See also: Nucleophile Nucleophilic Nucleophilicity Nucleophile. Nuclear Nucleus Nucleotide Nucleic Nucleolus Nucleoid Nuclide Nucleosome Nucleon
1. Nucleomorph meaning (biology) A small vestigial eukaryotic nucleus found between the inner and outer pairs of membranes in certain plastids.
Nucleomorph, Nucleus
2. Nucleomorphs are the remnant nuclei of algal endosymbionts in cryptophytes and chlorarachniophytes, two evolutionarily distinct unicellular eukaryotic lineages that acquired photosynthesis secondarily by the engulfment of red and green algae, respectively.
Nucleomorphs, Nuclei
3. In two groups, the eukaryotic nature of the endosymbiont can be seen by its retention of a vestige of a nucleus (called its Nucleomorph). A group of unicellular, motile algae called cryptomonads appear to be the evolutionary outcome of a nonphotosynthetic eukaryotic flagellate (i.e., a protozoan) engulfing a red alga by endocytosis.
Nature, Nucleus, Nucleomorph, Nonphotosynthetic
4. Nucleus-encoded Nucleomorph HISTONE H2A mRNA specifically accumulated during the nuclear S phase
Nucleus, Nucleomorph, Nuclear
5. In contrast, nucleomorph-encoded genes/proteins that are related to …
6. The other Nucleomorph genes are housekeeping entities, presumably underpinning maintenance and expression of these plastid proteins
7. Chlorarachniophyte plastids are thus serviced by three different genomes (plastid, Nucleomorph, and host …
8. Nucleomorphs are relic endosymbiont nuclei so far found only in two algal groups, cryptophytes and chlorarachniophytes, which have been studied to model the evolutionary process of integrating an endosymbiont alga into a host-governed plastid (organellogenesis).
Nucleomorphs, Nuclei
9. The Nucleomorph is a small double membraned organelle located in a space between the second and the third membranes of the chloroplast envelope (Fig
10. The Nucleomorph of the chlorachniophytes is only 380 kb, the smallest among eukaryotes. It contains three linear chromosomes, with subtelomeric rRNA genes at both ends
11. Nucleomorph genomes are dominated by ‘housekeeping’ proteins involved in transcription, translation and protein folding/degradation essential for the expression of a small set of plastid-targeted proteins whose genes have not (yet) been transferred to the host cell nuclear genome
Nucleomorph, Not, Nuclear
12. Nucleomorph-carrying organisms retain not only the membranes of this relict nucleus, but also many of its genes: Nucleomorph genomes consist of …
Nucleomorph, Not, Nucleus
13. The Nucleomorph genomes consist of three chromosomes totaling 374 and 432 kb in size in A
14. The Nucleomorph is located outside the pyrenoid between the pyrenoid and the nucleus. The flagella are covered with a layer of fibrillary scales overlapping with each other
Nucleomorph, Nucleus
15. The tiny nucleus, called a Nucleomorph, is not the main cellular nucleus but is the residual nucleus of a red algal endosymbiont that resides inside the …
Nucleus, Nucleomorph, Not
16. Example sentences with "Nucleomorph", translation memory The chloroplast is surrounded by two membranes and has no Nucleomorph—all the Nucleomorph genes have been transferred to the dinophyte nucleus
Nucleomorph, No, Nucleus
17. Nucleomorphs are the relic nuclei of algal endosymbionts that became permanent fixtures inside nonphotosynthetic eukaryotic host cells.
Nucleomorphs, Nuclei, Nonphotosynthetic
18. Surrounded by three membranes, without a CER or Nucleomorph; Thylakoids in groups of three, without a girdle lamella; Pyrenoids may be present, and in many taxa are stalked and cluster into a single mass ; Pigmented with Chlorophylls a and b; Main secondary pigments …
19. The plastid-bearing members of the Cryptophyta contain two functional eukaryotic genomes of different phylogenetic origin, residing in the nucleus and in the Nucleomorph, respectively.
Nucleus, Nucleomorph
20. Nuclear and Nucleomorph 18S ribosomal RNA genes from six cryptomonads were amplified by the polymerase chain reaction and sequenced
Nuclear, Nucleomorph
21. The nuclear genome of the red alga persists in a highly reduced form termed a Nucleomorph.
Nuclear, Nucleomorph
22. Despite their independent origins, the Nucleomorph genomes of these two lineages have similar genomic architectures, but little is known about the evolutionary pressures impacting Nucleomorph DNA, particularly how their rates of evolution compare to those of the neighboring genetic compartments (the mitochondrion, plastid, and nucleus).
Nucleomorph, Neighboring, Nucleus
23. Nucleomorphs are residual nuclei derived from eukaryotic endosymbionts in chlorarachniophyte and cryptophyte algae
Nucleomorphs, Nuclei
24. The endosymbionts that gave rise to Nucleomorphs and plastids in these two algal groups were green and red algae, respectively.
