See also: Conversation Conversationalist Conservationist Conservation Conversational Conversationally Nonverbal Nonviolent Nonviolence Nonviable Nonvocal Nonvsam Nonvolatile Nonvascular Immediacy
1. Billy disappears to buy water and I strike up a Nonversation (smile, nod, hello, Ingalis) with a Kurdish man with a scar on his cheek, who gestures for me to play the guitar." - blog post at, March 20, 2010
Nonversation, Nod
2. What does Nonversation mean? A meaningless conversation
3. (noun) I had the most painful Nonversation with my girlfriend's ignorant bigoted father.
Noun, Nonversation
4. Nonversation (English)Origin & history Blend of non-and conversation
Nonversation, Non
5. I had the most painful Nonversation with my girlfriend's ignorant bigoted father.; 1997, Andrew Field, Nabokov, His Life In Part, page 22: "There is always a bit of jovial Nonversation at the newsstand
Nonversation, Nabokov, Newsstand
6. 1997, Andrew Field, Nabokov, His Life In Part, page 22: There is always a bit of jovial Nonversation at the newsstand
Nabokov, Nonversation, Newsstand
7. This "Nonversation" can't go on much longer
8. The nonversation of the two horsemen standing upon the shoulders of their townsmen was quick and laconic. As Bruce was somewhat taken aback by this turn in the Nonversation, as a witty friend used to term the appropriately uneven match of social skills, he simply asked why
Nonvers, Nonversation
9. There is always a bit of jovial Nonversation at the newsstand.
Nonversation, Newsstand
10. Nonversation A non-converation where two or more people greet each other but do not follow with a conversation, but instead follow with an awkward silence, that can result in figeting and short quick glances around the room
Nonversation, Non, Not
11. Nonversation is a sound sculpture using found audio of U.S
12. Definition of Nonversation in the dictionary
Nonversation, Net
13. What does Nonversation mean? Information and translations of Nonversation in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.
14. Nonversation New Word Suggestion a worthless or meaningless conversation; a brief exchange without words esp because the participants do not speak the same language
Nonversation, New, Not
15. Nonversation 3M Reads 217K Votes 30 Part Story
16. Dirgaela; exo; jongin; Nonversation; sehun; Table of Contents; Details; Introductie
17. It seems it's already being promoted as you can see under User-Submitted Words on Merriam-Webster: #1: Nonversation in Top 10
18. Nonversation, sebuah novel yang menerjemahkan kata kehilangan dari perspektif seorang sahabat, pengagum, anak, dan orangtua.
Nonversation, Novel
19. Nonversation Lyrics: They fuck you up, your mom and dad / The may not mean to, but they do / When I look into the eyes of a child / I see nothing but future, fear, and misery / Whether mine or his
Nonversation, Not, Nothing
Nbsp, Nonversation
21. This page explains what the slang term "Nonversation" means
22. What does Nonversations mean? Plural form of Nonversation
Nonversations, Nonversation
23. Nonversation 3 points 2 hours ago Nonversation 3 points 2 hours ago
24. what's new online! Weird thing to discuss and it reads really oddly, not so much a conversation as a Nonversation, but I guess we have to be thankful her mother wasn't keen on the name "Pierce" otherwise she might have tried to put "Pen" and "Is" together
New, Not, Nonversation, Name
25. I call this typical parenting communication trap a Nonversation.
26. Urdu meanings, examples and pronunciation of Nonversation
27. Nonversation meaning in Urdu (Pronunciation -تلفظ سنیۓ ) US: 1) Nonversation
28. Nonversation (SUDAH TERBIT) Teman, katanya.
29. Nonversation is EVERYONES story about being catfished, horrible first dates, and being ignored.Together we will disect and improve digital dating.
30. Nonversation, sebuah novel yang menerjemahkan kata 'kehilangan' dari perspektif seorang sahabat, pengagum, anak dan orang tua
Nonversation, Novel
31. © 2021 No More Nonversations No More Nonversations
No, Nonversations
32. Do you have that one friend who can talk to just about anyone about nothing in particular? You know, like the weather or the game he didn't even watch the night before? Well, that friend is great at the skill of Nonversation
Nothing, Night, Nonversation
33. Listen to Boy.Cott / Nonversation - EP by The Fool's Stone on Apple Music
34. Nonversation, sebuah novel yang menerjemahkan kata kehilangan dari perspektif seorang sahabat, pengagum, anak, dan orangtua
Nonversation, Novel
35. We've got 0 rhyming words for Nonversation » What rhymes with Nonversation? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Nonversation.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.
36. Selamat datang di Nonversation, Mari mengenal siapa yang akan bercerita tentang hidup mereka pada kalian di chapter selanjutnya.
37. Listen to Nonversation - Single by Dubgrade on Apple Music
38. Stream songs including "Nonversation", "Nonversation (Toygun Remix)" and more.
39. Unfortunately for him, the Indian government isn’t OK with trump making up a *Nonversation* about the conflict along India’s border with China and …
40. Instead of having a conversation, we have a Nonversation
41. The ‘textoverts’ are at it again and they are doing their best to turn this ‘Nonversation’ into a conversation
42. 1 day ago · “Nonversation” (pointless small talk) and “plunch” (plate lunch) made me chuckle aloud, but the PortmanTops Award goes to Kathleen K., who coined “grismal” during a December stay in
Nbsp, Nonversation
No. The proper word is "converse". "Conversate" is considered a slang word, If I'm not mistaken. It is unsurprising that "conversate" is found in online dictionaries.
Conversate is a nonstandard verb that means “to have a conversation.” The standard verb (and the one you should use if you want to be correct) is converse. One of the words you can get from the noun conversation is conversationalist: someone who is good at making conversation.
Antonyms for conversation: listening, post-cards, air mail, post-card, air mails, Postal Services, post card, quietude, postal service, postcards, post cards, silence, postcard, mail, disagreement, quiet.