See also: Nihilist Nihilistic Illustrious Illustration Illustrate Niello Nielsen Niels Illustrated Illustrator Nelly Inelastic Niel
1. Niellist definition is - a maker of or worker in niello.
Niellist, Niello
2. What does Niellists mean? Plural form of Niellist
Niellists, Niellist
3. Plural of Niellist Definition from Wiktionary, the free dictionary
4. Niellist; stilling; Definitions of instill
5. Niellist definitions One who practices the style of ornamentation called niello.
Niellist, Niello
6. Niellist is worth 10 points in the game of Scrabble
7. Definitions for the word, Niellist (n.) One who practices the style of ornamentation called niello
Niellist, Niello
8. 127 words found in the Scrabble word, Niellist
9. By the end of the fourteenth and early fifteenth centuries, whole suits of armour were almost invariable, and then came the opportunity for the goldsmith, the damascener, and the Niellist.
10. Niellist (plural Niellists) One who practices the style of ornamentation called niello
Niellist, Niellists, Niello
11. Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where "Niellist" is defined
12. General (10 matching dictionaries) Niellist: [home, info] Niellist: Collins English Dictionary [home, info] Niellist: Wordnik [home, info] Niellist: Wiktionary [home, info] Niellist, Niellist: [home, info]
13. is a malicious web site that is related in hijacking Google Chrome browser with its many faulty alerts that tell people to install some suspicious extension into Google Chrome browser
14. One of its earliest practitioners was the Florentine goldsmith and Niellist Maso Finiguerra (1426–64)
15. Niellist How many syllables? 3 Syllables How it's divided? ni-el-list
Niellist, Ni
16. Niellist How many syllables? 3 Syllables How it's divided? ni-el-list
Niellist, Ni
17. Niellist Total Number of words made out of Niellist = 127 Niellist is an acceptable word in Scrabble with 8 points.Niellist is an accepted word in Word with Friends having 11 points
Niellist, Number
18. Niellist is a 8 letter medium Word starting with N and ending with T
19. 7 letter Words made out of Niellist
20. Maso Tommasoii Finiguerra was an Italian goldsmith, Niellist, draftsman, and engraver working in Florence, who was incorrectly described by Giorgio Vasari as the inventor of engraving as a printmaking technique
21. We've got 0 rhyming words for Niellist » What rhymes with Niellist? This page is about the various possible words that rhymes or sounds like Niellist.Use it for writing poetry, composing lyrics for your song or coming up with rap verses.
22. Niello definition in English dictionary, niello meaning, synonyms, see also 'Niellist',Neill',Niemöller',nigella'
Niello, Niellist, Neill, Niem, Nigella
23. He studied under the goldsmith and Niellist Francia, and later often signed his work M-A
24. A list of lyrics, artists and songs that contain the term "Niellist" - from the website.
25. He studied under the goldsmith and Niellist Francia, and later often signed his work M-A
26. Looking for the scripts matching Niellist? Find all about Niellist on! The Web's largest and most comprehensive scripts resource.
27. Niellist = Niellist danh từ thợ khảm men huyền (vào đồ vàng bạc) /ni'elist/ danh từ thợ khảm men huyền (vào đồ vàng bạc) Tra Từ Dịch Nguyên Câu Bài Dịch Lớp Ngoại Ngữ Go47 Tử Vi English Cấp Tốc Tiếng Anh ABC History Search
Niellist, Ng, Ni, Nguy, Ngo