Use Nullifidians in a sentence

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See also: Nullifidian Null Nullify Nullification Nullified Nulliparous Nullity Nulliparity Nullable To Define

1. * " Nullifidians " (30) are, literally, those who have no faith (or "faith in nothing") or, as Van Sloetten writes, those who "will believe nothing but what they see" (30) A note on the texts

Nullifidians, No, Nothing, Note

2. Nullifidians refuse to accept both a faith and the community expression of faith, which is the gathering aspect of religion.


3. Nullifidians meaning Plural form of nullifidian.

Nullifidians, Nullifidian

4. Thus, as subjects of experimentation, the students could be described as Nullifidians; they had not professed faith in any choice-of-law dogma which could, even subliminally, direct their approach to Neumeier.

Nullifidians, Not, Neumeier

5. In Play: Today's word has a pejorative pall hanging over it: "Some media Nullifidians seem to enjoy dispensing gloom-and-doom scenarios in hopes of scaring people to take up their political positions." However, it only means you do not go to church: "George is a godly nullifidian who devotes his weekends working for the benefit of others."

Nullifidians, Not, Nullifidian

6. What does Nullifidians mean? Plural form of nullifidian

Nullifidians, Nullifidian

7. Nullifidians being atheists, and solifidians go so far the other way as to believe that salvation comes through faith, not works.-- That was an Odd little search! That was an Odd little search! Share.

Nullifidians, Not

8. Nullifidians being atheists, and solifidians go so far the other way as to believe that salvation comes through faith, not works.-- That was an Odd little search! Share

Nullifidians, Not

9. Digitus dei or God appearing in his wonderfull works For the conuiction of Nullifidians


10. "Socinianisme, Arminianisme, Anabaptisme, Antinomianisme, Brownisme, Erastianisme, Independency, and that which is called (by abuse of the word) Liberty of Conscience, being indeed liberty of errour, scandall, schisme, heresie, dishonouring God, opposing the truth, hindering reformation, and seducing others; whereunto we adde those Nullifidians


11. And we could’ve been enjoying its awesomeness for many more years if it weren’t for the scoffers and the overly rigid Nullifidians


12. If Steve Martin can sell this story to us childless Nullifidians, imagine how he’s making those fathers in the audience weep like repentant sinners


13. With over one thousand attendees this year, I think TAM has become the annual mecca for science boosters and science teachers, secular humanists and religious humanists, atheists, agnostics, and ignostics, deists, rationalists freethinkers and Nullifidians, and on and on.


14. 11 Abolish some pagan Nullifidians


15. “This is not a succedaneum for satisfying the nympholepsy of Nullifidians

Not, Nympholepsy, Nullifidians

16. O ye of little faith] Ye petty fidians: He calleth them not Nullifidians

Not, Nullifidians

17. In the sermons, as in the poems (where it has led to occasional corruptions of the text), he uses words that, if not obsolete, were growing rare—“bezar,” “defaulk,” “triacle,” “lation”—but, more often, he coins or adopts already coined “inkhorn” terms—“omnisufficiency,” “Nullifidians,” “longanimity

Not, Nullifidians

18. “Not a succedaneum for satisfying the nympholepsy of Nullifidians, it is hoped that the haecceity of this enchiridion of arcane and recondite sesquipedalian items …

Not, Nympholepsy, Nullifidians

19. As one, the Cleric Council reached out into the gaiafield with their minds; unisphere access followed swiftly, making the grand announcement available across the Greater Commonwealth to followers and Nullifidians alike.


20. Coseismal Harmon fertilises, Nullifidians redates suburbanizing socialistically


21. As one, the Cleric Council reached out into the gaiafield with their minds; unisphere access followed swiftly, making the grand announcement available across the Greater Commonwealth to followers and Nullifidians alike.



NULLIFIDIANS [ˌnələˈfidēən]

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What does nullifidian mean?

    Definition of nullifidian (Entry 1 of 2) 1 : a person of no faith or religion : skeptic, unbeliever 2 : one lacking in faith : disbeliever

    What does nullifying mean?

    The act of nullifying or the state of being nullified: a referee's nullification of a goal for being scored in violation of a rule. a. The action by a state not to enforce a federal law as improperly encroaching on the scope of state power.

    What does nullification mean?

    Retrieved from The act of nullifying or the state of being nullified: a referee's nullification of a goal for being scored in violation of a rule. a. The action by a state not to enforce a federal law as improperly encroaching on the scope of state power. b. A theory justifying such action.

    Was Celia a nullifidian?

    Celia was no longer the eternal cherub, but a thorn in her spirit, a pink-and-white nullifidian, worse than any discouraging presence in the ' Pilgrim's Progress .' Of no faith or religion; not trusting to faith for salvation. nullifidian in Webster’s Revised Unabridged Dictionary, G. & C. Merriam, 1913.

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