Use Non typical in a sentence

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See also: Non-typical Non Non-binary Non-fungible Non-exempt Non-partisan Non-discretionary Nonfiction Non-repudiation Non-negotiable Non-viable Non-exhaustive Non-existent Non-maleficence Non-profit Non-compliant Non-identical Non-success Non-renewable Non-verbal Non-linear Non-biodegradable

1. Non typical Apparel looks to bring you the best performance and style


2. Non typical Apparel looks to bring you the best performance and style


3. Non typical Taxidermy is your number one source for professional service

Non, Number

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5. My dream whitetail is a Non typical freak of nature

Non, Nature

6. Non typical Clover can perform for 3-5 years with proper management including mowing, fertilization according to soil test, and weed control with herbicides


7. Non typical 2256 American Blvd De Pere WI 54115



NON TYPICAL [ˌnänˈtipikəl]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does nontypical mean?

Definition of nontypical : not typical : atypical a nontypical situation Examples of nontypical in a Sentence Recent Examples on the Web In 2017, Kurt started getting trail-cam pics of something unusual on the property—a buck with some nontypical antler growth.

What does not typical mean?

3. not typical The phrase not typical is used more than untypical. Not typical can be used in a variety of contexts to talk about all kinds of topics, as shown in these examples: This was not typical behavior for a 10-year-old. It was not a typical business meeting. This is not typical weather for Miami.

What is the difference between typical and nontypical antlers?

The more abnormal points a set of antlers has, the more sense it makes to score them as non-typical. The fewer abnormal points a set of antlers has, the more sense it makes to score them as typical. Again, the important thing to keep in mind: Both typical and non-typical sets of antlers are scored based on the main frame.

What is the difference between atypical and untypical?

These cases were atypical because the patients were diabetic. The biopsy showed a few atypical cells. 2. untypical Untypical is used much less often than atypical, and it is becoming rarer. When untypical is used, it is most often after the word not, as in this example: 3. not typical The phrase not typical is used more than untypical.

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