Use Normovolemia in a sentence

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See also: Normovolemic Normal Normative Norm Normalcy Normalize Normally Normality Normie Normalization Normocephalic Normalized

1. Medical definition of Normovolemia: a normal volume of blood in the body —called also euvolemia.

Normovolemia, Normal

2. Normovolemia Normovolemia should be maintained, especially in circumstances of potential large-volume losses, such as bleeding, clamping of large vessels, or aspiration of large volume of ascites when opening the abdomen


3. Normovolemia or dry weight was defined as postdialysis weight where the patient shows no sign of pulmonary or peripheral edema and do not have hypotension. Decreased serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D level causes interventricular septal hypertrophy in patients on peritoneal dialysis: cardiovascular aspects of endogenous vitamin D deficiency

Normovolemia, No, Not

4. Nor·mo·vol·e·mi·a n. Normovolemia, volumen normal de la sangre

Nor, Normovolemia, Normal

5. Circulatory characteristics of Normovolemia and normotension therapy after subarachnoid hemorrhage, focusing on pulmonary edema

Normovolemia, Normotension

6. Normovolemia is maintained by volume replacment with crystalloids or colloid solutions. Blood substitutes: evolution and future applications Goals of anaesthetic management consist of i) Myocardial depression should be avoided ii) Normovolemia should be maintained iii) Avoid overdose of drugs during induction as circulation time is slow.


7. Normovolemia (10Ns) This page is part of the 10N-Matrix for a high quality conduct of pediatric anesthesia care


8. Normovolemia (uncountable) The condition of having a normal volume of blood circulating in the body.

Normovolemia, Normal

9. Normovolemia and hipervolemia values were used to establish dry weight and a new instrument was used in nutritional diagnosis to global subjective valuation in renal patient under hemodialysis, the Malnutrition Inflammation Score (MIS)

Normovolemia, New, Nutritional

10. The present study addresses how the β-adrenergic antagonist esmolol influences volume expansion and fluid balance during Normovolemia (series 1) and hypovolemia (series 2)


11. Fluid imbalance can arise due to hypovolemia, Normovolemia with maldistribution of fluid, and hypervolemia. Trauma is among the most frequent causes of hypovolemia, with its often profuse attendant blood loss


12. Normovolemia translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'norm',normal time',normal',normality', examples, definition, conjugation

Normovolemia, Norm, Normal, Normality

13. Normovolemia defined according to cardiac stroke volume in healthy supine humans: Normovolemia and Starling’s law of the heart


14. Normovolemia: ( nōr'mō-vol-ē'mē-ă ), A normal blood volume

Normovolemia, Normal

15. Normovolemia defined according to cardiac stroke volume in healthy supine humans. Bundgaard-Nielsen M (1), Jørgensen CC, Kehlet H, Secher NH.

Normovolemia, Nielsen, Nh

16. The fluid bolus in series 1 Normovolemia had differential effects on ΔPV/ΔEVV for control and esmolol (Fig


17. Normovolemia answers are found in the Taber's Medical Dictionary powered by Unbound Medicine


18. Acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) is a blood conservation technique that entails the removal of whole blood from a patient shortly after induction of anesthesia, with maintenance of Normovolemia using crystalloid and/or colloid replacement fluid.

Normovolemic, Normovolemia

19. Cumulative sodium balance was even in the hypervolemia group and persistently negative in the Normovolemia group, because of sodium losses that occurred on Postoperative Days 2 and 3 (P = 0.03)

Negative, Normovolemia

20. Normovolemia definition at, a free online dictionary with pronunciation, synonyms and translation


21. Normovolemia in these strategies remains complicated


22. At present, there is no universal definition of Normovolemia or standardized method to assess it.

No, Normovolemia

23. There is no universal definition of Normovolemia or a standardized method of assessing Normovolemia in the current literature

No, Normovolemia

24. Some studies determine Normovolemia by urinary output, whereas others use more invasive techniques by assessing the cardiac output or cardiac index


25. The purpose of this study was to investigate circulatory characteristics of Normovolemia and normotension therapy after SAH using pulse contour analysis, and to reveal the mechanisms of PE after SAH

