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See also: Gnostic Nostalgia Nostalgic Nostos Nostopathy Nonstock Bostock Nosocomial Notochord Nosocomio Nostrum Nostril Nostradamus Nostro Nostromo Nostrovia Define

1. Nostoc is a dark blue-green, jelly-like organism sometimes found in soggy home lawns


2. The Nostoc is likely filling in space where the grass does not grow.

Nostoc, Not

3. Nostoc, genus of blue-green algae with cells arranged in beadlike chains that are grouped together in a gelatinous mass


4. Ranging from microscopic to walnut-sized, masses of Nostoc may be found on soil and floating in quiet water


5. The jelly-like blobs of green are colonies of Nostoc, a phylum of bacteria that get their energy through photosynthesis


6. Within the category of “what is it?” lives a strange-looking organism called Nostoc.


7. Nostoc is a diverse genus of cyanobacteria


8. Nostoc is a cyanobacterium, a single-celled organism with no cell nucleus

Nostoc, No, Nucleus

9. The colony is covered in a protective jelly that gives Nostoc its unusual slimy appearance


10. Nostoc is a prokaryotic cyanobacterium that is responsible for performing photosynthesis


11. Other areas where Nostoc algae are found are in the tree trunks.


12. Nostoc algae thrives in moist, soggy areas


13. Those firm, gelatinous balls on the soggier parts of your property are Nostoc algae


14. Nostoc algae thrives in over-watered or consistently moist, sunny areas


15. Nostoc is a cyanobacteria genus that is occasionally found in freshwater phytoplankton assemblages, but is not usually associated with toxic planktonic blooms

Nostoc, Not

16. Nostoc is more commonly associated with benthic environments, where is can form form mats of dark, rubbery, irregular or egg-shaped colonies on damp soils or mixed in with shoreline


17. Nostoc is a genus of filamentous nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria that form macroscopic or microscopic colonies and is common in both terrestrial and aquatic environments (Potts, 2002)

Nostoc, Nitrogen

18. Abstract In the mountains of Peru, globular colonies of Nostoc commune (Nostocales) are collected in the highland lakes by the indigenous people, who call them llullucha

Nostoc, Nostocales

19. Nostoc is a Colonial, filamentous algae seen as mucilaginous balls that belongs to the class cyanophyceae (Blue green algae) • Heterocysts are Large sized, colourless, spherical, thick walled cells present in the filaments of blue green algae like Nostoc


20. Nostoc is a jelly-like substance with multiple common names like star jelly and witch’s butter

Nostoc, Names

21. Slippery when wet, Nostoc dries into a black crust that can prevent stolons from rooting, or “tacking,” into the soil, delaying the growth and spread of turfgrass.


22. Nostoc Fresh Water Algae Characteristics, Morphology and Methods of Reproduction


23. Nostoc also known as fresh water algae genus of cyanobacteria is found in the fresh water, on the damp soil, even as endophyte in the tissues of other plants such as Anthoceros or as an algal component of some lichens


24. Strain ARC8 showed a typical Nostoc-like morphology and in-depth morphological characterization indicated that it is a member of the genus Nostoc


25. Furthermore, in the 16S rRNA gene phylogeny inferred using Bayesian inference, maximum likelihood and neighbour joining methods, strain ARC8 clustered within the Nostoc sensu stricto clade.

Neighbour, Nostoc

26. Nostoc A genus of filamentous cyanobacteria (section IV), in which the filaments have a distinctly beaded appearance under the microscope


27. Nostoc punctiliforme occurs in symbiotic association with the plant Gunnera, living in the leaf bases


28. Nostoc -like blue-green algae are among the most common and widespread cyanobacteria in moist substrate environments


29. Any of a genus (Nostoc) of blue-green algae, having twisted, coiled filaments embedded in a gelatinous material and forming spherical colonies.


30. Lord Nostoc Greyspine runs the Greyspine Quarry, the mithral mine in the city of Kraghammer


31. 1 Description 1.1 Appearance 1.2 Personality 2 Biography 2.1 Background 2.2 "Arrival at Kraghammer" (1x01) 2.3 "Into the Greyspine Mines" (1x02) 2.4 "The Feast" (1x24) 3 Trivia 4 References Nostoc has very short, fiery-red hair, and a long, straight beard kept


32. ADVERTISEMENTS: In this article we discuss about the external morphology of Nostoc


33. Nostoc is a Colonial, filamentous algae as mucilaginous balls that belongs to the class cyanophyceae (Blue green algae) Sexual reproduction is absent; Asexual Reproduction


34. The main difference between Nostoc and Anabaena is that Nostoc is a genus of cyanobacteria, and forms colonies composed of filaments of moniliform cells in a gelatinous sheath, whereas Anabaena is a genus of filamentous cyanobacteria, and exists as plankton


35. Nostoc and Anabaena are two genera of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria

Nostoc, Nitrogen

36. Nostoc commune is an edible cyanobacterium forming the spherical macrocolony, which is used as a potent herbal medicine and dietary supplement


37. Nostoc flagelliforme, one type of blue-green alga, lives in a specific niche with highly varying temperatures, low rainfall, and limited nutrients, but under such conditions it thrives in colonial filaments or alone as single, free-living cells.Its adaptability to its erratic environment is what makes it an intriguing and useful organism.

