See also: Nodular Nodularity Cell Goiter Focal Nodule Nodus Nodulous Nodulation Tollens
1. Nodular definition is - of, relating to, characterized by, or occurring in the form of nodules
Nodular, Nodules
2. How to use Nodular in a sentence.
3. Shaped like or occurring in nodules: a Nodular concretion.
Nodules, Nodular
4. The main symptom of prurigo Nodularis (PN) is the formation of hard, very itchy lumps (nodules) on the skin. The nodules can range in size from very small to about half an inch in diameter
Nodularis, Nodules
5. Synonyms: PN, Nodular prurigo, Hyde's disease, picker nodules, lichen corneus obtusus, Nodular lichen simplex chronicus, Nodular neurodermatitis circumscripta This is a chronic inflammatory dermatosis of unknown aetiology
Nodular, Nodules, Neurodermatitis
6. It causes a papuloNodular eruption which is intensely itchy.
7. Nodular swelling and possible bone changes of the area of the lower leg and foot exposed to pressure and trauma while on a surfboard
8. Nodular acne also involves bacteria called p
9. Nodular melanoma is a type of skin cancer
10. Only about 15% of all melanomas are Nodular
11. Nodular melanoma (NM) is defined as an invasive melanoma which lacks significant intraepidermal tumor cells beyond the margins of dermal invasive component
Nodular, Nm
12. (1) According to Wallace Clark and colleagues histopathological classification which is accepted by the World Health Organization Nodular melanoma is one of four subtypes of melanoma.
13. Nodular melanoma tends to appear as a growth that sticks out from the skin and looks like a bump
14. Nodular Basal Cell Carcinoma of Skin is the most common type of BCC that is present as nodules on the skin, usually in the head and neck area Some nodules may grow to large sizes and ulcerate
Nodular, Nodules, Neck
15. Nodular prurigo is a skin condition characterised by very itchy firm lumps
16. It is also called ‘prurigo Nodularis’.
17. What is the cause of Nodular vasculitis? Nodular vasculitis is a type of panniculitis.The exact cause of Nodular vasculitis is unknown but the patchy inflammation in the blood vessels and lymphatics in the deep dermis and subcutaneous fat appears to relate to a …
18. Nodular melanoma is the second most common type of melanoma, accounting for around 15 percent of all cases
19. Nodular melanoma can occur in people of all ages and all races
20. Nodular opacification is one of the broad patterns of pulmonary opacification that can be described on a chest radiograph or chest CT.The others, linear opacification and airway opacification are discussed separately
21. Nodular opacification in the lung may be a
22. Pulmonary nodule; airspace nodule; part of an underlying reticuloNodular pattern.; Pulmonary nodules are situated in the pulmonary
Nodule, Nodules
23. Nodular The bites are extremely irritating, causing Nodular, inflamed swellings that itch persistently for several days or even weeks
24. Nodular lymphoma: [ lim-fo´mah ] any neoplastic disorder of lymphoid tissue, including hodgkin's disease
Nodular, Neoplastic
25. Often used to denote malignant lymphoma , classifications of which are based on predominant cell type and degree of differentiation; various categories may be subdivided into Nodular and diffuse types depending on the predominant pattern
26. Nodular lymphoid hyperplasia (NLH) is a rare benign condition that is characterized by diffuse hyperplasia of the lymphoid follicles of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT)