Normovolemia, Normotension

26. METHODS Twenty-five anesthetized pigs in Normovolemia or severe hemorrhagic shock (controlled arterial bleeding in blood bags targeting systolic arterial pressure of 50 mm Hg, corresponding to 40–50% of the blood volume) were randomized to REBOA zone 1 or REBOA+REBOVC zone 1 (n = 6–7/group) for 45 minutes occlusion, followed by 3-hour resuscitation …


27. Acute normovolemic hemodilution (ANH) is a blood conservation technique that entails the removal of blood from a patient shortly after induction of anesthesia, with maintenance of Normovolemia using crystalloid and/or colloid replacement.

Normovolemic, Normovolemia

28. “Ideally, blood loss should be replaced with crystalloid or colloid solutions to maintain intravascular volume (Normovolemia) until the danger of anemia outweighs the risks of transfusion


29. Summary Background: Both hypovolemia and a fluid overload are detrimental for outcome in surgical patients but the effort to establish Normovolemia is hampered by the lack of an operational clinic


30. Normovolemia… See the full definition


31. Presented that differentiates between hypervolemia in ECW where Normovolemia is encountered, Wgt m is the dialysis patients and Normovolemia, demonstrating the measured weight and Wgt dry the dry weight


32. Figure 20-4 illustrates this concept, showing mean circulatory filling pressures of 9 mm Hg for hypervolemia, 7 mm Hg for Normovolemia, and 5 mm Hg for hypovolemia


33. Contents: ANH consists of taking a percentage of the patient’s blood volume and a concurrent infusion of acellular fluids in order to maintain Normovolemia


34. Fluid imbalance can arise due to hypovolemia, Normovolemia with maldistribution of fluid, and hypervolemia


35. Normovolemia • Total blood volume is not changed but ratio between blood cell and plasma is changed • 1.Cell number decreasing Normovolemia • 2.Cell number increasing Normovolemia 12

Normovolemia, Not, Number

36. • Erythrolysis • Anemia • Loss blood 1.Cell number decreasing Normovolemia • Take blood2.Cell number increasing Normovolemia 13.

Number, Normovolemia

37. Normovolemic (not comparable) Exhibiting or relating to Normovolemia.

Normovolemic, Not, Normovolemia

38. The strict maintenance of Normovolemia is essential for adequate hemodynamic compensation of acute anemia, that is, for the increase in cardiac output


39. However, one weakness of the present protocol is the verification of Normovolemia at time points characterized by extreme anemia.


40. Normovolemia is maintained by infusing crystalloid or albumin replacement fluid in a 1:1 ratio to maintain intraoperative hemodynamics while minimizing the risk of pulmonary or renal interstitial edema


41. During ANH, Normovolemia was exactly maintained


42. We hypothesized that with Normovolemia, CPAP would decrease CI because of decreased left ventricular (LV) preload, whereas in hypervolemia CPAP would increase CI because of a decrease in afterload




  • › Pathophysiology of fluid volume deficit
  • › Pathophysiology of excess fluid volume

Frequently Asked Questions

What is normovolemia and how is it maintained?

Normovolemia is maintained by volume replacment with crystalloids or colloid solutions. Goals of anaesthetic management consist of i) Myocardial depression should be avoided ii) normovolemia should be maintained iii) Avoid overdose of drugs during induction as circulation time is slow.

What is normovolemia in dogs?

Lack of agreement between thermodilution and echocardiographic determination of cardiac output during normovolemia and acute hemorrhage in clinically healthy, anesthetized dogs. Normovolemia or dry weight was defined as postdialysis weight where the patient shows no sign of pulmonary or peripheral edema and do not have hypotension [12].

How does URMC ERP promote normovolemia?

On the day of surgery, the URMC ERP promotes normovolemia by encouraging the patient to drink any desired clear liquids up until six hours before undergoing general anesthesia, followed only then by the two Gatorade Prime [R] drinks (8 ounces), which are consumed two hours prior to the arrival to the hospital.

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