Use Offensivenesses in a sentence

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1. Offensiveness (countable and uncountable, plural Offensivenesses) The quality of being offensive

Offensiveness, Offensivenesses, Of, Offensive

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Org, Offensivenesses, Oldid

3. Words made with Offensivenesses, words with Offensivenesses, anagram of Offensivenesses

Offensivenesses, Of

4. Offensivenesses is a playable word


5. See Offensivenesses defined at »


6. Offensivenesses offensives offer offer'd: offer affordances offer one's condolences offer price offer the light offer up offerable offered offeree offerees offerer: Literary usage of Offensiveness

Offensivenesses, Offensives, Offer, One, Offerable, Offered, Offeree, Offerees, Offerer, Of, Offensiveness

7. Offensivenesses 27; offensives 21; offer 11; offered 14; offerer 13; offerers 14; offering 17; offerings 18; offeror 13; offerors 14; offers 12; offertories 17; offertory 17; offguard 18; offhand 17; offhanded 20; offhandedly 25; offhandedness 25; offhandednesses 27; office 15; officeholder 25; officeholders 26; officer 16; officered 19; officering 22; officers 17; offices 16; official 18; officialdom 25; officialdoms 26; …

Offensivenesses, Offensives, Offer, Offered, Offerer, Offerers, Offering, Offerings, Offeror, Offerors, Offers, Offertories, Offertory, Offguard, Offhand, Offhanded, Offhandedly, Offhandedness, Offhandednesses, Office, Officeholder, Officeholders, Officer, Officered, Officering, Officers, Offices, Official, Officialdom, Officialdoms

8. 'Vile in colour, vacant in invention, void in light and shade, a heap of cumbrous nothingnesses, and sickening Offensivenesses' was Ruskin's damning judgement of Bronzino's monumental Descent of

Of, Offensivenesses

9. Offensivenesses offhandednesses officiousnesses oligocythaemias omnicompetences omnifariousness omoplatoscopies oncogeneticists onychocryptoses onychocryptosis oophorectomises oophorectomizes

Offensivenesses, Offhandednesses, Officiousnesses, Oligocythaemias, Omnicompetences, Omnifariousness, Omoplatoscopies, Oncogeneticists, Onychocryptoses, Onychocryptosis, Oophorectomises, Oophorectomizes

10. Offensivenesses: Literary usage of Offensive

Offensivenesses, Of, Offensive

11. Orthographize tumored scarecrows Offensivenesses lithesome conidiophorous mamoncillo

Orthographize, Offensivenesses

12. Yawning cating parallelogrammatical Offensivenesses underprior Eumaeus Bonnard formiate Mdms sharp-froze Ladislaus


13. A sure cure for holiday sweetness and light, Lissa Brennan's hilariously abrasive "And to All a Good Night" leaves no Offensivenesses behind





  • noun form of offensive
Synonyms: offensive .

offensive (adjective)

  • causing someone to feel deeply hurt, upset, or angry.
  • (of a sight or smell) disgusting; repulsive.
Synonyms: insulting . rude . derogatory . disrespectful . hurtful . wounding . abusive . objectionable . displeasing . annoying . exasperating . irritating . vexing . galling . provocative . provoking . humiliating . impertinent . impudent . insolent . personal . discourteous . uncivil . impolite . unmannerly . unacceptable . shocking . scandalous . outrageous . crude . vulgar . coarse . indecent . improper . exceptionable . complimentary . polite . unpleasant . disagreeable . nasty . distasteful . displeasing . objectionable . off-putting . uninviting . awful . terrible . dreadful . frightful . obnoxious . abominable . disgusting . repulsive . repellent . repugnant . revolting . abhorrent . loathsome . hateful . detestable . execrable . odious . vile . foul . unsavory . unpalatable . sickening . nauseating . nauseous . ugly . unsightly . noxious . fetid . rank . rancid . malodorous . mephitic . noisome . disgustful . loathly . pleasant . delightful .

offensive (noun) · offensives (plural noun)

  • an attacking military campaign.
  • an organized and forceful campaign to achieve something, typically a political or social end.
Synonyms: attack . assault . onslaught . drive . invasion . push . thrust . charge . sortie . sally . foray . raid . offense . incursion . blitz . campaign . campaign . drive . push . move . movement . effort . struggle . battle . war .