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1. νόθοι (Nothoi) Adjective - Nominative Masculine Plural Strong's 3541: Illegitimate, base-born

Nothoi, Nominative

2. His priests were drawn from the list of boys who were not full Athenian citizens (Nothoi). Many famous Nothoi exercised there (such as Demosthenes) but it was probably not exclusively set aside for them.

Not, Nothoi

3. The trophimoi were temporarily adopted by a Spartan oikos.The trophimoi sons of Perioeci represented, like the neodamodes and the Nothoi (natural sons of slaves and citizens), an intermediate class at Sparta.

Neodamodes, Nothoi, Natural

4. νοθοι νόθοι νομάδες νομάδων Nothoi nóthoi


5. Nothoi: Infinitive থ’ব thöbo: নথ’ব nothöbo: Genitive infinitive থ’বৰ thöbor: নথ’বৰ nothöbor: Goal থ’বলৈ thöboloi: নথ’বলৈ nothöboloi: Terminative থ’বলৈকে thöboloike: নথ’বলৈকে nothöboloike: Future passive participle থ’ব লগা thöbo loga: নথ

Nothoi, Noth

6. THE Nothoi OF KYNOSARGES* OUR main pieces of evidence about the bastards who exercised in the gymnasium of Kynosarges not far outside the walls of Athens are the following: (i) Plutarch, Themistocles I: Themistocles' mother was a Thracian (or Carian) and he therefore exercised at the gymnasium of Kynosarges where the Nothoi were enrolled

Nothoi, Not

7. Likewise, The Nothoi, or, impure or unworthy children, would frequent this gymnasium, as cultural and educational centers were known, reiterating the fact that it was located outside of the capital.


8. These children were known as “Nothoi.” The Spartans distrusted the helots and every year, there would be mass murders carried out so the helots would not rebel

Nothoi, Not

9. ‘The Nothoi come of age? Illegitimate sons and political unrest in late fifth-century Athens’, in P


10. Nothoi are represented as particularly identified with their mothers


11. Some names given to illegitimate sons, such as those of Teucer, Eudoros, Hippolytos, and the Partheniai of Sparta, seem to reflect qualities of their mothers, and so their very names link these Nothoi to their mothers

Names, Nothoi

12. We have also seen that Nothoi are imagined to inhabit the same physical space as their mothers.


13. Nothoi, the bastard children of pallakai, lacked the legal right to inherit from their fathers but were routinely eligible for Athenian citizenship.


14. Nothoi) is used in its ordinary" "sense, and denotes those who do not share the privileges of" God's children.

Nothoi, Not

15. Xenophon uses the term Nothoi to describe the sons of such unions


16. Nothoi are good to think with because of the complexities of the status


17. Those children would be called “Nothoi” and they would rank somewhere between a slave and a free man, usually serving in the citizen army or doing some other lower level of public service.


18. Nothoi of Sparta were the illegitimate offspring of Spartan men with Helot women, and that they may even have been identical with the mothakes who were reared alongside legitimate Spartan sons (Ogden (1996) 217-24)


19. Nothoi, the bastard children of pallakai, lacked the legal right to inherit from their fathers but were routinely eligible for Athenian citizenship


20. Those children would be called “Nothoi” and they would rank somewhere between a slave and a free man, usually serving in the citizen army or doing some other lower level of public service.


21. As always in Lafferty, there is a deadly urgency to these philosophical debates, as the presence of the aforementioned assassins attests (reminding one of the mechanical killers in Past Master and the Nothoi-hunters in Ishmael Into the Barrens).


22. Nothoi) is used in its ordinary sense, and denotes those who do …


23. Claimed by Nothoi, Enweil - which withdrew its claim later -, Old Grehk and Fronen it looked like being accepted that Nothoi would take the city


24. This would enable Nothoi to give back Dyomoque to Fronen which had lent the city to Nothoi after that realms last city had fell to the horrors, thus enabling Nothoi


25. Consult the weather in Nothoi, Jammu and Kashmīr for the next 14 days, updated weather forecast

Nothoi, Next

26. Temperature, chance of rain and wind speed in Nothoi.


27. Nothoi) is used in its ordinary


28. (2016) “The Nothoi come of age? Illegitimate sons and political unrest in late fifth-century Athens” in Sänger, P

Nothoi, Nger

29. Marth Kinsey, Polemarchos of Nothoi, Royal of Nothoi, Duke of Mesh, Earl of Cwellndell, Marshal of the Fist of Nothoi has been wounded by Azazel's Cunning (19)


30. Find the most current and reliable 36 hour weather forecasts, storm alerts, reports and information for Nothoi, IN with The Weather Network.

Nothoi, Network

31. Professor Scott clearly explained the complicated distinctions between the Nothoi (children of only one citizen or illegitimate children of citizens), atimoi (those who lost their rights for a range of reasons) and demopoietoi (those who were gifted …


32. Ii.11 (1319b19 ff.): [Aristotle is discussing the last and worst form of democracy; one of its features is the admission of persons who have only one parent-citizen or who are Nothoi.Demagogues regularly introduce such practices and make the government more unstable by provoking the gnorimoi.]a democracy of this kind will also find useful such institutions as were


33. ‘The Nothoi come of age? Illegitimate sons and political unrest in late fifth-century Athens’, in P


34. Josephus tells us twice that the children of a pallakē are Nothoi, that is, not legitimate (Antiquities 2:5, 5:233)

Nothoi, Not



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