Use Nominalized in a sentence

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See also: Nominalized Nominalization Nominalised Nominal Nominally Nominate Nominee Nomination Nominalism Nominative Nominated Nominator Nominalisation

1. : to convert into or use as a noun or noun phrase Nominalized able into ability nominalizes the adjective poor into the poor First Known Use of nominalize 1659, in the meaning defined above

Noun, Nominalized, Nominalizes, Nominalize

2. Nominalized Clauses in the Grammar Matrix


3. Nominalized: There is a need for an analysis of library use to provide a reliable base for the projections of needed resources

Nominalized, Need, Needed

4. Nominalized verbs: From prohibit–> we get prohibition, from systematize–>we get systematization, And from nominalize–> we get nominalization

Nominalized, Nominalize, Nominalization

5. Nominalized adjectives: From difficult–>we get difficulty, From facile–>we get facility (as in with facility or ease), And from hopeless–>we get hopelessness


6. A Nominalized sentence is one in which abstract nouns perform most of the work

Nominalized, Nouns

7. See authoritative translations of Nominalized in Spanish with example sentences, conjugations and audio pronunciations.


8. A Nominalized adjective is an adjective that has undergone nominalization, and is thus used as a noun

Nominalized, Nominalization, Noun

9. Nominalized Clauses in the Grammar Matrix


10. What does Nominalized mean? Simple past tense and past participle of nominalize

Nominalized, Nominalize

11. A "Nominalized" sentence is one in which abstract nouns perform most of the work

Nominalized, Nouns

12. Nominalized Phrase Concise Revision gave a report reported made a decision decided


13. Nominalized sentences may be grammatically and factually correct, but vague


14. Nominalized infinitives always take a neuter article, and like other nouns are written with a capital letter and declined

Nominalized, Neuter, Nouns

15. Total Construction Market Volume by Sector (x $1m, Nominalized 2009$) Annual Volume (x$1m, 2009$) Sector: History <> Forecast Regional Construction Employment Construction Spending Index 2009‐2020 (2009 =1.0) Construction Volume vs Labor ‐ Annual Increase/Decrease Top Regional Projects Sorted by Construction Value $0


16. The second sentence contains a Nominalized expression


17. ‘Some items in the last set might be plural Nominalized obsoletes rather than verbs, but the ones I checked were third-person singular verbs.’


18. But the Nominalized version—Mark’s failure was the cause…—that version says to the reader, Here’s the conclusion I want you to reach here


19. When a verb gets Nominalized, what becomes of its subject? One of two things


20. Here’s a (mostly) de-Nominalized version with no prepositional phrases: Advertisement

Nominalized, No

21. Nominalized infinitives always take a neuter article, and like other nouns are written with a capital letter and declined

Nominalized, Neuter, Nouns

22. Professor Jaffee offers a good definition, examples, and ways to make Nominalized scientific writing more verbal, and thus easier to understand


23. For example, when Nominalized, the verb pay becomes payment.To function as a verb, the noun payment needs help, so we write make a payment.Legal writing is full of these Nominalized constructions:

Nominalized, Noun, Needs

24. A Nominalized adjective is an adjective that has undergone nominalization, and is thus used as a noun.For example, in the rich and the poor, the adjectives rich and poor function as nouns denoting people who are rich and poor respectively.

Nominalized, Nominalization, Noun, Nouns

25. For example, the verb form can be Nominalized as formalization


26. When a clause is Nominalized, not a particular portion of the clause such as kao ga akai '(your) face is red' but the entire clause can be captured as if it is an object

Nominalized, Not

27. Of how the genitive case of subjects in Nominalized clauses in a number of Altaic languages is licensed

Nominalized, Number

28. The study also deals with the phrasal architecture of Nominalized clauses, proposing correlations between the phrasal ‘‘height’’ of those clauses and the licenser’s distance from the genitive subject.



NOMINALIZED [ˈnämənəˌlīz]

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does nominalized mean?

Definition of nominalize. : to convert into or use as a noun or noun phrase nominalized able into ability nominalizes the adjective poor into the poor.

What does nominalization mean?

Nominalization definition is - the process or result of forming a noun or noun phrase from a clause or a verb.

What does nominalized mean in Chinese?

Two other particles, found throughout the Chinese varieties, are used to explicitly indicate the nominalized noun as being either the agent or patient of the verb being nominalized.

What does nominally mean?

1 : existing as something in name only He was the nominal head of the government. 2 : very small There's just a nominal fee. What made you want to look up nominal? Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible). Love words? Need even more definitions?

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