Use Obedientia in a sentence

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See also: Obediential Obediencia Obedience Obedient Obediently Obed Obed-edom

1. Obedientia in Charles du Fresne du Cange’s Glossarium Mediæ et Infimæ Latinitatis (augmented edition, 1883–1887)


2. Legal definition for Obedientia: An office, or the administration of it; a kind of rent; submission; obedience

Obedientia, Office, Or, Of, Obedience

3. Obedientiary definition is - one owing or yielding obedience : subject.

Obedientiary, One, Owing, Or, Obedience

4. Obediential definition is - according to a rule of obedience.

Obediential, Of, Obedience

5. Dignitati quoque civium optime consulitur: quibus in Obedientia ipsa concessum est decus illud retinere, quod est hominis excellentiae consentaneum. The dignity also of the citizen is best provided for; for to them it has been permitted to retain even in obedience that …

Optime, Obedientia, Of, Obedience

6. (Ecclesiastical Terms) Christianity the holder of any monastic office under the superior [C18: from Medieval Latin Obedientiarius; see obedient, -ary] Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014

Of, Office, Obedientiarius, Obedient

7. A fifth model is the " Obediential " model, such as found in the thought of Karl Barth and Dietrich Bonhoeffer, in which the core element of faith is obedience to the revelation of Christ. Hatred between Belief and Faith: Conversion in The End of the Affair and Till We Have Faces

Obediential, Of, Obedience

8. Latin Obedientia, obedience.) OBEDIENCE The moral virtue that inclines the will to comply with the will of another who has the right to command

Obedientia, Obedience, Of

9. De vera Obedientia From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia De vera Obedientia (About True Obedience) is a treatise written in 1535 by the Bishop of Winchester Stephen Gardiner in support of the annulment of Henry VIII of England 's marriage to Katherine of Aragon.

Obedientia, Obedience, Of

10. Subscribe to Darktower's official Youtube channel: Obedientia (physical/digipak) now: …

Official, Obedientia

11. But if King Billy is out of place in Dublin, so too is the city motto: Obedientia Civium Urbis Felicitas

Out, Of, Obedientia

12. Interestingly, Obedientia means almost the opposite of blind obedience. It implies taking responsibility for your own life

Obedientia, Opposite, Of, Obedience, Own

13. What is the definition of Obedientiar? What is the meaning of Obedientiar? How do you use Obedientiar in a sentence? What are synonyms for Obedientiar?

Of, Obedientiar

14. Lyric Video of the music DOWNFALL taken from the upcoming album Obedientia, to be release at 5th November by Extreme Sound Records, Electric Funeral Records,

Of, Obedientia

15. De vera Obedientia an oration made in Latine This edition was published by J

Obedientia, Oration

16. Hoenecke describes the traditional Lutheran approach to active obedience writing, "So then, according to Scripture, that through which Jesus furnished satisfaction is his entire obedience (Obedientia vicaria universalis), which is partly a doing (Obedientia activa), namely, fulfilling the law, partly a suffering (Obedientia passiva), namely

Obedience, Obedientia

17. Gardiner recovered some favour at court by publishing his Episcopi de vera Obedientia oratio (1535; “Bishop’s Speech on True Obedience”), a treatise attacking the papacy and upholding royal supremacy over the Church of England.

Obedientia, Oratio, On, Obedience, Over, Of

18. Obedience OBE'DIENCE, noun [Latin Obedientia.

Obedience, Obe, Obedientia

19. The meaning, origin and history for the user-submitted name Obedientia.

Origin, Obedientia

20. 'Obedientia Civium Urbis Felicitas' is the motto of the fair city of Dublin and appears on the city's Coat of Arms along with three burning castles, which represent three gates into the ancient Viking city and two women carrying olive branches

Obedientia, Of, On, Olive

21. Limba latină Obedientia surse: DEX '09 DEX '98 DN Fila Sinteză arată o listă condensată de definiții, compilată de echipa dexonline


22. There are no reviews for Obedientia yet


23. What is the definition of Obedientiar? What is the meaning of Obedientiar? How do you use Obedientiar in a sentence? What are synonyms for Obedientiar?

Of, Obedientiar

24. Ausculta o fili Obedientia sine mora ora et labora huc properat caelos optat qui cernere apertos nec removet votum semita dura pium semper difficili quaeruntur summa labore arctam semper habet vita beata viam [listen, o child: obedience without delay

Obedientia, Ora, Optat, Obedience

25. VOLUME 6 -276- To this book of Stephen Winchester, De Obedientia, we will adjoin, for good fellowship, the Preface also of Edmund Bonner, archdeacon then of Leicester, prefixed before the same; to the intent that the reader, seeing the judgments of these men as they were then, and again the sudden mutation afterwards of the said parties to the contrary opinion, may learn thereby what vain-glory and pomp of …

Of, Obedientia, Opinion

26. Obedientia Est Legis Essentia (Obedience is the Essence of the Law)

Obedientia, Obedience, Of

27. Obedientia Civium Urbis Felicitas by Tujacques, released 08 July 2013 1


28. Bonus Track: Naked Brain - Studio Rehearsal 'Obedientia Civium Urbis Felicitas' is the motto of the fair city of Dublin and appears on the city's Coat of Arms along with

Obedientia, Of, On

29. The CEO of a multinational corporation, the conductor of an orchestra, or a bishop, may cultivate Obedientia in this sense

Of, Orchestra, Or, Obedientia

30. De imperandi authoritate, et Christiana Obedientia, libri quatuor


31. The result was his celebrated treatise De vera Obedientia, the ablest of all the vindications of royal supremacy

Obedientia, Of

32. Alijsque a legitimo suorum principum dominio, & Obedientia rebellantibus


33. Downfall é a música de abertura do nosso último trabalho, Obedientia


34. English: Downfall is the opening song for our last work, Obedientia.

Opening, Our, Obedientia



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