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1. This measure is known as the Nulliparous, Term, Singleton, Vertex (Ntsv) Cesarean Birth Rate, which identifies the proportion of live babies born at or beyond 37.0 weeks gestation to women in their first pregnancy, that are singleton (no twins or beyond) and in the vertex presentation (no breech or transverse positions), via cesarean birth.

Nulliparous, Ntsv, No

2. The Ntsv CD rate decreased from 29.3% to 25% without significantly increasing 6 patient safety measures California's statewide collaborative to reduce Ntsv CD included education on ACOG/ SMFM guidelines, introduction of a toolkit, increased labor support, and shared best practices


3. What does Ntsv stand for? List of 5 Ntsv definitions


4. Top Ntsv abbreviation meanings updated April 2021


5. What is the Ntsv Cesarean Birth Measure? The Cesarean Birth measure used by The Joint Commission breaks down primary cesarean rates into something that can be used to more fairly compare hospitals


6. The Joint Commission will begin publicly reporting hospitals with consistently high Ntsv cesarean birth rates on Quality Check ® by July 1, 2020, using data reported by hospitals during the calendar years 2018 and 2019.


7. Ntsv (Nulliparous, Term Singleton, Vertex) as the focus for CS Quality Improvement Importance of L&D culture, Labor practices, and use of Data and the California Maternal Data Center to drive change Multi-strategy approach to address CS rates Public projects to support this initiative :

Ntsv, Nulliparous

8. Decreasing Ntsv Cesarean Section Births One factor associated with rising maternal morbidity is the increased use of cesarean sections


9. Their Ntsv cesarean rate ultimately declined to about 23 percent, although it has plateaued and hovered there since 2015


10. But that rate may be satisfactory; in fact, the goal of Healthy People 2020 (an initiative of the US Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion) is an Ntsv cesarean rate of 23.9 percent.


11. The dramatic variation in Ntsv rates seen in all populations studied is striking according to Menacker (2006)


12. Ntsv Cesarean Birth Rate Dashboard: Indiana


13. Indiana’s Ntsv cesarean rate is below the Healthy People 2020 target of 23.9 percent.


14. The nulliparous, term, singleton, vertex (Ntsv) cesarean delivery rate has become the obstetric quality measure, as it is the most variable portion of the rise in cesarean delivery and represents low risk primary cesarean births.

Nulliparous, Ntsv

15. Measure: Cesarean Delivery for Nulliparous (Ntsv) Women (Appropriate Use)

Nulliparous, Ntsv

16. Ntsv C-Sections Measure Specifications This measure assesses the number of nulliparous women with a term, singleton baby in a vertex position delivered by cesarean section

Ntsv, Number, Nulliparous


Nulliparous, Ntsv

18. This workshop series will provide participants with an overview of risks and complications associated with unnecessary Ntsv Cesarean-sections, coding and documentation guidelines for inpatient and outpatient settings, and the


19. Labor and delivery department to attempt to reduce our Nulliparous, Term, Singleton, Vertex (Ntsv) cesarean delivery rate over a one year time period

Nulliparous, Ntsv

20. Our Ntsv cesarean section rate in 2013 was 35%


21. It measures the rates of cesarean births among a subset of the general obstetric population of low-risk women having their first birth with a term, singleton baby in a vertex position (Ntsv). Rating PC-02 Performance


22. Reduce the nulliparous, term, singleton, vertex (Ntsv) cesarean delivery rate; that is, the rate of cesarean deliveries among term (37 or more completed weeks of gestation), singleton (one fetus), vertex (head first) births to women giving birth for the first time (15)

Nulliparous, Ntsv

23. Vaginal deliveries at Florida delivery hospitals and ultimately reduce Ntsv cesareans


24. Ntsv Nulliparous, Term, Singleton, Vertex Cesarean Birth Rate: The percentage of cesarean (surgical) births among first-time mothers who are at least 37 weeks pregnant with one baby in a head down position (not breech or transverse)

Ntsv, Nulliparous, Not

25. Ntsv stands for Nulliparous Term Singleton Vertex (cesarean section births) Suggest new definition

Ntsv, Nulliparous, New

26. The research focused on C-section rates for first-time mothers with low-risk deliveries, known as Ntsv, or nulliparous term singleton vertex births

Ntsv, Nulliparous

27. Nulliparous, Term, Singleton, Vertex Cesarean Birth Rate (Ntsv) Ntsv rate is the percentage of cesarean (surgical) births among first-time mothers who are at least 37 weeks pregnant with one baby in a head down position (not breech or transverse).