Nodular, Nlh
27. Home / medterms medical dictionary a-z list / Nodular definition Medical Definition of Nodular
28. Shiel Jr., MD, FACP, FACR; Nodular: Bumpy
29. Nodular panniculitis is diagnosed when other forms of lobular panniculitis associated with fever have been excluded
30. What is the treatment for Nodular panniculitis? There is no single effective therapy
Nodular, No
31. Nodular panniculitis without the involvement of other organs should be treated symptomatically.
32. Nodular acne is a more severe type of acne in which bacteria get trapped inside pores and cause an infection
33. Nodular acne, possible Nodular acne causes and risk factors, and treatments for Nodular acne.
34. 48 year old woman with molecularly confirmed Nodular fasciitis of the breast (BMJ Case Rep
35. 2015;2015:bcr2015213076) 52 year old woman with molecularly confirmed Nodular fasciitis of the vulva (APMIS 2016;124:534) Two cases of molecularly confirmed Nodular fasciitis of the placenta (Fetal Pediatr Pathol 2016;35:93)
36. Nodular or diffuse cutaneous melanoma in the eyelid or conjunctiva can usually be distinguished from SGC by its black or brown pigmentation, but amelanotic melanoma can resemble SGC
37. Nodular acne and cystic acne are severe forms of acne
38. However, Nodular acne does not have a head, whereas cystic acne does
Nodular, Not
39. How is Focal Nodular Hyperplasia of the Liver Diagnosed? A diagnosis of Focal Nodular Hyperplasia of the Liver may involve: Physical exam: Most FNH cases may be diagnosed, via a physical examination
40. Nodular melanoma is an extremely dangerous and fast-growing form of melanoma, the deadliest form of skin cancer.Though only a small percentage of melanomas are considered Nodular, they cause almost half of all melanoma-related deaths
41. The good news is that if Nodular melanoma is diagnosed early, there is a higher chance of it being cured.
News, Nodular
42. Find 67 ways to say Nodular, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus.
43. An invasive form of melanoma is called Nodular melanoma
44. Nodular melanoma is a serious skin cancer that got its name from the word "nodule", a doctor’s term for a lump as Nodular melanoma lesions are shaped like a lump
Nodular, Name, Nodule
45. Nodular melanoma lesions tend to appear on the head or neck
Nodular, Neck
46. Nodular (comparative more Nodular, superlative most Nodular) Of or relating to a nodule or nodules
Nodular, Nodule, Nodules
47. Loose Nodular deposits of gold metal are commonly referred to as nuggets
Nodular, Nuggets
48. Nodular mucosa: Generally speaking, mucosa, or the lining of the GI tract is relatively smooth appearing, with the exception of the small intestine, which appears lik Read More 1 doctor agrees
49. Nodular goiter is a disease of adults and shows a female predominance
50. MultiNodular goiter develops over many years and is detected on routine physical examination or by the patient noticing an enlargement in the neck.
Noticing, Neck
51. Nodular Melanoma – not a common form of skin cancer, as it is known to grow quickly and can cause death if gone untreated or undetected.Statistics indicate that Nodular melanoma is responsible for about 50% of all mortality related incidents regarding melanoma diagnosis.
Nodular, Not
52. Nodular regenerative hyperplasia (NRH) is a rare liver disease in which normal liver tissue transforms into multiple, small clusters (nodules) of replicating liver cells (regenerating hepatocytes)
Nodular, Nrh, Normal, Nodules
53. Extensive Nodular interlobular septal thickening (red arrows) is seen throughout both lungs
54. Nodular acne is a severe type of acne that causes hard, painful lesions on the skin
55. Although rare, Nodular fasciitis occurs as a discrete solid or cystic mass in the head and neck, depending on the predominant stromal components
Nodular, Neck
56. When one sees a head and neck mass with a superficial location and moderate to marked enhancement on CT and MR imaging, Nodular …
Neck, Nodular
57. Nodular melanoma (NM) is the second most common subtype of melanoma (the most common is lentigo maligna melanoma), accounting for 10 to 15 percent of cases
Nodular, Nm
58. Follicular Nodular hyperplasia (FNH) is a tumor of the liver and is the second most common benign tumor of the liver after the liver tumor known as hemangioma
59. Follicular Nodular Hyperplasia can also be known as Focal Nodular Hyperplasia.
NODULAR [ˈnäjələr]
Medical Definition of Nodularity. 1. Increased density of breast tissue, most often due to hormonal changes, which cause the breast to feel lumpy in texture.
Mild nodularity means there are small lumps. While the product is smooth, sometimes it can result in little lumps that can be massaged smooth.
Infection or damage to the synovium causes a rounded swelling (nodule) to form in the tendon. Triggering can also be caused by a congenital defect that forms a nodule in the tendon. The condition is not usually noticeable until the baby starts using its hands.
A pulmonary nodule is simply a small, circular-shaped patch of irregular tissue on the lungs. These patches usually show up after something, like an infection, irritates or damages part of your lung. Pulmonary nodules are relatively common and often harmless, but they can be cancerous in some cases.