Use Nonmanual in a sentence

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See also: Non-manual Non Nonmaleficence Nonmetal Nonmaterial Nonmember Nonmetallic Nonmonotonic Nonmagnetic Nomenclature

1. Nonmanual definition is - not requiring or involving the hands or physical labor : not manual

Nonmanual, Not

2. How to use Nonmanual in a sentence.


3. Researchers have found that "any routine task - a category that includes many white-collar, Nonmanual jobs - is on the firing line." Globalization only reinforces the trend: High-wage jobs "performed by highly educated workers are, if anything, more 'offshorable' than jobs done by low-paid, less-educated workers


4. Definition of Nonmanual in the dictionary

Nonmanual, Net

5. What does Nonmanual mean? Information and translations of Nonmanual in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


6. Nonmanual definition: not manual , esp involving mental or mechanical work rather than physical labour Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples

Nonmanual, Not

7. Nonmanual - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums


8. A Nonmanual occupation Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary


9. Upper Nonmanual occupations have the highest level of occupational inheritance


10. What does Nonmanual mean? Not manual

Nonmanual, Not

11. (adjective) A Nonmanual occupation.


12. Synonyms for Nonmanual worker include white-collar worker, management, professional worker, career woman, clerical worker, office worker, salaried workers, skilled worker and professional


13. Synonyms for Nonmanual include white-collar, clerical, office, executive, professional, salaried, non-manual, administrative, management and managerial

Nonmanual, Non

14. But a non-manual signal is not always a Nonmanual marker.

Non, Not, Nonmanual

15. Exempt administrative job duties are (1) office or Nonmanual work, which is (2) directly related to the management or general business operations of the employer or employer’s customers, and (3) a primary component of which involved the exercise of independent judgment and discretion about (4) …


16. The employee's primary duty is office or Nonmanual work


17. Nonmanual 11 is a valid Scrabble Word in NWL, formerly TWL (USA, Thailand, Canada) Nonmanual 11 is a valid Scrabble Word in CSW, formerly SOWPODS (Other Countries) Nonmanual 17 is a valid word in WWF

Nonmanual, Nwl

18. Definitions for the word, Nonmanual


19. Nonmanual - find the meaning, anagrams and hook words with Nonmanual and much more


20. The word Nonmanual uses 9 letters: a, a, l, m, n, n, n, o, u


21. Nonmanual is playable in: Words With Friends 17


22. Nonmanual chiropractic manipulation of the lumbar area is reported with code _____


23. Crasborn O A (2006), Nonmanual Structures in Sign Language


24. 10 Jul 2005 The sign for Nonmanual markers is to fingerspell “NMM.” Examples of Nonmanual markers: 1.

Nonmanual, Nmm

25. Simultaneously-occurring Nonmanual signals on the face


26. This paper presents a method designed for supporting co-occurring Nonmanual signals in ASL


27. Participants identified all of the Nonmanual signals even when they co-occurred.


28. Nonmanual definition is - not requiring or involving the hands or physical labor : not manual

Nonmanual, Not

29. How to use Nonmanual in a sentence.: 2


30. Define Nonmanual.Nonmanual synonyms, Nonmanual pronunciation, Nonmanual translation, English dictionary definition of


31. However, there is abundant research on the role of Nonmanual articulators in sign language grammar and prosody


32. Nonmanual Structures in Sign Language


33. Nonmanual signals and grammatical processes which result in systematic variations in sign appearance are integral aspects of this communication but have received comparatively little attention in the literature


34. The algorithm finds single Nonmanual markers, such as a single facial component (e.g., brows up), and first-order co-occurrences (i.e., temporal structure), as, for example, one facial or head articulation occurring before another (e.g., head turns right before brows move up)


35. The performance of office or Nonmanual work directly related to management policies or general business operations of the employer or the employer's customer; and b


36. 2 FACIAL Nonmanual SIGNALS Facial Nonmanual signals can appear in every aspect of ASL (Liddell, 2003)


37. Some Nonmanual signals operate at the lexical level and are essential to a sign’s meaning


38. For example, the Nonmanual OO indicates a small object, while CHA designates a large object.


39. Chi-square analyses showed that higher socioeconomic indicators (higher income, Nonmanual occupation) were associated with increased risk


40. Rejections: Nonmanual modifiers (NMMs)

Nonmanual, Nmms

41. Nonmanual Aspects of Focus Particles in Sign Languages It is not only the hands that count, Nonmanuals are even important, too

Nonmanual, Not, Nonmanuals

42. Annika Herrmann TISLR 10, Purdue University, West Lafayette Annika Herrmann Nonmanual Aspects of Focus Particles in SL


43. A notable difference between signed and spoken languages is the use of Nonmanual linguistic signals that co-occur with the production of signs

Notable, Nonmanual

44. These Nonmanual signals involve primarily the face and upper torso and are an important feature of American Sign Language (ASL)


45. In fact simultaneity of multiple Nonmanual signals can occur on the same facial feature


46. Additionally, such a system should allow both binary and incremental Nonmanual signals to display the full range of adjectival and adverbial modifiers


47. Validating such a representation requires both the affirmation that Nonmanual signals are indeed


48. These are referred to as Nonmanual markers Nonmanual Markers will indicate if the signer is asking a question or making a statement


49. Most students new to ASL may find using Nonmanual markers a challenge

New, Nonmanual


NONMANUAL [ˌnänˈmanyo͞oəl]

  • › Manual vs non manual employee
  • › Non manual markers definition
  • › Non manual marker asl examples

Frequently Asked Questions

What does non-manual mean?

Definition of nonmanual. : not requiring or involving the hands or physical labor : not manual nonmanual jobs/workers.

What is non - manual?

Definition of nonmanual. : not requiring or involving the hands or physical labor : not manual nonmanual jobs/workers.

What does nonmarital mean?

Definition of nonmarital. : not of, relating to, or occuring within marriage or the married state : not marital. nonmarital childbearing. nonmarital cohabitation. nonmarital sexual relations.

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