Nulliparous, Ntsv, Not

28. On one hand, the main limitation of Ntsv cesarean rate is that it only includes a portion of women delivering babies—preterm, postterm, nonvertex, and multiparous deliveries are excluded from this indicator

Ntsv, Nonvertex

29. 1 Hence, Ntsv cesareans should be analyzed in …


30. Ntsv Cesarean module — to run on the EDW platform


31. The module enables the team to measure baseline care processes and outcomes, create visualizations specific to Ntsv metrics and measure the effectiveness and outcome of care improvement interventions


32. Improving Healthcare Data Quality As data from the EDW began to flow into the Ntsv data mart


33. The cesarean delivery rate for Ntsv births in the US (excluding California) was 26.0% in both 2014 and 2019


34. Meaning Between 2014 and 2019, the rates of cesarean delivery for Ntsv births in California decreased over time in the setting of a coordinated hospital-level collaborative and statewide initiatives designed to support vaginal birth.


35. Care Expert Panel, hospitals must achieve the Healthy People 2020 Ntsv cesarean birth rate target of 23.9% or lower


36. Since Leapfrog’s public reporting on the Ntsv C-section measure began in 2015, hospitals have demonstrated only minor progress year-over-year in reducing the average rate (Figure 1)


37. Ntsv cesarean section delivery rate is associatedwith concrete quality improvement activities that can be performed to address the differences in cesarean delivery rates among hospitals


38. A national goal to reduce the overall cesarean rate targets Ntsv

National, Ntsv

39. Towards ensuring that New Jersey becomes the safest place to give birth, one of the first statewide priorities is to reduce Nulliparous, Term, Singleton, Vertex (Ntsv) cesarean birth rates to bring hospitals in line with the national target established in Healthy People 2020.

New, Nulliparous, Ntsv, National

40. Why does the Toolkit Focus on Ntsv Cesarean Rate? Nulliparity is a critical risk adjuster

Ntsv, Nulliparity

41. The Ntsv population is the largest contributor to the recent rise in cesarean rates The Ntsv population exhibits the greatest variation for all sub-populations of cesarean births for both hospitals and providers


42. As a result of numerous efforts, the Ntsv cesarean birth rate at Sutter Medical Center, Sacramento dropped from 24.5% to 20.0% over three years

Numerous, Ntsv

43. Medical Ntsv abbreviation meaning defined here


44. What does Ntsv stand for in Medical? Get the top Ntsv abbreviation related to Medical.


45. HealthDay News — According to a study published in The Joint Commission Journal on Quality and Patient Safety, quality improvement initiatives — including provider education and feedback — can reduce the nulliparous term singleton vertex (Ntsv) cesarean delivery rate.

News, Nulliparous, Ntsv

46. The dramatic variation in Ntsv rates seen in all populations studied is striking according to Menacker (2006)


47. Quality improvement initiatives can decrease the Ntsv cesarean delivery rate


48. Any increased incidence of fetal or maternal complications associated with decreased Ntsv cesarean delivery rate should be considered in the context of the risks and benefits of vaginal delivery compared to cesarean delive …


49. Nulliparous Term Singleton Vertex (cesarean section births) Ntsv

Nulliparous, Ntsv

50. Native Title Services Victoria (Australia) Ntsv

Native, Ntsv

51. Nonreversed Translocated Saphenous Vein (arterial surgery) Note: We have 1 other definition for Ntsv in our Acronym Attic

Nonreversed, Note, Ntsv

52. There is a 15 fold variation in Ntsv cesareans (2.4% to 36.5%) in the USA


53. Labor abnormalities and “non-reassuring” fetal heart rate tracings account for 60% of Ntsv cesareans

Non, Ntsv

54. Ntsv is a place that I will miss but look back on in the coming years fondly


55. What does Undefined Ntsv stand for? Hop on to get the meaning of Ntsv


56. The Undefined Acronym /Abbreviation/Slang Ntsv means Nulliparous Term Singleton Vertex

Ntsv, Nulliparous

57. Objective: This study was undertaken to assess the utility of the nulliparous term singleton vertex cesarean birth (Ntsv CB) measure as a quality improvement tool for use at the hospital level

Nulliparous, Ntsv

58. Study design: We prospectively collected data on all Ntsv births in Sutter Health's 20 birthing units over a 3-year period, 2001 through 2003, totaling 41,416 births.




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Frequently Asked Questions

What does NTSV stand for?

NTSV stands for Nulliparous Term Singleton Vertex (cesarean section births) Suggest new definition. This definition appears frequently and is found in the following Acronym Finder categories: Science, medicine, engineering, etc.

What does NSTV mean?

NSTV stands for Nederlandse Schaats Trainers Vereniging (Dutch: Dutch Skating Trainers Association)

What is NTSV cesarean?

This measure is known as the Nulliparous, Term, Singleton, Vertex (NTSV) Cesarean Birth Rate, which identifies the proportion of live babies born at or beyond 37.0 weeks gestation to women in their first pregnancy, that are singleton (no twins or beyond) and in the vertex presentation (no breech or transverse positions),...

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