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1. Nnsa’s greatest asset will always be its workforce


2. The challenging missions of Nnsa require highly skilled and dedicated employees


3. Established by Congress in 2000, Nnsa is a semi-autonomous agency within the U.S


4. Nnsa maintains and enhances the safety, security, and effectiveness of the U.S


5. The National Nuclear Security Administration (Nnsa) was created by Congress through the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2000 (113 Stat

National, Nuclear, Nnsa

6. Nnsa is responsible for the management and security of the nation's nuclear weapons,

Nnsa, Nation, Nuclear

7. Nnsa’s budget was the subject of a major dispute within the Trump administration last year, in which President Trump ultimately sided with then-Nnsa Administrator Lisa Gordon-Hagerty against then-Energy Secretary Dan Brouillette, who argued for a smaller increase


8. Nnsa Nevada Field Office In 2000, the Nnsa was created by Congress as a semi-autonomous agency within the Department of Energy, responsible for enhancing national security through the military application of nuclear energy

Nnsa, Nevada, National, Nuclear

9. The Nevada Operations Office was renamed the Nnsa Nevada Field Office as part of this change.

Nevada, Nnsa

10. Nnsa Continuing Training In order to gain access to the Nnsa TQP SharePoint site, TQP personnel should do one of the following: The personnel who need access to the site, will need to request a LAN account to access the site and they should send an email to the EITS Service Desk with their name and the site they need to access.

Nnsa, Need, Name

11. Nnsa, in partnership with other countries, has converted or verified as shutdown over 100 research reactors and isotope production facilities …


12. Our fellowships span the Nnsa mission space, including: Nonproliferation.Fellows collaborate with international partners, key federal agencies, national laboratories, and the private sector to detect, secure, and dispose of dangerous nuclear and radiological material and related weapons of mass destruction technology and expertise.

Nnsa, Nonproliferation, National, Nuclear

13. The Nnsa is a semi-autonomous office located within the Department of Energy


14. While the Defense Department manages the delivery systems of the nuclear force — ships, planes and missiles — Nnsa

Nuclear, Nnsa

15.Nnsa is a semi-autonomous agency within the U.S


16. MSTS manages and operates the NNSS for the Nnsa

Nnss, Nnsa

17. As part of Nnsa's commitment to being a responsible steward of tax dollars, the Nnsa created the Supply Chain Management Center (SCMC) in 2006 and selected Honeywell, operator of the Kansas City National Security Campus (KCNSC), as the lead contractor for managing the initiative.

Nnsa, National

18. The Nnsa said it expects to contract a new company to take over on October 1 2021

Nnsa, New

19. "Nnsa is committed to supporting the continued success of both the …


20. The platform will support Nnsa’s Safety Analytics, Forecasting, and Evaluation Reporting (SAFER) project run out


21. The purpose of this document, NAP-401.1, Weapon Quality Policy, is to identify the quality requirements applicable to weapon activities of the Nnsa Federal personnel, contractors and subcontractors

Nap, Nnsa

22. Goal: Providing Cyber Defense to Nnsa’s distributed federal enterprise.


23. Situation: The Nnsa is responsible for the management and security of U.S


24. Nnsa’s Office of the Chief Information Officer (OCIO) must ensure that IT systems across the


25. Nnsa begins construction on project to improve security and reduce costs after reaching critical decision milestone


26. WASHINGTON –The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (DOE/Nnsa) broke ground on the West End Protected Area Reduction (WEPAR) project at the Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12) in Oak Ridge, Tennessee on April 7.

National, Nuclear, Nnsa

27. This Supplemental Directive (SD) establishes the National Nuclear Security Administration (Nnsa) Site Governance Model as the framework that the Federal Government and Nnsa’s contractor partners work within to help ensure effective mission performance and operational excellence

National, Nuclear, Nnsa

28. On Thursday, DOE and Nnsa officials began coordinating notifications about the breach to their congressional oversight bodies after being briefed …

Nnsa, Notifications

29. Nnsa, which was established by Congress in 2000, is a semi-autonomous agency within the Department of Energy responsible for promoting the safety and security of …


30. MYSTERY WIRE — There is a change of leadership happening at the National Nuclear Security Administration, better known as the Nnsa

National, Nuclear, Nnsa

31. According to a news release from the Nnsa, Lisa Gordon-Hagerty has resigned.

News, Nnsa

32. Gordon-Hagerty has been the Nnsa administrator since February 15, 2018


33. In 2000, the National Nuclear Security Administration (Nnsa) was created by Congress as a semi-autonomous agency within the U.S

National, Nuclear, Nnsa

34. The Nevada Operations Office was renamed the Nnsa Nevada Site Office as part of this change.

Nevada, Nnsa

35. 2 days ago · An Nnsa spokesperson on Friday said the project, another step along now, “phases equipment installation to ensure the base capability to produce 30 pits per year will be available in 2026

Nbsp, Nnsa, Now

36. National Nuclear Security Administration (Nnsa) Branded Items Store* Welcome to the Nnsa Branded Items Store!Since 1998, Digitized Logos has facilitated government agencies at all levels – local, state, and federal with their promotional products, apparel and uniform needs.

