Use Occasionalism in a sentence

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1. Occasionalism definition is - a doctrine held by the Cartesian philosophers Geulincx and Malebranche that mind and matter are inherently incapable of affecting each other and that their apparent reciprocal action must therefore be due to the intervention of God who on the occasion of a change in one produces a corresponding change in the other.

Occasionalism, Of, Other, On, Occasion, One

2. Occasionalism was developed primarily by Arnold Geulincx and Nicolas Malebranche, 17th-century Dutch and 17th–18th-century French philosophers, respectively, to solve a specific problem in Cartesian metaphysics.For René Descartes, mind is active, unextended thinking, whereas body is passive, unthinking extension.But these two created substances, the bases of Cartesian dualism, are combined

Occasionalism, Of

3. Occasionalism synonyms, Occasionalism pronunciation, Occasionalism translation, English dictionary definition of Occasionalism

Occasionalism, Of

4. Occasionalism definition, a theory that there is no natural interaction between mind and matter, but that God makes mental events correspond to physical perceptions and actions


5. What does Occasionalism mean? The doctrine that God is the sole causal actor and that all events are merely occasions

Occasionalism, Occasions

6. Occasionalism is a philosophical theory about causation which says that created substances cannot be efficient causes of events.Instead, all events are taken to be caused directly by God

Occasionalism, Of

7. Occasionalism is the doctrine, held by a number of early modern Cartesian thinkers, that created substances are devoid of any true causal powers, and that God is the only real causal agent in the universe

Occasionalism, Of, Only

8. ‘Edwards' mental phenomenalism is a natural extension of his Occasionalism and views on substance.’ ‘Throughout Letters, Norris defends his Occasionalism against Astell's critiques.’ ‘Plastic nature enables Cudworth to account for the providential ordering of the universe without falling into the trap of Occasionalism.’

Of, Occasionalism, On, Ordering

9. Occasionalism (Latin occasio) is the metaphysical theory which maintains that finite things have no efficient causality of their own, but that whatever happens in the world is caused by God, creatures being merely the occasions of the Divine activity.

Occasionalism, Occasio, Of, Own, Occasions

10. Occasionalism (Latin occasio) is the metaphysical theory which maintains that finite things have no efficient causality of their own, but that whatever happens in the world is caused by God, creatures being merely the occasions of the Divine activity

Occasionalism, Occasio, Of, Own, Occasions

11. ‘Edwards' mental phenomenalism is a natural extension of his Occasionalism and views on substance.’ ‘Throughout Letters, Norris defends his Occasionalism against Astell's critiques.’ ‘Plastic nature enables Cudworth to account for the providential ordering of the universe without falling into the trap of Occasionalism.’

Of, Occasionalism, On, Ordering

12. OccasionalismOccasionalism is the doctrine that there is no efficient causation within creation


13. Occasionalism — Oc*ca sion*al*ism, n

Occasionalism, Oc

14. Psychology Definition of Occasionalism: noun

Of, Occasionalism

15. Occasionalism is the doctrine that God is the only true cause

Occasionalism, Only

16. Occasionalism is often thought of primarily as a rather desperate solution to the problem of mind-body interaction

Occasionalism, Often, Of

17. Occasionalism (Latin occasio) is the metaphysical theory which maintains that finite things have no efficient causality of their own, but that whatever happens in the world is caused by God, creatures being merely the occasions of the Divine activity

Occasionalism, Occasio, Of, Own, Occasions

18. Occasionalism (Latin occasio ) is the metaphysical theory which maintains that finite things have no efficient causality of their own, but that whatever happens in the world is caused by God, creatures being merely the occasions of the Divine activity

Occasionalism, Occasio, Of, Own, Occasions

19. Definition of Occasionalism in the dictionary

Of, Occasionalism

20. What does Occasionalism mean? Information and translations of Occasionalism in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.

Occasionalism, Of, On

21. Malebranche is known for his Occasionalism, that is, his doctrine that God is the only causal agent, and that creatures merely provide the “occasion” for divine action.

Occasionalism, Only, Occasion

22. The theory called Occasionalism simply concedes that the “local” counterfactual dependence of the behavior of a physical system on a non-physical event requires a miracle.

Occasionalism, Of, On

23. Occasionalism definition: the post-Cartesian theory that the seeming interconnection of mind and matter is effected Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Occasionalism, Of

24. Nonetheless, Occasionalism was far from being unanimously accepted even within the Cartesian camp


25. Pierre-Sylvain Régis is a good example of a committed Cartesian who was also a fierce enemy of Occasionalism

Of, Occasionalism

26. Since Occasionalism, concurrentism and mediationism are usually regarded as the only three accounts of secondary causation available, it

Occasionalism, Only, Of

27. Synonyms for Occasionalism include nonce word, neologism, new word, nonce, singleton, coinage, new phrase, slang, buzzword and neology


28. Occasionalism holds that created substances make no active causal contribution to subsequent states of the world

Occasionalism, Of

29. His position, known as Occasionalism, was adopted also by Geulincx and the French philosopher Géraud de Cordemoy.Malebranche was convinced by the argument—urged most strongly by the French skeptic …


30. Occasionalism is commonly understood as a theory that ascribes all causal power to God, while treating cause-effect relations in nature as customary events or occasions determined by divine volition

Occasionalism, Or, Occasions

31. Is Occasionalism simply a historical curiosity, or does it have the potential to become a viable position for present-day theists? Leaving aside Geulincx’s far-from-evident principle, there are two principal arguments for Occasionalism, based respectively on the critique of natural causality and on the pre-emptive causality of God.

