See also: Nirvana Define The Reincarnation Buddhist Of Nirvanic Nirvanesque
1. October 18, 1993 Nirvana starts a three-month tour of North America
Nirvana, North
2. November 19, 1993 Nirvana tapes an all-acoustic show for “MTV Unplugged” at Sony Studios in New York
November, Nirvana, New
3. December 16, 1993 MTV airs Nirvana…
4. Nirvana definition is - the final beatitude that transcends suffering, karma, and samsara and is sought especially in Buddhism through the extinction of desire and individual consciousness
5. Nirvana on Vevo - Official Music Videos, Live Performances, Interviews and more
6. Nirvana, (Sanskrit: “becoming extinguished” or “blowing out”) Pali nibbana, in Indian religious thought, the supreme goal of certain meditation disciplines.Although it occurs in the literatures of a number of ancient Indian traditions, the Sanskrit term Nirvana is most commonly associated with Buddhism, in which it is the oldest and most common designation for the goal of the Buddhist
Nirvana, Nibbana, Number
7. Nirvana definition, freedom from the endless cycle of personal reincarnations, with their consequent suffering, as a result of the extinction of individual passion, hatred, and delusion: attained by the Arhat as his goal but postponed by the Bodhisattva
8. Nirvana's official music video for Smells Like Teen Spirit, remastered in HD
9. Subscribe for more videos: to more from
10. Nirvana are one of the biggest and most influential bands in music history
11. Nirvana Seeds are a great choice for novice growers and pros alike
Nirvana, Novice
12. Nirvana began playing parties in Olympia, gaining a cult following
13. Poneman signed Nirvana, and in December of 1988, the band released its first single, a cover of Shocking Blue's "Love Buzz."
14. In the spiritual definition, Nirvana (or nibbana in Pali) is an ancient Sanskrit word that means something like "to extinguish," with the connotation of extinguishing a flame
Nirvana, Nibbana
15. Nirvana, Soundtrack: Shoot 'Em Up
16. Nirvana was an American rock band formed by lead singer and guitarist Kurt Cobain and bassist Krist Novoselic in Aberdeen, Washington, in 1987
Nirvana, Novoselic
17. Nirvana began playing parties in Olympia, gaining a cult following
18. During 1987, the band made ten demos with producer Jack Endino, who played the recordings to Jonathan Poneman, one of the founders of the Seattle-based indie label Sub Pop.Poneman signed Nirvana, and in December of 1988, the band released its first single, a cover of Shocking Blue's "Love Buzz."
19. There are multiple artists tracked as "Nirvana" on
20. Following are six, listed in order of prominence: 1) Nirvana was a popular and highly influential American grunge band
21. The main character Solo in Nirvana, a computer game developed by Jimi for release in 3 days, has gained self-awareness after a virus …
22. Nirvana, American alternative rock group whose breakthrough album, Nevermind (1991), announced a new musical style (grunge) and gave voice to the post-baby boom young adults known as Generation X
Nirvana, Nevermind, New
23. Nirvana’s sculpted symphony of reckless guitar, bass, and drums nailgunned to some of the most oblique yet thoughtful lyrics of all time ushered in the alt-rock nation
Nirvana, Nailgunned, Nation
24. Nirvana accidentally kicked off a cultural revolution with 1991's Nevermind, an album that brought rock & roll kicking and screaming into the modern world.
Nirvana, Nevermind
25. Nirvana synonyms, Nirvana pronunciation, Nirvana translation, English dictionary definition of Nirvana
26. Nirvana – Game of Life is an Adventure game developed by GoldTusks
27. Nirvana is a place of perfect peace and happiness, like heaven
28. In Hinduism and Buddhism, Nirvana is the highest state that someone can attain, a state of enlightenment, meaning a person's individual desires and suffering go away.
29. Download Nirvana - Game of Life and enjoy it on your iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch
30. Play as a soul traveling from body to body through the cycle of life, all while experiencing everything life has to offer and trying to break the cycle in order to reach Nirvana.
