thing in the strict sense of such words; at the same time it is the ground of blessing and salvation

Omnipotence, Of

31. Some have found help to the understanding of Omnipotence in the names of God, esp

Of, Omnipotence

32. The words Omnipotence, omnipresence, and omniscience are theological terms that refer to the attributes of God

Omnipotence, Omnipresence, Omniscience, Of

33. As full Omnipotence can not be concretly proven it tends to be a very controversial topic


34. Nigh Omnipotence would be the secondary definition(s) of Omnipotence

Omnipotence, Of

35. Omnipotence - Volume 48 Issue 183


36. Find 7 ways to say Omnipotence, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


37. ‘A consequence of the infant's belief in the Father's Omnipotence is the conviction that all suffering could be eliminated if only the Father wished it.’ ‘Suddenly the person takes on this mantle of Omnipotence.’

Of, Omnipotence, Only, On


OMNIPOTENCE [ämˈnipədəns]

omnipotence (noun) · omnipotences (plural noun)

  • the quality of having unlimited or very great power.
Synonyms: supremacy . preeminence . dictatorship . despotism . totalitarianism . autocracy . autarchy . invincibility . powerlessness .