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See also: Nonaligned Non Nonalignment Nonagenarian Nona Nonagon Nonallopathic Nonary Non-adherence Nonambulatory Nonappearance Nonattendance Nonablative Nonaffluent

1. Definition of Nonaligned : not allied with other nations and especially with either the Communist or the non-Communist blocs Other Words from Nonaligned Example Sentences Learn More about …

Nonaligned, Not, Nations, Non

2. Not allied with any other nation or bloc; neutral: A group of 20 Nonaligned nations urged a treaty to ban space weapons.

Not, Nation, Neutral, Nonaligned, Nations

3. Nonaligned definition, not aligned: Nonaligned machine parts

Nonaligned, Not

4. Find 41 ways to say Nonaligned, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.


5. Nonaligned 'Nonaligned' is a 10 letter word starting with N and ending with D Crossword clues for 'Nonaligned'


6. Unaligned definition is - Nonaligned


7. A group of 20 Nonaligned nations urged a treaty to ban space weapons.

Nonaligned, Nations

8. Definition of Nonaligned in the dictionary

Nonaligned, Net

9. What does Nonaligned mean? Information and translations of Nonaligned in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web.


10. What is the definition of Nonaligned? What is the meaning of Nonaligned? How do you use Nonaligned in a sentence? What are synonyms for Nonaligned?


11. Adjective [usu ADJ n] Nonaligned countries did not support or were in no way linked to groups of countries headed by the United States or the former Soviet Union.a meeting of foreign ministers from Nonaligned countries

Nonaligned, Not, No

12. A close ally of fellow Nonaligned member Cuba, Chavez has been traveling frequently to Havana for cancer treatment, which has given rise to speculation about his health and longevity prospects


13. Another word for Nonaligned: neutral, impartial, uninvolved, nonpartisan, noncombatant Collins English Thesaurus

Nonaligned, Neutral, Nonpartisan, Noncombatant

14. Synonyms for Nonaligned include impartial, neutral, nonbelligerent, noncombatant, nonpartisan, uninvolved, aloof, autonomous, bystanding and calm

Nonaligned, Neutral, Nonbelligerent, Noncombatant, Nonpartisan

15. Definition of Nonaligned written for English Language Learners from the Merriam-Webster Learner's Dictionary with audio pronunciations, usage examples, and count/noncount noun labels.

Nonaligned, Noncount, Noun

16. Because the Nonaligned Movement is one of the few international organizations that is firmly anchored in both the Western and the socialist world, such a dialogue could inaugurate a new era in world politics, with the Western, socialist and Nonaligned nations joining …

Nonaligned, New, Nations

17. After all, there are 120 Nonaligned Movement member states in the UN General Assembly, and UN chiefs have regularly attended Nonaligned Movement summits


18. Gathering Hope In Tehran But in Sunday's vote Shimajiri secured support from both 40.2 percent of Okinawa's Nonaligned voters and 23.9 percent of DPJ backers, according to the projections.


19. Not allied with any other nation or bloc; neutral: A group of 20 Nonaligned nations urged a treaty to ban space weapons

Not, Nation, Neutral, Nonaligned, Nations

20. Nonaligned Movement References in periodicals archive ? While a formal Indo-American alliance may be in sight, it is prudent to consider possible obstacles--such as India's legacy commitment to nonalignment and strategic autonomy, doubts about the reliability of the United States as a strategic partner, and possible adverse economic

Nonaligned, Nonalignment

21. The Nonaligned Movement (NAM), founded at the height of the Cold War, is a grouping of developing countries that do not want to align themselves with any major superpower.

Nonaligned, Nam, Not

22. Nonaligned translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'non-aligned',non-alignment',nonchalance',nonnuclear', examples, definition, conjugation

Nonaligned, Non, Nonchalance, Nonnuclear

23. Nonaligned - Translation to Spanish, pronunciation, and forum discussions


24. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: Nonaligned, also UK: non-aligned adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." (nation: neutral)

Nonaligned, Non, Noun, Nation, Neutral

25. Definition of Nonaligned adjective in Oxford Advanced American Dictionary


26. "The Nonaligned movement was one of the most important developments of the Cold War, and yet, as Robert Rakove notes in this stimulating and fascinating book, historians have paid it very little attention

Nonaligned, Notes

27. By examining the Kennedy and Johnson administrations' approach to the Nonaligned movement, Rakove helps fill a large gap in the existing


28. Some of these Nonaligned nations were traditional neutrals, such as Switzerland or Sweden, that stayed out of war

Nonaligned, Nations, Neutrals

29. By the mid-1950s, however, many of the Nonaligned were newly independent countries of Asia or Africa, numerous enough that they became known as the Third World

Nonaligned, Newly, Numerous

30. Nonaligned - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums


31. KIEV, Ukraine—Ending its status as a Nonaligned nation, Ukraine rekindled aspirations to join the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, a move that drew a quick rebuke from Moscow.

Nonaligned, Nation, North

32. Nonaligned pages also generally earned more average interactions each week compared to left-leaning pages


33. I do not think that Cleveland and McGill considered a stacked bar chart to be an example of position along Nonaligned scales

Not, Nonaligned

34. On page 233 of the 1985 edition of Cleveland’s “The Elements of Graphing Data”, we see a multipanel graph with the caption saying, “Values on different panels of this graph can be compared by making judgments of positions along identical, Nonaligned scales.”


35. Nonaligned Movement Countries Meet in Cuba Leaders from more than 100 countries meet this week in Cuba for a summit of the Nonaligned Movement


36. Synonyms for Nonalignedly in Free Thesaurus


37. 8 synonyms for Nonaligned: impartial, neuter, neutral, nonpartisan, unbiased, uncommitted

Nonaligned, Neuter, Neutral, Nonpartisan

38. In 1 capping group, a sciatic nerve stump was capped with a Nonaligned nanofiber conduit (the Nonaligned group), whereas in a second capping group, the conduit was made of aligned nanofibers (the aligned group)

Nerve, Nonaligned, Nanofiber, Nanofibers

39. The resulting list consisted of 771 right-leaning pages, 497 ideologically Nonaligned pages, and 505 left-leaning pages


40. Production company from Serbia



NONALIGNED [ˌnänəˈlīnd]

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  • › Indonesia non aligned movement

Frequently Asked Questions

What does nonaligned mean?

Nonaligned definition is - not allied with other nations and especially with either the Communist or the non-Communist blocs. not allied with other nations and especially with either the Communist or the non-Communist blocs SINCE ...

What is the purpose of the Nonaligned Movement?

Non-Aligned Movement. The purpose of the organization has been enumerated as to ensure "the national independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity and security of non-aligned countries" in their "struggle against imperialism, colonialism, neo-colonialism, racism, and all forms of foreign aggression, occupation, domination,...

Did the Non Aligned Movement survive the Cold War?

Although many of the Non-Aligned Movement's members were actually quite closely aligned with one or another of the superpowers, the movement still maintained cohesion throughout the Cold War, even despite several conflicts between members which also threatened the movement.

What does not aligned mean?

not aligned: nonaligned machine parts. not allied with or favoring any other nation or bloc: nonaligned African nations. a nonaligned person or nation. Think you remember last week’s words? Take this quiz on the Words of the Day from April 6–12 to find out! a person who dances professionally, as on the stage.

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