See also: Not Notwithstanding Not-for-profit Not-so Note-taking Nut-brown Nut-hook Is Factor Whether Past Does Strict Module Notion
1. If something is Not worth a red cent, it has no value.
Not, No
2. Not worth a dime & not worth a red cent
3. 'not worth a red cent' on video איך להעשיר אוצר מילים אנגלית עסקית Wanna Cry / WannaCry Ransomware antidote is a new algorithm: MSDT(f10) Part 3.
Not, New
4. Beginning in the Middle Ages it became a symbol of low worth, and a common German byword is " keinen (roten) Heller wert ", lit.: not worth a (red) Heller, or "not worth a red cent".
5. N (used with a negative) informal chiefly US a cent considered as a trivial amount of money (esp in the phrases not have a red cent, Not worth a red cent, etc) Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
Negative, Not
6. Not worth a red cent: (USA) If something is not worth a red cent, it has no value
Not, No
7. "Not worth a red cent" is an English equivalent of the French phrase pas en valeur un cent rouge
8. I used to find dimes and pennies with red nail color on one side, or sometimes both, hence the saying; "Not worth a red cent." Pictures would be nice
Nail, Not, Nice
9. Not worth a red cent: having no value
Not, No
10. Not worth a red cent: having no value
Not, No
11. Not worth a red cent: having no value; Red letter day: a memorable, joyful day; Red tape: excessive formalities in governmental process; In the red: a term to describe an economic loss; So what does a love of RED say about your personality? Well, to begin with it identifies you as extroverted and optimistic, courageous and confident
Not, No
12. Amazon should provide the ability to give zero stars, and Amazon should make it front and center that this is just another Asylum rip-off that is Not worth a red cent, and even watching it for free on Prime is a rip-off of your time and precious brain-cells.
13. 'Not worth a red cent' = không đáng một đồng xu, từ 'red' ở đây ám chỉ màu của đồng tiền được làm bằng đồng -> vô dụng, không có giá trị; phá sản hoặc không một xu dính túi.
Not, Ng, Nh
14. In the 1800s people called pennies "coppers" or "red cents," because of the reddish color of the copper.At the time, "Not worth a copper" and "not worth a red cent" were both popular phrases
15. Similar and synonymous idioms could be ‘not worth a red cent,’ Little Currency; diddly, diddling, diddle and not worth a tinker’s dam
16. Although the head of the military, General Abdullah Atfeh, swore to the Minister of Defense in May 1947, that the Syrian army was "the best of all the Arab armies, the best army in the Middle East," the brigade commanders scoffed at this ridiculous assessment and cabled the President to warn, that "the army is not worth a red cent."[fn] Quwatli
17. Similar and synonymous idioms could be ‘not worth a red cent,’ Little Currency; diddly, diddling, diddle and not worth a tinker’s dam
18. Not worth a red cent; red cent; worth a cent; silence gives consent; to one's heart's content; in any event; in the event; to a large extent; avowed intent; at present; at …
19. Zhang Lie has interrupted the his words, tranquil said to nearly numb expression with one type: „ Actually, your easy will discover very much that before oneself thought the unshakeable faith with insisting, is not worth a red cent.”
Nearly, Numb, Not
20. Amazon should provide the ability to give zero stars, and Amazon should make it front and center that this is just another Asylum rip-off that is not worth a red cent, and even watching it for free on Prime is a rip-off of your time and precious brain-cells
Nbsp, Not
22. Red cent – insignificant value – “not worth a red cent” (informal) red herring – something intended to divert attention from the real problem or matter at hand
23. Whose martyrs are they, not worth a red cent! Histories ain’t that kind, to long-gone, petty pawns For their annals, are earmarked, for those spent statesmen Who preach after wars, “Let bygones, be bygones!” And sign ‘peace pacts’, with a pious poison pen! For …
24. Not worth a red cent Meaning in Hindi: Find the definition of Not worth a red cent in Hindi
25. OneIndia Hindi Dictionary offers the meaning of Not worth a red cent in hindi with pronunciation, synonyms, antonyms, adjective and more related words in Hindi.
Informal Insignificant value: not worth a red cent. American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.
The cent has long been the lowest denomination of American coin, and "red" refers to the fact that it used to be made out of copper. The expression dates from the early nineteenth century. J. S.
The only thing to be gained by adding red to "a cent" (or thin to "a dime") is emphasis on the following noun.
Branko Geroski in Sloboden Pecat comments that the story with the "red telephone" is not worth a red cent if Telma TV doesn't publically announce who put pressure on them. Are you all actors, are there no real heroes?