31. Nirvana Asia Group (富貴集團) (Nirvana) is the largest integrated pre-planning death care service provider in Asia*
32. Nirvana Malaysia offer premium quality burial plots, columbarium niches and tomb design and construction services in terms of design, landscaping, materials used for building and amenities, site maintenance, and customer services, as well as high quality
Nirvana, Niches
33. Be aware that Nirvana is often placed on hydroponics store shelves along with competing products such as Pure Blend Pro and Liquid Karma, but Nirvana contains more crop-boosting ingredients than any other organic booster product
34. Not only that, Nirvana is the only 100% organic, concentrated, easy to use formula of its type.
Not, Nirvana
35. Nirvana Biography by Stephen Thomas Erlewine + Follow Artist
36. Releasing just three albums in four years, Nirvana made an immortal impact on music
37. Listen to Nirvana by Nirvana on Apple Music
38. Listen free to Nirvana – Nevermind (Smells Like Teen Spirit, In Bloom and more)
Nirvana, Nevermind
39. Nevermind is the second studio album by the American grunge band Nirvana, released on September 24, 1991
Nevermind, Nirvana
40. Play this life simulation as a soul traveling from body to body through the cycle of life, all while experiencing everything life has to offer and trying to break the cycle in order to reach Nirvana
41. The official Nirvana online store
42. Fans can purchase exclusive merchandise and the Nirvana catalog on vinyl.
43. Enjoy Our Broad Spectrum CBD and Experience the Nirvana CBD Difference
44. Featuring a wide selection of ultra-premium, lab-tested CBD products–including CBD oils, topicals, gummies, and softgels–Nirvana CBD is the leader in high-quality CBD!
45. In Buddhism, Nirvana is the state of perfect peace free from reincarnation reached by not wanting more than you have
Nirvana, Not
46. It is every Buddhist's goal to achieve Nirvana
47. Considered by many to be the leading lights of the Seattle grunge scene of the late 1980s/early 1990s, and perhaps the most influential rock band of Generations X & Y, Nirvana was a powerful trio of musicians who brought …
48. A talented yet troubled grunge performer, Kurt Cobain was the frontman for Nirvana and became a rock legend in the 1990s with albums 'Nevermind' and 'In Utero.'
Nirvana, Nevermind
49. Nirvana popularized punk, post-punk, and indie rock, unintentionally bringing them into the American mainstream like no other band to date
Nirvana, No
50. While their sound was equal parts Black Sabbath (as learned by fellow Washington underground rockers the Melvins) and Cheap Trick, Nirvana…
51. 18 synonyms of Nirvana from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 27 related words, definitions, and antonyms
52. Nirvana: a state of being disregardful or unconscious of one's surroundings, concerns, or obligations
53. Nirvana is a to-do app, built for Getting Things Done®, that helps you clarify what's relevant now, so you can accomplish big and little things when it counts the most
Nirvana, Now
54. Essentially a greatest-hits collection with one previously unreleased song, "You Know You're Right," and producer Scott Litt's 1994 remix of "Pennyroyal Tea," Nirvana the album is nevertheless a welcome addition to the band's canon.
Nirvana, Nevertheless
55. Nirvana is located about 35 miles south of Cadillac in Michigan's Great Outdoors
56. Nirvana is a cloud-based task manager that keeps you in sync
57. Nirvana MTV Unplugged In New York T-Shirt from Amplified T-Shirt 90s 1993 Band Tour, Unisex Shirt Retro T-shirt Nirvana Hanson Black Tee ShinningArcher
Nirvana, New
NIRVANA [nərˈvänə, nirˈvänə]
Nirvana literally means "cool" or "to extinguish", and it is a state where suffering has been "extinguished.". Or said another way, the flames of desire have been cooled.
The name Nirvana is of English origin. The meaning of Nirvana is "disappearance, extinction (of the soul)". Nirvana is generally used as a girl's name.
Nirvana: a state of being disregardful or unconscious of one's surroundings, concerns, or obligations. Synonyms: forgetfulness, oblivion, obliviousness... Antonyms: anti-utopia, dystopia, hell... Find the right word.
Nirvana (Sanskrit: nirvāṇa; Pali: nibbana, nibbāna) is the earliest and most common term used to describe the goal of the Buddhist path. The literal meaning is "blowing out" or "quenching .".