Occasionalism, Or, On, Of

32. Occasionalism, metaphysical doctrine that denies that finite things have any active power and asserts that God is the only cause, whereas physical events and mental states are only occasions for God's action

Occasionalism, Only, Occasions

33. Developed a version of Occasionalism as an alternative to Aristotelian theories of causality.

Of, Occasionalism

34. Occasionalism, version of Cartesian metaphysics that flourished in the last half of the 17th century, in which all interaction between mind and body is mediated by God

Occasionalism, Of

35. Occasionalism is the doctrine, held by a number of early modern Cartesian thinkers, that created substances are devoid of any true causal powers, and that God is the only real causal agent in the universe

Occasionalism, Of, Only

36. Steven Nadler: Occasionalism: Causation Among the Cartesians In Part I, Ott aims to vindicate in part the Hatfield-Garber thesis that Descartes is a "limited occasionalist ": in the Principles of Philosophy (though not in Le Monde), he holds that created minds have causal powers, but bodies do not.

Occasionalism, Ott, Occasionalist, Of

37. Occasionalism, metaphysical doctrine that denies that finite things have any active power and asserts that God is the only cause, whereas physical events and mental states are only occasions for God's action

Occasionalism, Only, Occasions

38. Developed a version of Occasionalism as an alternative to Aristotelian theories of causality.

Of, Occasionalism

39. If you find our videos helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon. is a ph


40. This chapter charts the development of the theory of Occasionalism within the Islamic tradition until the fifth/eleventh century

Of, Occasionalism

41. Occasionalism emphasizes God’s absolute power by negating natural causality and attributing every causal effect in the world immediately to Him


42. Occasionalist definition is - an adherent of Occasionalism

Occasionalist, Of, Occasionalism

43. This chapter is an examination of the myth that Occasionalism arose as an ad hoc response to the mind-body problem bequeathed by Descartes

Of, Occasionalism

44. Since Thomas’s view is wrong, Bonaventure’s Occasionalism must be correct: “Scotus thus argues that a sacrament is a non-causal ‘necessitating condition.’ It does not cause God’s


45. Occasionalism, metaphysical doctrine that denies that finite things have any active power and asserts that God is the only cause, whereas physical events and mental states are only occasions for God's action

Occasionalism, Only, Occasions

46. Occasionalism is the doctrine, held by a number of early modern Cartesian thinkers, that created substances are devoid of any true causal powers, and that God is the only real causal agent in the universe

Occasionalism, Of, Only

47. In a recent paper, Alvin Plantinga defends Occasionalism against an important moral objection: if God is the sole direct cause of all the suffering that results from immoral human choices, this causal role is difficult to reconcile with God's perfect goodness.

Occasionalism, Objection, Of

48. Occasionalism is the thesis that God alone is the true cause of everything that happens in the world, and created substances are merely "occasional causes." This doctrine was originally developed in medieval Islamic theology, and was widely rejected in the works of Christian authors in medieval Europe.

Occasionalism, Of, Occasional, Originally

49. OccasionalismOccasionalism is the doctrine that there is no efficient causation within creation


50. Occasionalism is the doctrine, held by a number of early modern Cartesian thinkers, that created substances are devoid of any true causal powers, and that God is the only real causal agent in the universe

Occasionalism, Of, Only


OCCASIONALISM [əˈkāZHənlˌizəm]


Frequently Asked Questions

What does occasionalism mean?

Occasionalism is a philosophical theory about causation which says that created substances cannot be efficient causes of events.

What is occasionalism in philosophy?

Occasionalism is a philosophical theory about causation which says that created substances cannot be efficient causes of events. Instead, all events are taken to be caused directly by God. (A related theory, which has been called "occasional causation", also denies a link of efficient causation between mundane events,...

Is occasionalism a metaphysics?

Understood in this manner, occasionalism can be understood as a metaphysics of causation that suggests a more discriminating attitude toward what are typically taken to be causal interactions operative in this world.

What is occasionalism in Islam?

Occasionalism is for Ibn Abi Jumhur no longer an essential part of the mutakallimun's cosmology. Unwittingly, in their drive to assert God's sole agency, the occasionalism that Ash ari discourse erected as a counter to causation served to undermine knowledge of God that can be gained through knowledge of 'causal relations'.