National, Nuclear, Nnsa, Needs

37. National Nuclear Security Administration (Nnsa) Branded Items

National, Nuclear, Nnsa

38. Lisa Gordon-Hagerty, the head of the National Nuclear Security Administration (Nnsa) and undersecretary of energy for nuclear security, participates at a signing ceremony on 2019

National, Nuclear, Nnsa

39. Nnsaは国家安全に関連する4つの任務を請け負っている。 アメリカ海軍(United States Navy、略称U.S.Navy)の安全のための、海軍に大きな利益をもたらす原子力推進プラントの提供と、そのプラントの信頼できる動作性の確立。 国際的な核の安全性と核拡散防止

Nnsa, Navy

40. It was a dramatic end to a year of strife between the two, who clashed over the size of the National Nuclear Security Administration’s (Nnsa) budget and provided the Washington nuclear policy establishment with the latest experimental data about exactly how much autonomy the Nnsa and its nuclear weapons programs have from the broader DOE’s

National, Nuclear, Nnsa

41. The National Nuclear Security Administration's (Nnsa) overall nuclear modernization budget materials and plans for the next 25 years, as presented in the Fiscal Year 2017 Stockpile Stewardship and Management Plan , differ little from those in the fiscal year 2016 plan

National, Nuclear, Nnsa, Next

42. 20-Year Retirement Benefits For Nnsa Federal Agents


43. MELE is the Contractor Team Arrangement (CTA) Team Lead on this BPA that allows DOE/Nnsa program offices an ordering process that saves time and money; offers services at a discounted rate (using GSA Schedules); access to highly skilled professionals in a wide range of skills and functional areas; and lowers the risk through pre-vetted organizations.


44. Looking for online definition of Nnsa or what Nnsa stands for? Nnsa is listed in the World's largest and most authoritative dictionary database of abbreviations and acronyms The Free Dictionary


45. Sources: Nnsa budget requests, congressional appropriations reports, CRS estimates


46. While the passage of the Budget Control Act in 2011 slowed the increases in Nnsa budgets, appropriations for Nnsa’s weapons activities have grown in each of the subsequent years, reaching $9.25 billion in FY2017, the last year of the Obama Administration


47. National Nuclear Security Administration 2 Nnsa Scope Expansion •Tritium production, extraction and processing capabilities must increase to meet demand

National, Nuclear, Nnsa

48. Established in 2000, the Nnsa is responsible for improving national security through the military use of nuclear science, working to maintain and enhance the safety and effectiveness of the

Nnsa, National, Nuclear

49. The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (Nnsa), Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) and its industry partners today officially unveiled Sierra, one of the world’s fastest supercomputers, at a dedication ceremony to celebrate the system’s completion.

National, Nuclear, Nnsa

50. Nnsa seeks to increase the Weapons Activities account by 25% to $15.6 billion, while the House …


51. 2 days ago · The National Nuclear Security Administration (Nnsa) maintains the nuclear stockpile

Nbsp, National, Nuclear, Nnsa

52. 914 Nnsa jobs available on


53. The Nnsa is responsible, under law, for safeguarding and transporting nuclear weapons, components, and other sensitive nuclear materiels between authorized destinations

Nnsa, Nuclear

54. In fulfilling that responsibility, the Nnsa, through OST, employs, trains, and administers a workforce of Federal Agents (Nuclear Materiels

Nnsa, Nuclear

55. William Bookless, principal deputy administrator of the National Nuclear Security Administration (Nnsa), assumed the role of acting administrator of Nnsa

National, Nuclear, Nnsa

56. The Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration (Nnsa) adopted a data-driven, risk-informed strategy to better assess risks, prioritize investments, and cost effectively modernize its aging nuclear infrastructure

National, Nuclear, Nnsa

57. Nnsa’s new strategy, and lessons learned during its implementation, will help inform other federal data practitioners’ efforts to maintain facility-level

Nnsa, New

58. Department of Energy’s National Nuclear Security Administration’s (DOE/Nnsa) efforts to modernize capabilities and facilities at the Y-12 National Security Complex (Y-12), on Feb

National, Nuclear, Nnsa

59. 26, 2021, DOE/Nnsa awarded a $57.5 million Phase 1


60. National Nuclear Safety Agency Nnsa

National, Nuclear, Nnsa



  • › Nnsa na 10 organization chart
  • › National nuclear security administration
  • › Nnsa albuquerque complex homepage

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