Nostoc, Niche, Nutrients

38. Occurrence of Nostoc Nostoc can be found in • soil • on moist rocks • at the bottom of lakes and springs (both fresh- and saltwater) • rarely in marine habitats


39. Characteristics of NostocNostoc, genus of blue-green algae with cells arranged in beadlike chains that are grouped together in a gelatinous mass.


40. Nostoc taxonomy: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Arctos Specimen Database: Nostoc Vaucher ex Bornet et Flahault, 1886: taxonomy/phylogenetic: CyanoDB: Show Biotic Interactions: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Global Biotic Interactions: search ING: taxonomy/phylogenetic: Index Nominum Genericorum: Nostoc Vaucher, 1888, Ex Bornet and Flahaul: taxonomy/phylogenetic

Nostoc, Nominum

41. Nostoc serves as a good supplementary food source in Asia


42. Nostoc is collected and cultivated as a source of food by the indigenous populations of many countries and in at least one of these, China, Nostoc occupies a position in human social behavior; it has done so for at least 1500 years


43. This chapter considers in a broad sense what is known and what needs to be known about Nostoc spp.

Needs, Nostoc

44. Nostoc definition is - any of a genus (Nostoc) of usually filamentous cyanobacteria that fix nitrogen.

Nostoc, Nitrogen

45. Nostoc is a very simple alga, belonging to the Cyanophycae group ( Blue-Green algae )


46. Nostoc - found in moist places as rounded jellylike colonies blue-green algae , cyanobacteria - predominantly photosynthetic prokaryotic organisms containing a blue pigment in addition to chlorophyll; occur singly or in colonies in diverse habitats; important as phytoplankton


47. 16.4k Followers, 522 Following, 373 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Nomadic Nostoc (@nomadic_Nostoc)

Nomadic, Nostoc

48. Nostoc definition, any freshwater, blue-green alga of the genus Nostoc, often occurring in jellylike colonies in moist places


49. PLEASE, I beg of you!!! From my mad googling skills I have figured out is is Nostoc Algae


50. I believe it is "Nostoc commune." It is a very dark green, gelatinous blobby specimen that is literally all over my pasture


51. Nostoc is typically seen in areas that with ample irrigation, poor drainage and abundant nutrients

Nostoc, Nutrients

52. ..A month after the experiment the lawn has grown back and the Nostoc has not recovered - gr

Nostoc, Not

53. Nostoc (redirected from Nostocs) Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia

Nostoc, Nostocs

54. Any of various freshwater nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria of the genus Nostoc that form spherical colonies of filaments embedded in a gelatinous substance.

Nitrogen, Nostoc

55. Traditionally, plant scientists have studied the genus Nostoc because of its photosynthetic ability


56. However, Nostoc is not technically a plant, rather it is a genus of photosynthetic cyanobacteria; some of the most ancient organisms on the planet

Nostoc, Not

57. Free-living forms of Nostoc inhabit a great variety of aquatic and terrestrial habitats, some species even


58. Nostoc commune is found in many countries around the world


59. In Singapore, Nostoc commune is found growing on alkaline soils, in brackish water, in paddy fields, on cliffs and on wet rocks.


60. Microscope slide with whole mount of Nostoc stained to show portion of flattened nodule containing filaments with heterocysts

Nostoc, Nodule

61. Any of various freshwater nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria of the genus Nostoc that form spherical colonies of filaments embedded in a gelatinous substance.

Nitrogen, Nostoc

62. Ævum by Nostoc, released 07 August 2017 1


63. Delirium Debut album from Costa Rica metal band Nostoc.


64. Mostly Nostoc are found in fresh water and some are also found in marine water or in the rice field



NOSTOC [ˈnästäk]

Frequently Asked Questions

What does Nostoc mean?

Definition of nostoc. : any of a genus (Nostoc) of usually filamentous cyanobacteria that fix nitrogen.

Is Nostoc a cyanobacterium?

Instead, Nostoc is a cyanobacterium. Cyanobacteria are like bacteria in that they are microscopic, single-celled organisms that contain no cell nucleus. Nostoc cyanobacteria form single-celled threadlike structures called filaments.

Where can you find Nostoc?

Nostoc can be found in soil, on moist rocks, at the bottom of lakes and springs (both fresh- and saltwater), and rarely in marine habitats.

How does Nostoc work?

Nostoc takes nitrogen gas from the atmosphere and ‘fixes’ it into a form that plants and animals can use. This process is known as nitrogen fixation. All organisms use nitrogen to make amino acids, proteins, and other building blocks necessary for life.

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