1. These verbs mean to give proper heed to or show proper reverence for something, such as a custom or holiday. Observe and keep stress compliance or respectful adherence to that which is prescribed: Observes the Sabbath; keeps the holiday traditions.
Or, Observe, Observes
2. Present tense third-person singular of observe Synonyms & Antonyms of Observes 1 to act according to the commands of you must observe all the rules of this school, not simply the ones that meet with your personal approval
Of, Observe, Observes, Ones
3. The Crossword Solver found 121 answers to the Observes crossword clue
4. 21 rows · Observes
5. The crossword clue Observes with 5 letters was last seen on …
Observes, On
6. In Java EE, the observers are marked with the @Observes annotation
Observers, Observes
7. The addition of the @Observes annotation to the method signature instructs the container that this method should act as an
Of, Observes
8. Some regions in Quebec, east of 63°W longitude, most of Saskatchewan, Yukon (uses DST all year round), and some areas in British Columbia and Nunavut (Southampton Island) do not observe DST.Saskatchewan, however, Observes Central Time even though it geographically belongs in the Mountain Time Zone based on the longitude, meaning it effectively Observes DST year round.
Of, Observe, Observes, On
9. Public void afterLogin(@Observes LoggedInEvent event) { } An observer method is a non-abstract method of a managed bean class or session bean class (or of an extension)
Observes, Observer, Of, Or
10. Guthrie Observes Colon Cancer Awareness Month Local News
11. Northern Light Eastern Maine Medical Center Observes National Sleep Awareness Week by BDN Community 2 hours ago March 15, 2021
12. Observes (14 Occurrences) Romans 14:6 He who Observes the day, Observes it to the Lord; and he who does not observe the day, to the Lord he does not observe it
Observes, Occurrences, Observe
13. Iranian Jewish leader tells US rabbi community freely Observes its religion Arash Abaie says regime’s commitment to religious law benefits observant citizens from all religions, adding that
Observes, Observant
14. CISF Observes security week Attempt to suicide case booked upGrad collaborates with IIM Kozhikode to launch Data Science for Business Decision Making for …
15. Japan Observes 10th anniversary of Fukushima disaster 11/03/2021 Oman Observer Fukushima
Observes, Of, Oman, Observer
16. What does Observes mean? Third-person singular simple present indicative form of observe
Observes, Of, Observe
17. Commission Observes Colon Cancer Awareness Month Personal stories drive home importance of testing Sheriff Brian Bellendir Barton County Commissioner Jennifer Schartz, who lost her son Dane to the
Observes, Of
18. County Observes National FFA Week Features On Feb
Observes, On
19. Giving: Links chapter Observes Heart Month JoAnne Poindexter Feb 18, 2021 Feb 18, 2021; 0 {{featured_button_text}} Facebook; Twitter; WhatsApp; SMS; Email; Print; Save; February is …
20. Sri Lanka Observes ‘Black Sunday’ protest
21. Japan Observes 10th Anniversary of Deadly Natural, Nuclear Disaster
Observes, Of
22. Bangladesh Observes 12th anniversary of Peelkhana carnage Senior Correspondent, bdnews24.com Published: 25 Feb 2021 10:58 AM BdST Updated: 25 Feb 2021 10:58 AM BdST
Observes, Of
23. Asia - Pacific Pakistan Observes 'Int'l Day to Combat Islamophobia' Country joins other Muslim states to observe this day for first time, Pakistani Foreign Ministry says
Observes, Other, Observe
24. 2 days ago · Toronto Observes one year since first COVID-19 death in the city in moving ceremony
Observes, One
25. Oswego County Observes Flood Safety Awareness Week
Oswego, Observes
26. 1 day ago · DOH Observes non-frontliners jump vax line posted March 23, 2021 at 01:10 am by Willie Casas and Macon Ramos-Araneta A "number" of non-frontliners have jumped the country's COVID-19 vaccination queue, an official of the Department of Health said Monday.
Observes, Of, Official
27. 7 hours ago · Niger Observes three days of national mourning after carnage
Observes, Of
28. 2 days ago · Arab World Observes Mother’s Day
OBSERVES [əbˈzərv]
Definition of observe. transitive verb. 1 : to conform one's action or practice to (something, such as a law, rite, or condition) : comply with failed to observe the law and as a consequence had to pay a fine.
Use observation in a sentence. noun. The definition of an observation is the act of noticing something or a judgment or inference from something seen or experienced. An example of observation is the watching of Haley's Comet.
Antonyms for observe: stomping, challenge, pay no attention to, dis obey, gets in on the act,...
notice, observation, observance(noun) the act of noticing or paying attention. "he escaped the notice of the police". Synonyms: ceremony, poster, notification, watching, honoring, posting, placard, ceremonial occasion, ceremonial, bill, notice, observance, reflexion, card, reflection.