25. Nucleomorph Small RNAs in Cryptophyte and Chlorarachniophyte Algae The regulation of gene expression and RNA maturation underlies fundamental processes such as cell homeostasis, development, and stress acclimation
26. Tubulin gamma chain, Nucleomorph
27. The cryptomonad Nucleomorph (and its associated plastid) has been shown to be the product of a secondary (i.e., eukaryote–eukaryote) endosymbiotic event involving a red alga and a heterotrophic host, while chlorarachniophytes have a green algal-derived Nucleomorph
28. Despite their independent origins, the Nucleomorphs of both lineages show
29. Apart from the recently sequenced Nucleomorph genome of Bigelowiella natans, little is known about the size, structure, and composition of chlorarachniophyte Nucleomorph genomes
Nucleomorph, Natans
30. Toward the goal of better understanding Nucleomorph genome diversity, as well as establishing a phylogenetic framework with which to interpret variation in
31. Nucleomorph (plural Nucleomorphs) English Wikipedia has an article on: Nucleomorph
Nucleomorph, Nucleomorphs
32. The Nucleomorph elongated and fibrous structures appeared, and seemed to be associated with electron-dense granules
33. Later, the Nucleomorph formed a constriction at its central region (Fig
34. 7D) and divided to produce two daughter Nucleomorphs
35. The other Nucleomorph genes are housekeeping entities, presumably underpinning maintenance and expression of these plastid proteins
36. Chlorarachniophyte plastids are thus serviced by three different genomes (plastid, Nucleomorph, and host …
37. Nucleomorph proteins have the potential to reveal the minimal functional units required for basic eukaryotic cellular processes
38. Nucleomorphs are the remnant nuclei of algal endosymbionts that took up residence inside a nonphotosynthetic eukaryotic host
Nucleomorphs, Nuclei, Nonphotosynthetic
39. The Nucleomorphs of cryptophytes and chlorarachniophytes are derived from red and green
40. Nucleomorph division in Cryptophyceae 313 endosymbiont within an ancestral phagocytic flagellate
41. Supporting evidence for the hypothesis that the Nucleomorph may be a vestigial nucleus, and for other proposals suggesting that the presence of the Nucleomorph has extremely important phylo-
Nucleomorph, Nucleus
42. Nucleomorph with three chromosomes, 240 kb, 225 kb, and 195 kb Does not form a spindle during mitotsis; Plastid is a secondary plastid; Primary plastid typically with thylakoids in pairs, with no girdle lamellae Chlorophylls a and c2
Nucleomorph, Not, No
43. The Nucleomorph is enclosed by a double membrane; this envelope is interrupted by pores which, in tangential section, appear as elongated slits and have a central dense element
44. Plural of Nucleomorph Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
45. Nucleomorph • Bigelowiella natans CCMP2755
Nucleomorph, Natans
46. Nucleomorph • Guillardia theta CCMP2712
47. The Nucleomorph is enclosed by a double membrane; this envelope is interrupted by pores which, in tangential section, appear as elongated slits and have a central dense element
48. Two types of inclusions have been observed in Nucleomorphs: dense globules which are occasionally joined to form ribbons, and a larger fibrillogranular body which
49. Tubulin alpha chain, Nucleomorph Add BLAST: 448: Proteomic databases
50. A Nucleomorph is a remnant nucleus found between the outer two and inner two membranes of the plastid in cryptomonads and chlorarachniophyte algae
Nucleomorph, Nucleus
51. Within the periplastid space is a diminutive nucleus (the Nucleomorph) that encodes mostly genes for its own expression as well as a few needed by the plastid
Nucleus, Nucleomorph, Needed
52. Two plastid-encoded chaperones (GroEL and DnaK) and a Nucleomorph-encoded chaperone (Cpn60) have …
Nucleomorphs are small, vestigial eukaryotic nuclei found between the inner and outer pairs of membranes in certain plastids.
Nucleomorphs represent some of the smallest genomes ever sequenced. After the red or green alga was engulfed by a cryptomonad or chlorarachniophyte, respectively, its genome was reduced. The nucleomorph genomes of both cryptomonads and chlorarachniophytes converged upon a similar size from larger genomes.
They are thought to be vestiges of primitive red and green algal nuclei that were engulfed by a larger eukaryote. Because the nucleomorph lies between two sets of membranes, nucleomorphs support the endosymbiotic theory and are evidence that the plastids containing them are complex plastids.
The nucleomorph genomes of both cryptomonads and chlorarachniophytes converged upon a similar size from larger genomes. They retained only three chromosomes and many genes were transferred to the nucleus of the host cell, while others were lost entirely.