Use Nonconsecutive in a sentence

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See also: Nonconsecutive Nonchalant Nonce Nonchalantly Nonconformist Nonchalance Noncommittal Nonconformity Noncompliance Noncompliant Nonconformance Nonconforming Noncontiguous Noncommunicable Nonconsensual

1. Nonconsecutive definition is - not being in a sequence : not consecutive

Nonconsecutive, Not

2. How to use Nonconsecutive in a sentence.


3. President to be elected to two Nonconsecutive terms


4. You should exercise at least three times a week on Nonconsecutive days to maintain fitness.


5. Definition of Nonconsecutive in the dictionary

Nonconsecutive, Net

6. What does Nonconsecutive mean? Information and translations of Nonconsecutive in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


7. Antonyms for Nonconsecutive include consecutive, successive, succeeding, sequential, successional, sequent, straight, back-to-back, continuous and following


8. ‘Respondents were queried on two Nonconsecutive days.’ ‘Days spent in the specified group home during the study period, whether consecutive or Nonconsecutive, were summed, provided that interruptions in group home placement lasted 30 days or less.’ ‘Over five Nonconsecutive nights, 420 traps were set and left until dawn.’

Nonconsecutive, Nights

9. President to serve a second Nonconsecutive term, he detected a rough spot on the roof of his mouth.


10. Clements, who died Sunday at age 94, was elected to two Nonconsecutive four-year terms as governor, in 1978 and 1986.


11. What does Nonconsecutive mean? Not consecutive

Nonconsecutive, Not

12. (adjective) Words near Nonconsecutive in the Dictionary

Near, Nonconsecutive

13. Nonconsecutive page numbers are presented in the same order as the quotations to which they refer: As Ann Smith notes, some scholars contend that “the sky is green,” but others claim that “the sky is red” (80, 120)

Nonconsecutive, Numbers, Notes

14. Nonconsecutive, non-consecutive adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (not occurring one after another) no consecutivo loc adj locución adjetiva: Unidad léxica estable formada de dos o más palabras que funciona como adjetivo ("de fácil manejo", "a contraluz", "de fiar").

Nonconsecutive, Non, Noun, Not, No

15. History to serve Nonconsecutive terms.


16. Since the DOL is in the process of reexamining its FMLA regulations, employers should stay tuned to see whether any Nonconsecutive employment language makes its way into the definition of an “eligible employee.”


17. Nonconsecutive spondylolysis involving the lumbar spine is rare.


18. The generally accepted version of the word is Nonconsecutive, especially where numbers are concerned.

Nonconsecutive, Numbers

19. What is the minimum number of Nonconsecutive days per week recommended for strength training? A

Number, Nonconsecutive

20. Figure 4.3: Examples of Nonconsecutive 4 s spectrograms assigned to the 5 clusters using the test data from March 6, 2011 11:00:24 during a known vibroseismic sweep


21. President to have served Nonconsecutive terms – he was both the 22nd and the 24th president


22. We report a rare case of bilateral pars fractures involving Nonconsecutive segments


23. Conservative management may be used to treat multilevel Nonconsecutive pars fractures.


24. This is a SmartBoard activity that directly correlates with the Kindergarten Everyday Math Common Core Edition EDM4 8.10 Nonconsecutive Numbers (compare numbers and place them in order from smallest,least, to largest, greatest)

Nonconsecutive, Numbers

25. Opponents of changing the constitution note that while governors cannot seek re-election, they can still serve Nonconsecutive terms

Note, Nonconsecutive

26. Members of the Commission on Disabilities (Commission) are appointed by the Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors (Board) and represent each District for a Nonconsecutive two-year term.


27. Senators with Nonconsecutive Terms Reelections to additional full terms are omitted from summaries


28. Provision for sentencing of person to Nonconsecutive days in jail; payment to defray costs; penalty


29. Slade Gorton, a Washington Republican who in three Nonconsecutive terms in the Senate championed his state’s logging, aviation and technology industries and feuded with Native American tribes

Nonconsecutive, Native

30. What are another words for Nonconsecutive? Irregular, inconsistent, unsteady


31. Full list of synonyms for Nonconsecutive is here.


32. Pretraining TT5k times were used to form groups, one of which (N = 9) performed three HIT sessions per week on consecutive days (CD), while the other (N = 6) did so on Nonconsecutive days (NCD)

Nonconsecutive, Ncd

33. Please note, Board Certified Psychiatric Pharmacists must complete the Psychiatric Pharmacy Review Course offered by CPNP at least once, but no more than two times, in Nonconsecutive years, during the 7-year recertification cycle

Note, No, Nonconsecutive

34. Introduction of the wrong disulfide bond by DsbA is particularly problematic for proteins that require a disulfide bond between Nonconsecutive Cys (7–10)


35. When such proteins are oxidized incorrectly, the periplasmic disulfide bond isomerase DsbC rearranges their disulfide bonds to produce the final Nonconsecutive configuration (11–13).


36. Nonconsecutive shifts in the same day), the employer must pay the employee one additional hour of wages



NONCONSECUTIVE [ˌnänkənˈsekyədiv]

  • › Which president served two nonconsecutive
  • › President with two nonconsecutive terms
  • › Presidents who served nonconsecutive terms

Frequently Asked Questions

What is non consecutive meaning?

Definition of nonconsecutive. : not being in a sequence : not consecutive. Exercise three times a week on nonconsecutive days.

What does consecutive clause mean?

following one another in uninterrupted succession or order; successive: six consecutive numbers, such as 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. marked by logical sequence. Grammar. expressing consequence or result: a consecutive clause. Think you remember last week’s words? Take this quiz on the Words of the Day from April 6–12 to find out!

What is the difference between concurrent and consecutive?

Concurrent and Consecutive. Consecutive has a good deal in common with the complementary word concurrent. Besides the fact that both begin with the prefix con- (meaning “with, together”), each word deals with the time-order in which several things happen.

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