1. Okies: a term for those who migrated from the American Southwest (primarily from Oklahoma) to California
Okies, Oklahoma
2. The plight of the Okies and other plains migrants caught the sympathy of people across the country
Of, Okies, Other
3. In part, this was because these migrants were white, in contrast to the Mexican and Filipino workers who supplied the "factory" farms with the seasonal labor needed before and after Okies arrived
4. The Okies also came in family groups and were in
5. Okies is absolutely the BEST!! Their meats are always fresh and the NY Strip is the thickest
6. Okies Shetland Sheepdogs: Home Champions Gallery Puppies Michael Tribute Tux Page Jim & Jan 50th Tulsa, Ok
Okies, Ok
7. 918-446-2623 Okies[email protected]
8. "Okies" quickly blended in and became part of the city's largely Anglo population in the 1930s
Okies, Of
9. Okies were escaping two distinct although simultaneous and bordering catastrophes, one economic, the other more environmental
Okies, One, Other
10. Many Okies–families from Arkansas, Missouri, eastern Oklahoma, and East Texas–were not Dust Bowl refugees but instead were tenant-farming casualties of sinking commodity prices and agricultural mechanization during
Okies, Oklahoma, Of
11. Okies Pharmacy II 1050 Rutledge Pike, Blaine, TN 37709 (865) 932-7775 - (865) 932-7770
12. Okies is a term applied generally to people from the American Southwest who migrated to the Pacific Coast, particularly to California, during the Great Depression.This pattern became associated with Oklahoma because that state provided a plurality of migrants from …
Okies, Oklahoma, Of
13. View the menu for Okies Yardhouse and restaurants in Clear Lake Shores, TX
14. The Okies left an indelible mark on California, all right
Okies, On
15. Okies of course was a slur that Californians called immigrants from Oklahoma or other points East during the dust bowl mass migration
Okies, Of, Oklahoma, Or, Other
16. Okies synonyms, Okies pronunciation, Okies translation, English dictionary definition of Okies
Okies, Of
17. The plight of the Okies and other plains migrants caught the sympathy of people across the country
Of, Okies, Other
18. In part, this was because these migrants were white, in contrast to the Mexican and Filipino workers who supplied the “factory” farms with the seasonal labor needed before and after Okies arrived
19. The Okies also came in family groups and were
20. Even old school Okies that are painted and made opaque don’t work the same
Old, Okies, Opaque
21. There, I believe, is the main reason Okies have been the cosmic funk for fifty-five years
22. There were approximately thirty colors and three different sizes of Okies, but only one size and
Of, Okies, Only, One
23. Okies Depression As you can see in this picture there doesn’t seem to be much in the background
24. Which actually is an acurate representation of the Okies depression, the ground looks really dry and it seems like there is a couple of dried up plants on the land.
Of, Okies, On
25. The Okies left an indelible mark on California, all right
Okies, On
26. They were “Okies,” “Arkies,” and “Texies” (in time all would be lumped together in California under the name “Okies”) and the highway they traveled West was U.S
27. Vividly revealing the challenges faced by a group of migrant workers who eventually formed the multiracial town of Randolph, Arizona, Not All Okies Are White is a brilliant, spellbinding celebration of the resilience and adaptability of people too often ignored by history texts
Of, Okies, Often
28. Give Okies your email address if you want to know when we’re releasing something new or when we’re coming to your home town
Okies, Or
29. ''The Grapes of Wrath'' (whose title Steinbeck borrowed from ''The Battle Hymn of the Republic'') was his third attempt at using the Okies to assess the meaning of the Great Depression.
Of, Okies
30. Okies for Monarchs is an initiative of the Oklahoma Monarch & Pollinator Collaborative
Okies, Of, Oklahoma
31. Known as Okies and Arkies, they formed the main characters in many of John Steinbeck's novels, most notably The Grapes of Wrath
Okies, Of
32. Californians called the refugees Okies, a term that labeled the newcomers as undesirables, losers
33. What the Okies did to the Split-T was similar to what the veer would do to the Okie defense later on.
Okies, Okie, On
34. F-16 Viper and F-22 Raptor demo teams refuel with Okies
35. In order for Monarchs to thrive, we Okies must provide ample food, shelter and breeding grounds during both their migrations
Order, Okies
36. Refueling with the Okies allowed the A-10s to make it to the exercise without having to land
37. Okies, our Republican Congressional delegation is a bunch of traitors
Okies, Our, Of
38. Stan Okies - Commercial Investment Real Estate
39. View Stan Okies's professional profile and available commercial real estate listings on LoopNet.com
Okies, On
40. At Okies, you receive nothing but the best; from fast and professional service, to the highest of quality meats, poultry and homemade sides
Okies, Of
41. Okies is a term applied generally to people from the American Southwest who migrated to the Pacific Coast, particularly to California, during the Great Depression.This pattern became associated with Oklahoma because that state provided a plurality of migrants from …
Okies, Oklahoma, Of
OKIES [oke]
Okies is a term applied generally to people from the American Southwest who migrated to the Pacific Coast, particularly to California, during the Great Depression. This pattern became associated with Oklahoma because that state provided a plurality of migrants from 1935 to 1940, the peak of the phenomenon.
Get a OKies mug for your dog Paul. A condensed form of the word "okay" but longer than the word "ok". This shows agreement or understanding of a situation or invitation. Get a Oky mug for your mother-in-law Riley.
One of which is the freedom from the tyranny of born-again, country-fried Okies like you and the one we just got out of office. The novel, which originally moved the emotions with its depiction of the hard lives of Okies who migrated to California during the Depression, is now of course a quaint antique.
The children and grandchildren of Okies seldom returned to Oklahoma or farming, and are now concentrated in California's cities and suburbs. Long-term cultural impacts include a commitment to evangelical Protestantism, a love of country music, political conservatism, and strong support for traditional moral and cultural values.