Use Ninetieths in a sentence

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See also: Ninetieth Nineties Ninety Nine Nineveh Nineteen Niner Ninth Nineteenth Ninepin Cloud On Little Sixty The A

1. What does Ninetieths mean? Plural form of ninetieth

Ninetieths, Ninetieth

2. Ninetieths is a Words with Friends word


3. Words with Friends point value for Ninetieths: 13 points


4. Words made by unscrambling the letters N I N E T I E T H S 10 letter words made by unscrambling the letters in Ninetieths


5. Ninetieths 1 point 2 points 3 points 9 months ago Oh shame, do you have a pic of yours? I don’t think a hanging basket is the best way to keep this pep but it’s happy enough so I …


6. Ninetieths is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 13 points. Ninetieths is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 14 points. Ninetieths is a 10 letter long Word starting with N and ending with S


7. 9 letter Words made out of Ninetieths


8. ninetieth (plural Ninetieths) The person or thing in the ninetieth position

Ninetieth, Ninetieths

9. Noun A ninetieth part; the quotient of unity divided by ninety: as, two Ninetieths

Noun, Ninetieth, Ninety, Ninetieths

10. But why "Ninetieths" of a dollar? I thought I knew early American coinage reasonably well, but I had never encountered this type of accounting

Ninetieths, Never

11. The two-Ninetieths has been considered as a prerequisite to the Postmaster; the General Post Office has not been credited with it

Ninetieths, Not

12. The answer is C: eleven and forty two Ninetieths pounds


13. Before the cent, Revolutionary and colonial dollars were reckoned in Ninetieths, based on the exchange rate of Pennsylvania money and Spanish coin.


14. However, on occasion an amount expressed in Ninetieths will appear with a decimal point between the whole dollars and the number of Ninetieths

Ninetieths, Number

15.Ninetieths → ninety; Recent Queries: Words ending in q, Words that begin with ne, Words ending in forth, Words that start with miss, Where can i find a list of words ending in giver? Last Popular ©2021 WordOver Crossword Solver

Ninetieths, Ninety, Ne

16. Ninetieths of a dollar; upon all other wines, per gallon, six Ninetieths of a dollar; upon common bohea tea, per pound, six Ninetieths of a dollar; upon all other teas, per pound, twenty-four Ninetieths of a dollar; upon pepper, per pound, three Ninetieths of a dollar; …


17. Ninetieths 202 points 203 points 204 points 2 years ago (15 children) It was surprisingly more effort than I thought it would be! I kind of gave up after the head.


18. I was a guest at Polya's Ninetieths birthday


19. The fraction four Ninetieths is equal to the recurring decimal 0.04 recurring.


20. Upon every Gallon of Maderia wine, twelve Ninetieths of a dollar


21. Upon every gallon of all other wines six Ninetieths of a dollar


22. Upon every pound of common bohea tea six Ninetieths of a dollar


23. Upon every pound of other India tea, 24 Ninetieths of a dollar


24. Upon every pound of pepper, three Ninetieths


25. Of $11 and 72 Ninetieths from Timothy Pickering for forage rations in January and February of 1783


26. ADS, "Sam'l Comstock," acknowledging receipt of $4 and 57 Ninetieths from Timothy Pickering for forage rations


27. That as Virginia, Massachusetts and Pennsylvania, have forty-two Ninetieths of the votes, they can do as they please, without a miraculous union of the other ten



NINETIETHS [ˈnīn(t)ēəTH]

  • › Ninetieth definition of integrity

Frequently Asked Questions

What does it mean to be in the nineties?

2. aged 90. 1. the period of time between one's ninetieth and one hundredth birthdays. 2. the range of temperatures between ninety and one hundred degrees. 3. the period of time between the ninetieth and one hundredth years of a century. 1. one of ninety equal parts.

Which is the next word after the ninety-ninth?

next after the eighty-ninth; being the ordinal number for 90. being one of 90 equal parts. a ninetieth part, especially of one (1/90). the ninetieth member of a series. Think you remember last week’s words? Take this quiz on the Words of the Day from April 6–12 to find out! a person who dances professionally, as on the stage.

Which is one of ninety-five equal parts of something?

A ninetieth is one of ninety equal parts of something. Want to learn more? Improve your vocabulary with English Vocabulary in Use from Cambridge. Learn the words you need to communicate with confidence. Boxplots for each categor y show fifth, tenth, twenty-fifth, median, seventy-fifth, ninetieth, and ninety-fifth percentiles.

What is the period of time between Ninetieth and one hundredth?

1. the period of time between one's ninetieth and one hundredth birthdays. 2. the range of temperatures between ninety and one hundred degrees. 3. the period of time between the ninetieth and one hundredth years of a century. 1. one of ninety equal parts.

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